"Genna it's time to get up," my mom's voice caused me to jump a bit. I groaned, but sat up right away. I knew if I didn't move I'd fall right back asleep. I was also too excited to go to school, because today was Friday. Today was also the day I hung out with Grayson outside of school.
Speaking of him, I still couldn't believe I had him in my bed last night. I blushed. Probably not the best way to phrase it, but it happened. He actually snuck into my room and lied in my bed. The best part was that my sheets totally smelled like him, and it was my guilty pleasure that I had sniffed them all throughout the night. He smelled really good.
I hopped out of bed and headed downstairs for some breakfast. My feet hit the tiled floor and I turned the corner and I was greeted by silence. I was usually the first one up, so it was nice to have these moments of quiet to myself in the morning.
I grabbed a banana and began to eat that. A few minutes later, my sister shuffled in; brown hair in a frizzy mess. She was short like me, but much more athletic and muscular than I was.
"Morning Grace," I greeted. She threw a glare in my direction, and began to pour a bowl of cereal for herself. She wasn't a morning person at all.
I finished my banana and threw the peel out. I headed upstairs again to the bathroom, and started the shower. Once the water was warm, I stripped off my clothes and hopped in, not taking long at all. I washed my hair, shaved, and washed my body. Once out, I dried off with my fluffy red towel and wrapped myself in my pink bathrobe.
I opened the door, only to move out of the way to make room for a bleary eyed Jonathan. He squinted against the harsh light, but managed to shuffle his way to the toilet. I didn't stay while he did his business, and headed to my room.
I rooted through my drawers, finding a cute pair of pink underwear and a matching bra. Then I grabbed some ripped jeans and a black t-shirt, and my white Converse as well.
After getting dressed, I sat down at my vanity and began to apply my makeup. I was a freak for it, and this took me the longest to do. I didn't do anything dramatic today, so I had more time to work on my hair. That only required scrunching it with gel and drying it, bringing out my natural curls more.
For once, I was done earlier than expected, and sat downstairs on the couch until Caitlyn came to pick me up. Around me, my family began to come to life and get ready for the day. Mom was the first to leave with Jonathan, and then it was Jack. His black hair was neatly gelled into place, and he left without a word said.
Caitlyn would be here soon, so I began to put on my Converse.
A knock sounded at the door. I looked up, confusions drawing my eyebrows together. Caitlyn never came to the door, she always texted me. I checked my phone, wondering if I had missed a text.
No new texts.
Puzzled, I got up and opened the door. What stood before me shocked me more than anything.
"Good morning, little one," Grayson said, smirking.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Taking you to school," he said in a "duh" tone.
"I never asked you to do that."
"I know. Now get in the car," he commanded, motioning to his car waiting in my driveway.
"Genna who's her-" Grace began to ask, but stopped in her tracks when her eyes met Grayson. She was dressed in her usual sweats and baggy shirt, her long hair brushed up into a pony tail. She gaped at our guest, and I heard Grayson chuckle behind me.
She shut her mouth and quickly retreated back up the stairs. I turned back to him. "Let me grab my stuff first."
"Hurry up," he told me and headed to his car.
I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag and my phone charger. I sent Caitlyn a quick text, saying that Grayson was going to drive me to school today. I put my phone in my pocket and headed out the door, shutting it behind me.
I opened the door and hopped in, shutting the door behind me and buckling up. "To school, sir."
"Not yet. I want Starbucks."
I snorted. "You like Starbucks?"
"Who doesn't?"
Thank god I was wearing my seatbelt because my head would've bounced off of the dashboard with how fast he stopped the car. I did get a good burn from it in between my cleavage though, and I groaned and rubbed it. "What the hell, man?"
"You don't like Starbucks?" He asked, his jaw tense and he glared at me.
"I don't like coffee in general," I told him.
He sighed in annoyance and slammed his hands on the steering wheel. "Unbelievable."
I rolled my eyes and watched the houses pass by as he headed to Starbucks. He pulled through the drive through, and ordered a pumpkin spice latte.
