"I had a great time tonight. Thank you for taking me out," I told Gray as we stood in front of my door.
We had gone home after about another hour of stargazing and talking, and we drank a couple more beers. He had to help me walk to my door a bit, but he didn't mind. I saw one light on in the kitchen, and I assumed it was Caitlyn. She had probably stayed up to hear about what happened as soon as I walked through the door.
Gray smiled at me, and my heart squeezed a bit at the sight of it. "My pleasure. We'll have to go out again soon."
"Definitely," I said.
Nothing else was said. We only gazed into each other's eyes, and we were content with that. I saw Grayson in a new way now; it was easier to read him now. He could no longer hide his emotions from me now, I saw right through him. And he saw right through me as well, and I was getting used to that exposed feeling.
I suddenly realized that we were slowly leaning into each other. My heart lurched to my throat, and I was terrified for a second at the closing gap between us. If we kissed, then it was all over. I wasn't going to be able to close off the feelings for him that I was already holding off, and I was going to tumble down the hole that is romance. Then I would be truly vulnerable, and Grayson would have my heart in the palm of his hand. He could do whatever he wanted with it, like crush it.
I mentally shook off my worries, and closed my eyes. I could feel his warm breath fanning over my face, and I was a little worried if my breath smelled bad. We were probably too tipsy to care, though, and he was probably worried about the same thing.
Our lips were about to touch, and I heard my blood rushing in my ears. My guts were tied in a ball I was so nervous, yet so ready for this. Grayson understood me. He, hopefully, wouldn't hurt me, and I would never do anything to hurt him.
Just as our lips were about to touch, a clatter from across the street caused us to jump apart.
"Yeah, get it, Genna!" My neighbor, Joe, shouted drunkenly.
I sighed in annoyance. Of course it would be him to ruin the moment. I turned back to Gray and saw him checking his phone. "It's getting late."
"Yeah," he agreed.
We suddenly heard a banging noise and a muffled, anguished scream. We looked and saw Caitlyn holding my poor curtains in a death grip. She banged her head against the window a few times before slowly sliding down, her face looking as if she was being murdered. No doubt she was watching us.
Gray chuckled. "I'll see you later. Thanks for coming out tonight."
"Thanks for having me," I said, smiling.
He walked away, and I opened my door. I heard him drive off right as I closed my door, and entered my kitchen. Caitlyn was sprawled out on the floor, her makeup running from the tears she was shedding. She looked as if someone had knocked the wind out of her.
"Are you alright?" I asked.
"Why does life hate you!?" She wailed, ripping the edge of the curtains.
"You're just figuring this out?"
"You were literally about to kiss! Just one more millimeter and you would've been there! Then that moron went and ruined it all, and you guys won't ever get that chance again," she sobbed, throwing her glasses across the floor.
I rolled my eyes and grabbed them. "Let's get you to bed. You need the sleep."
"I need you to get a boyfriend and get laid," she grumbled under her breath, but put her glasses back on and headed upstairs.
I chuckled, and looked back out the window. I stared right at the spot we stood, and I put my fingers to my lips. I almost kissed Grayson, and I was ready to take whatever repercussions life surely would've given me just to have his lips on mine.
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