I woke up early the next morning. The sunlight came into my room dimly, so I assumed that it was closer to noon. Caitlyn was sprawled out on my bed, her face in a state of total relaxation. I was usually the first one up, so I quietly walked out of my room and down to the kitchen to get breakfast.
My feet softy padded across the tiled floor. I climb on top of the counter and grabbed myself a bowl and a box of cereal. I poured myself a bowl and poured milk before sitting down at the table, eating quietly.
Last night felt like a dream. I felt as if I asked Caitlyn about it, she'd look at me as if I'd gone crazy, and tell me that my date with Gray never happened. The way we clicked seemed surreal.
My feelings for him were anything but that. My feelings for him made me smile way too much and made me want to dance and sing. But they were also terrifying and oppressive. I felt as if I couldn't breath when I thought of him. The onslaught of emotions that crashed into my was too much, and it was scary.
My phone vibrated. I picked it up to see a text from Gray, and I smiled despite my previous thoughts.
"I'll be over in a few. I want to see you," it read.
I took a calming breath as my heart began to race.
"Just come into the backyard," I replied.
I finished my cereal and put the bowl in the sink. I headed upstairs and tiptoed around my room. I gathered the materials needed, all without disturbing Caitlyn from her slumber. I softly shut the door behind me and walked to the back door. I slid it open, set my brushes and paints on the patio table, and shut it behind me.
I took a seat on a chair and let the sun warm me as I painted. I let the brush swirl and dab at my legs, letting my mind a moment to wonder.
I was grateful that Mom had taken Jace and Jonathan with her to a baby shower. It made the house all the more quiet, and I craved the silence. It was rare that my house was quiet, because it usually echoed with screams and yelling. Jace and Jonathan weren't the most quiet of people, and neither was my mom.
"What at you up to?" His voice said from right above me.
"Relaxing. What about you?" I asked without looking up from my work. I had painted a lovely sunrise on the front of my thigh, and I was too focused to look away.
"Sun bathing," he said.
That I did look up for, because faster than I thought possibly he stripped off his shirt. He set his dusty rose shirt, finally something other than black, on the back of my chair and laid down on a lawn chair after pushing it all the way forward. He lied on his stomach, flexing his back muscles and arms occasionally. Probably for my benefit.
I couldn't look away. It was easily one of the prettiest backs I've ever seen, and I loved his golden skin. His back was the most open spaces of his body as well; no tattoos. It was too good of an opportunity, and I'm pretty sure he'd be more than willing to let me do it.
"Hey Gray. Can I paint your back?" I asked.
He opened one eye suspiciously, gazing at me. "Why?"
I shrugged. "I feel like it. It'd be a great canvas."
He smirked. "Never thought you'd be the one to check me out."
I rolled my eyes. "Please. I don't need to check you out to know that you have a wider back than a girl, therefore, a better canvas than Caitlyn."
He chuckled. "Fine. Please don't use the permanent paint though."
"You know, the stuff the use for actual paintings."
"That's acrylic paint," I chuckled. "I save that for actual canvases. I'll just use my body paint."
"You body paint?"
"Yeah. I wanted to go to school for special effects makeup and body painting is part of it. Also it's just fun to do," I explained.
He smiled. "I can see that. You'd be good at that."
I smiled. "Thanks. Now, I'm going to sit on you."
"I'm fine with that," he said, winking.
I rolled my eyes. "I'm just warning you because I'm not as light as I look."
"I'll be fine. Just do it," he said.
I set my stuff on the patio in reach of me, and I slowly sat on Gray's butt. I straddled his back, and lifted a brush from my jar.
"You are extremely light. How much do you weigh?" He asked.
"You're not supposed to ask ladies that!" I mock scolded, tapping his back with the end of my brush.
His back vibrated beneath my hand as he laughed. "Shut up. How much do you weigh?"
"Last time I checked I was a hundred and ten pounds. That was awhile ago," I informed him.
"No way."
"Yeah. It's the height. You wouldn't expect it from someone as small as me."
"Seriously," he agreed.