"What do you want?" He turned to me and asked.
"A strawberry and cream frappe please," I told him.
He placed our orders and headed to the next window. He paid and handed me my drink, which I began to sip on immediately. He began to take the way to school, and sipped on his drink in content.
I snickered. He gave me a questioning look, and I grinned. "You're a pumpkin spice bitch."
"Shut the hell up."
The looks were expected. Everyone's eyes were on us upon us. Maybe it was because he was drop dead gorgeous today in a tight black t-shirt, ripped jeans, a gray beanie, and white Converse, or maybe because I didn't look too bad myself. Or it could've been the fact that Grayson's hand constantly found its way into the back pocket of my jeans, no matter how many times I swatted it away. Or the sight of the good girl and the bad boy walking together was so shocking that everyone needed to see. Either way, people were gawking.
I headed to my locker, Grayson hanging over me like a shadow almost. There, I saw Mason and Caitlyn playing tonsil hockey against the lockers. I rolled my eyes. "Guys, please. We've talked about this."
They pulled apart, and I chuckled at Mason's annoyed glare. "Cock block."
"That's my specialty," I told him. I reached into my locker and grabbed my anatomy folder and stuffed it into my book bag. I doubted we'd be doing anything today, but it was better to be safe than sorry with Ms. Rewerts. She was known to spring quizzes on us.
I turned around after closing the door to my locker, and was immediately shoved back up against it. A body pressed against mine, and arms pinned me in. I gasped in shock, and stared up into hazel eyes. Grayson smirked, looking down at me as he bit his lip. Dear god this was hot.
"We can do better than them," he said, giving me a flirty wink.
I rolled my eyes and pushed him away. "Keep it in your pants."
"Pants can't contain something that big," he pointed out.
I snorted. "The more you talk about how big it is, the more I'm lead to believe that it's actually really small."
"It's a grain of rice," Caitlyn joked. She held up her pinky. "It's this big."
I laughed. "No no, it's more like this big." I held up my pinky, which was a lot smaller than hers. She doubled over in laugher, and I joined her.
"I didn't know we were talking about Gray dick size," Jack's voice sounded from above me, and I stood up to face him.
Cameron and Ethan were with him, forming a large circle around my locker. I almost looked like I was being cornered by them.
Ethan kept glancing between Grayson and I. I internally groaned. He probably saw that whole thing between Grayson and I, and was jumping to conclusions. Just what I needed, Grayson's twin confirming that him and I are a thing and love to eat each other's faces in the hallway.
"I didn't know we were supposed to match our outfits today," he said, a smirk growing on his face.
Puzzled, I glanced between us, and my shoulders slumped in realization. Grayson and I were definitely matching, almost like we had planned it. I only needed the beanie to complete the look. That could also be the reason why people were staring. We almost looked like that couple.
I internally groaned. We weren't a couple!
"Well would you look at that! We are matching," Grayson said, smiling.
I frowned. "We didn't do it on purpose."
"Are you sure? I mean he did drive you to school today. He also got you Starbucks," Mason said.
I glared at him, and his pink lips pulled up into a devilish grin. Fuck that Calvin Klein model. Mason was too good looking for his own good. Chiseled features, pale skin, dark green eyes, and hair that was neatly gelled upwards. Good thing he wasn't my type. "Fuck you."
"Oooo looks like someone's getting a little feisty," Cameron taunted.
I scowled. "I'm not."
"Bro look at her face! She's turning red!" Ethan laughed while pointing.
I gritted my teeth. I was getting seriously annoyed right now. "Shut the hell up."
"Awww, am I making the princess mad?" Ethan asked, making his voice rise up a few octaves.
That's it.
I reached my hand up to slap him, but a larger hand grabbed mine before I could do anything. I began to struggle against it, trying to rip mine free. I didn't need to look to know who it was.
"Let go, you asshat!" I snapped.
"Can't let you hit my brother. That's not nice, little one," Grayson scolded.
