"So?" Caitlyn asked as soon as we entered the house again. She was still dressed in her pajamas, her hair up in a messy bun now. She sat in a kitchen chair right in front of the door, obviously waiting for us.
I blushed. I felt uncomfortable under her stare.
"Genna's my girlfriend," Gray said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I blushed even more.
Caitlyn's face broke into a triumphant grin. "I knew it." The smile disappeared just as quickly as it appeared, and she stood to her full height. Her eyes said "death" and I was suddenly concerned for Gray's well being.
"If you hurt her at all," she started, getting closer to Grayson with each word. I pressed a hand against her stomach, and she stopped walking, but the stern look was still on her face. "I will not hesitate to rip off your dick and staple it to your forehead. Got it?"
I looked at Grayson now, silently begging him not to laugh. Caitlyn was crazy enough to do something like that, and I didn't want Gray to lose his junk this morning.
Thankfully, he only nodded. "I don't plan on it."
"Good. Now who wants breakfast?"
"Me! Did you make pancakes?" I asked, walking towards the kitchen. I looked over my shoulder at her, and I wasn't paying attention. Which is why my left hips ran into the corner, and I stumbled away from it.
"Jeez Genna. What did the wall do to you?" Gray asked, his eyebrows creasing together.
"I'm fine. I've had worse," I shrugged. My hip was only a dull ache, it would surely bruise by tomorrow.
"It's true. I've seen her run head first into the floor," Caitlyn threw in.
I grimaced. "Thanks."
"Hey, he might as well know how much of an idiot you can be while dizzy now than later."
"You did that when you were dizzy?" He asked.
"You should see her drunk!"
"Shut up!" I shouted, blushing profusely now.
"What happened then?" Gray asked, a grin pulling at his lips.
"Sit down and eat and I'll tell you," Caitlyn said.
I immediately ground my feet into the floor and put my entire body weight against him. "Don't you dare go in there."
Gray picked me up and gently set me down out of the way. He laughed at my shocked expression as he entered the kitchen. I groaned loudly, dreading the story that Caitlyn was going to tell him. He didn't need to know this side of me just yet. We just started dating not even twenty minutes ago. I walked to the kitchen and sat at the island next to Gray, who was happily eating away at his pancakes.
"So Genna decided to go out on a trip with her other friend to a lake house. There were older kids there, and they were providing the booze. Let's just say Genna's very giggly and happy when drunk. Also very lovey," Caitlyn smirked at me. I groaned and slammed my head on the counter. "She also likes to Snapchat you."
I groaned and bounced my head off of the counter again. Grayson laughed at my actions, and I pinched his thigh.
"I have screenshots of everything she sent me that night, and the night after that. She's very... vibrant when drunk. She also likes to strip a lot, so make sure you keep her shirt on for her if you let her drink."
"Noted," Grayson joked.
I groaned again and spoke up, my words muffled by the counter top. "That was one weekend!"
"She cried over a Goldfish cracker."
"He had died! We had to give him a funeral!" I defended myself, glaring at Caitlyn.
Grayson was in tears by now, and I felt my ears begin to burn from embarrassment. This is not how I would've wanted him to find out about all of this.
"Tell him about that one kid who hit on you!" Caitlyn laughed.
Gray stopped laughing. "What kid?"
I rolled my eyes. "He's like a brother to me. He tried hitting on me that weekend and that's it. I told him 'no', and he stopped. No need to go all macho and 'teach him a lesson' because that stuff pisses me off."
A smirk appeared on his face. "I love that about you."
I frowned. "What?"
"You really do hate conflict. You hate seeing people get hurt, and you like to do things your way to protect them. You immediately defended this boy because you were worried I was going to do something."
"Well, yeah. That's what boyfriends do, right? They go beat up other guys that look at their girl the wrong way?" I asked, utterly confused now.
"I don't. Remember what I said last night?" He asked, that smirk still on his face.
My puzzlement melted away and I smiled. I wouldn't have to be the one to restrain him from picking a fight. Gray was calm and collected like I was, and didn't want to fight either. He'd rather find a peaceful route out of a situation as well.
"What was said last night?" Caitlyn asked around a mouthful of food.
"That's confidential information," I said.
She rolled her eyes. "Sure it is."
"It's a Gray and me thing. I can't give away all of our secrets," I winked at her.