It was quiet as I lightly pressed my brush to his back. He shivered, but remained still enough for me to continue. I began to paint with a dark blue, smearing it all over the expanse of his back. As I worked, his muscles sometimes bunched beneath my touch. Every time it happened, I felt the need to run my hands all over his back. I fought the urge, but it happened a lot. If I began to blend colors together and I would glide the brush smoothly over it, he would sigh or hum in content. I liked that this felt good to him.
Gray was a good canvas. He didn't twitch because it tickled, or he didn't make conversation that would disrupt the process. He knew I was deeply focused on this, and he didn't mess me up.
I finished after about fifteen minutes, and I gazed in wonder at the starry night sky staring back at me. I painted in black the outline of a major city, the lights of the buildings seeming to blend in with the stars in the sky. It seemed a little magical. It was a common teenager dream to want to move to the big city after graduating high school.
Which brought me to my next question. "Gray, you never told me what you wanted to be when you grew up." I took my phone out and snapped a photo.
"Well, up until recently I didn't have a plan. Now I'm just trying to see what my options are."
"What are you thinking?"
"Well, I've been inspired to make people really happy. I want to make people laugh and smile all the time."
"Maybe a comedian then?"
"I don't want to stand in front of huge crowds though. I can't talk to people like that. I was thinking more along the lines of starting a YouTube channel."
"That sounds fun! Is Ethan going to be in it?" I asked.
He told me to stand up for a second, and I did. He turned over onto his back and grabbed my waist, pulling me down onto his lap. I blushed at the gesture, and tried to get off. His large hands held me in place, though, and I gave up. He removed one hand and adjusted the back on the chair, bringing it forward so he didn't have to crane his neck to look at me.
"Ethan's the one that came up with the idea. He's wanted to do it for years, but it didn't fit the image that we were trying to set for ourselves at the time," he explained. His thumb traced circles on my bare thighs, and I can't say that I didn't like it.
"Well that's good that you guys are branching out. What inspired the sudden change?"
"I'll get back to you on that." That annoying smirk that makes my heart swell and my breath go ragged appeared on his face. How could the simplest things do that to me? It didn't make any sense. I wasn't used to this. No amount of preparation could mentally prepare me for these feelings.
It was now that I realized that we had slowly inched towards each other, until his eyes were level with mine and I was sat completely on his lap. The back of the chair had followed his ascent up, probably sticking to the paint. We were inches apart, gazing into each other's eyes.
It was also at this point that I know what I wanted. I wanted to finish what had almost happened last night. I wanted to kiss Grayson, and I wanted all of the consequences that would inevitably come with this. I wanted to give my heart to him, and I wanted him to give me his heart as well. I wanted to let him in; no more walls, no more secrets. I wanted him to experience me at my most vulnerable and broken. I wanted him to fix me, and I wanted to fix him.
His hazel eyes glanced at my lips, and my eyes did the same. We inched forward more, and my eyes closed. I was ready for this.
"Hey Gen- ah!" Caitlyn yelped. As fast as lightning I had taken the paintbrush I still held in my hand and launched at Caitlyn. It pegged her right in the chest, and she rubbed the red mark that was already forming. She didn't appear mad, though, but excited. She quickly stepped back inside and shut the door and curtains. I doubt those curtains would stay closed for long. She'd definitely be peeking.
I turned back to Gray, and he read my mind. His large hand grabbed my face and our lips connected. My heart raced, and I felt like I was flying. It was soft and slow, with a underlying current of need. We both were needing this.
We pulled away, breathless. I laughed at the dazed look in his eyes, and he joined me. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for that."
"Sorry I kept you waiting."
We were about to get back to it, when we heard muffled screaming. We turned and saw Caitlyn, through the now opened curtains, jumping around happily. "They kissed! They kissed!" She screamed.
We laughed, and turned back to each other. "You've been waiting a long time to kiss me?"
"Longer than you'd imagine. You're very unobservant when someone has feelings for you."
"How could I have known you had genuine feelings for me? Everything you said was sexual and sarcastic. You made it hard for me."
"That's what she said."
"See!" I exclaimed, laughing.
He threw back his head in laughter, and I leaned into his chest as I laughed as well.
After our fits have subsided, we remained that way.
"Does this mean we're together now?" I asked.
"Do you have a choice?" He asked, chuckling.
For once in my life, I liked not having a choice. "I don't believe I do."
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