She smirked and put her plate in the sink. "Well, I should get going. Mom's going to be asking where I am soon, and will be mad if I don't bring the car home."
"Tell her I said 'hi'," I told her as she headed to the front door with her keys.
"I will," she said. Then she was gone, the door shutting behind her. The engine starting and fading away was the only sound of her departure.
"So can I see what you painted on my back?" Gray asked.
I hadn't even realized that he was still shirtless, or that I hadn't even shown him the photo I took of it. I grabbed out my phone and showed him in, and his jaw dropped.
"That's not fair," he breathed.
"What isn't?"
"You're good at ceramics and painting? How?" He asked, handing me my phone back.
"My family's very artistic on my dad's side. I'm also just a very well-rounded person."
"Lucky. All I can do is play piano," he muttered.
"I can't play piano," I said, jealousy filling my words.
"You can't?" He asked.
I rolled my eyes and held up my hands. "Do you really think I could play with these little fingers?"
Gray stared at my hand for a minute, before placing his hand against mine. My hand was dwarfed by his large one, and his was comfortingly warm. His was dark and bronzed, and though mine was slightly tanned, it looked creamy next to his. I moved my fingers ever so slightly so that they slid between his, and I closed my hand. His did the same, and we stared at our connected hands.
This wasn't as big of a step for me as it would be if we kissed. I hold hands with a lot of people, anyone really. I've only kissed four guys in my life, so kissing someone meant a lot to me. But something about our hands holding each other seemed special.
"I won't hurt anyone you talk to, boy or girl. I'm not that type of boyfriend."
"I trust you."
"I'm just making sure you know, because I feel like this has been a problem before."
"What makes you say that?"
"You were so quick to jump in and defend the kid. Something must've happened to make you react that way."
I sighed in content. I love how observing he was. "I've been around relationships like that my entire life, so I know that I definitely don't like it when a guy does that. I also just don't like violence."
"My cute little marshmallow," he said, pulling me onto his lap.
I laughed. "That's the best you can do?"
"Hey you call me what everyone else does," he shot back.
"I love your name! I would've named my child 'Grayson' before I even met you," I defended myself.
He grinned. "Really?"
"Yeah! It's either that or I would name my child 'Samson'."
"What if it was a girl?"
"'Johanna' or 'Stevie'," I answered.
"I love those names," he said, a small smile still on his lips.
"Gray, how many kids do you want?" I asked.
He laughed. "Easy there, tiger."
I rolled my eyes. "Shut up. I'm not saying I want to have your babies. I'm just curious."
"Well, I love kids and I'm really good with them. I would love to have three. Little stinky Graysons running around."
"I think you'd be a cool dad and uncle," I complimented. I could see it. Gray had that childlike quality about him that probably attracted kids to him in swarms. My heart melted at the thought of this big, scary looking guy having a soft spot for children and playing around with them.
He kissed my cheek. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," I said, my cheeks burning.
"Hey I want to go on an adventure. Want to come with?" He suddenly asked.
A big smile split my face. "Yeah!"
"Let's go then! We need to stop by my house first, though. I need to get some things for us."
"Alright. Who's home?"
"Just Ethan. Maybe my sister, but I think she went out to a friend's house."
"Sounds good," I said, smiling. I followed him out the door, after leaving a note for my mom that I went out with a friend. We headed towards the familiar blue car that I had grown to love, and got into it. Gray started it up, and his hand immediately landed on my thigh. I tensed at the contact at first, his hand feeling like a weapon being held against my body, before I began to relax when he rubbed comforting circles against my skin. I began to enjoy it, though the tension didn't completely leave my body.
We drove through quiet neighbor hoods like mine, and then took a turn into the richer neighbor hoods. I cast a glance at Gray, and he was already smirking. "You weren't expecting this, were you?"
"Not at all," I breathed, staring in wonder at the massive houses before me. They had huge yards and looked expensive with multiple floors; something I would only dream of living in one day.
"Oh, trust me, this is only the beginning of it," he said, winking at me.
We pulled into a long driveway, and I gaped at it. It was a two-story home, with beautiful landscaping. A brick pathway led up to the door, and I suddenly felt nervous. I didn't do good in fancy places, things would get broken.
Grayson put the car in park, and hopped out of it. "Come on in!"
My knees felt like jelly, and I forced myself to exit the car. I slowly shut the door, and met Gray halfway up the pathway to the door. He gave me a concerned look, and I tried my best to give him a confident smile.
"Are you alright?" He asked, taking my clammy hand.
"Perfect," I weakly said.
"Are you nervous?" He asked.
"Not at all," I stated.
He rolled his eyes. "My parents aren't even home. You're just going to sit on the couch until I get the stuff we need and then we'll leave, alright?"
"I can do that," I agreed.
Gray opened the door and I was quickly overwhelmed again by the sheer size of the house and how lavishly furnished it was.
"Grayson!" A yell suddenly echoed off of the gray walls, and I nearly jumped out of my skin.
"What?" Gray shouted back.
"Shave my back!" The voice yelled again, and I snickered. The voice belonged to Ethan.
"No way! That's gross!" Gray said, leading me to the living room.
Before we could get far, Ethan appeared at the top of the stairs. His eyes immediately landed on me. "What's she doing here?"
"She's hanging out for a bit while I get some stuff, then we're leaving," Gray explained.
"Where are you guys going?" He asked, leaning against the railing.
"Somewhere fun. Now go away," Gray told him.
"Fine, be that way you big baby," Ethan sassed, walking away.
Gray lead me to a spacious room with a tv, leather couches, and other antique furnishings. "Sit down and I'll be back in a minute," Gray instructed before taking off.
I slowly sat down, carful to not ruin anything with a wrong move. I sunk into the cushion, and was amazed at how soft it was. I sighed in content, and immediately felt drowsy. I guess I didn't get as much sleep as I could've, and it was catching up with me. I don't even remember my eyes closing before I was deeply asleep, curled up on the Dolan's couch.
"I thought you were leaving with Genna?"
I slightly woke up to Ethan's voice, but I was still within sleep's embrace.
"We were, but there was a change of plans." It was Grayson's deep voice, rumbling in his chest close to my head. This is when I became aware of how I was cuddled into his chest, his arms wrapped around me and a blanket over the both of us. I was warm, and I sighed in content. This might be the safest I've felt in a very long time. In the arms of a guy, shockingly.
"Did she go home then?" Ethan asked.
"No, she's right here," Grayson pointed out.
I heard footsteps coming closer, and I heard a snort. "She's so small, you can't see her buried against you and in the blanket."
"It's adorable," Gray defended me.
"It is, kind of," Ethan admitted. Ha! Ethan thought I was adorable. I have dirt on him now.
It was silent for a moment, but then Ethan softly spoke up. "You really like her, don't you."
I made a conscious effort to breathe evenly, as to not alert the twins to me being awake. I eagerly awaited Gray's answer, but anxiousness twisted my gut as well. What if his feelings for me weren't the same as mine?
"She's special, that's a fact," Gray stated, pulling me closer. "I wouldn't call it love right away, because we just got together. We don't know everything about each other yet, and love takes time to build up. She has her scars, scars that she hasn't shown me yet, and I have mine that she doesn't know about either. But there's definitely a connection between us. We've seen more of each other than the rest of the world does, and we accept each other for who we truly are. It's like the connection we have, but romantically. I know for a fact that I don't want to let her go anytime soon."
Breathing was difficult now. I was touched by his words, and I felt the tears begin to form underneath my eyelids. He was willing to take his time, and not force me into anything. What he felt for me was gentle and caring, something that I'd never thought I'd get from a guy. It was like a flower, and we had to nurture it and make it grow for it to blossom.
I cringed at my thoughts. That was stereotypical and made me want to gag.
"So she's staying in your life?"
"For as long as she wants to stay, yes."
"I'll play nice then. Consider her my best friend now."
"Thanks E. It means a lot to me," Gray thanked him.
"Hey, if she makes you happy, then I'm happy. Maybe she's good for both of us."
"I think she is," Gray agreed.
Ethan's feet padded away from us, and I felt Gray nestle back into the blanket and pull me closer to his chest, to the point where I was completely surrounded by him. He was like a shield, and I felt comfortable and safe within his arms. This was our own personable bubble, where the rest of the world couldn't get to us. It was just me and him, and our heartbeats.
I sighed in content, and let a smile creep onto my lips. I dozed off again, and it was the best sleep I've ever had.
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