"Go suck a dick," I told him.
"She is feisty!" I hear Cameron say.
I began to lunge for his throat, but before I could even get near it I was being thrown over someone's shoulder.
"You bitch!" I yelled, whacking his back a few times before I stopped. Holy bubble butt.
"I'm going to take my girl to her class. I'll see you guys at lunch," Grayson told his friends, before walking away.
I raised my head and held a hand out to Caitlyn for help. "Help me!"
She took out her phone and pointed it at me. I had enough time to flip her off before the flash went off. She doubled over with laughter, Mason joining her.
"Put me down," I commanded.
"Nope," Grayson said.
"Put me down."
"No way."
"Put me down!"
"No matter how many times you say it, it's not going to happen. You're on time out right now for almost hitting my twin," he said.
"Ethan had it coming!"
"Not a good excuse," he said. We had reached my class, and only then did he set me down on my feet.
I glared at him as he handed me my bag. "I could've walked."
"Sure you could've, but you wouldn't have been able to keep up with my long strides. It would've taken you longer to get here than it did by me carrying you," he pointed out.
I huffed. "I make it through the hallways just fine."
"Sure you do," he said. "I'll meet you here after class. Got it?"
"Fine. Now get to your class."
"Do you even know me?" He laughed. Be began to walk away. "I'll see you after class."
"Please go to class," I told him.
"I'll see you after class!" He said over his shoulder.
I sighed and headed into anatomy. Inside were white brick walls, a sink, and heavy black desks that everyone drew on. The red plastic seats were empty, as usual. I wouldn't have to wait long, because the bell would ring in a few minutes.
I took my seat towards the middle of the room, and took a book out of my bag. I began to read, and I was barely aware of the other students entering and taking their seats. I was only aware of the increase of volume, and the sudden tapping on my shoulder.
I looked up, and my eyes met bright blue ones.
"Hey Jack. What's up?" I asked.
"What book are you reading?" He asked, twisting his head to get a better look at it.
"It's the third book in the series. It's about dragons and magic and war. It's super good!" I told him, showing him the cover.
"It looks good. I might have to look into it," he said. His lips curled into a smile, and I couldn't help but smile too. Jack was such a happy person, and it was infectious.
He took his seat just as Ms. Rewerts entered the room. She was a young woman with short brown hair and dark eyes, and a button nose. She wore a pink blouse today and jeans.
"Good morning kiddos. Today is a review day for the test you have tomorrow. Please study, but if you don't, at least make it look like you are," she told us, and took her seat at her desk and began to type away on her computer.
I sighed in relief. I already knew everything about the digestive track, so I didn't need to study at all today. Which meant I had an hour to read, which was all I wanted.
For awhile I was in my own little world. No one talked to me, and no sound broke my concentration. People found it amazing that I could read literally anywhere. It wasn't that hard to get lost in the good book. I could sit for hours in the same position and be transported to another world.
I was just getting to the good part where one of the main character was completing a trial to prove herself to her army, when I began to feel nauseous. I let out a breath, but continued to read. I suddenly grew very hot, so much that I was sweating. I began to shiver and goosebumps began to cover my arms. What the hell? Something's not right.
I closed my eyes, waiting for this feeling to pass. I wasn't doing a good job at it, because I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Genna, are you ok? You don't look so good," I dimly heard Jack say. He sounded so far away.
I opened myself to respond, but I felt the bile rising to my throat. I shot to my feet, my knees feeling like jelly, and walked right out of the classroom. I didn't even make it past the door when I began to get tunnel vision; darkness creeping in the corners of my vision.
I vaguely noticed I wasn't walking in a straight line. The urge to vomit was overpowering right now and I was shivering and sweating all at once. My eyelids felt as heavy as lead. Blinking was becoming a struggle.
I don't even remember falling. My body felt heavy, and I couldn't even open my eyes. I could hear, though, and I heard voices. Someone shouting, and running footsteps. Suddenly someone was shaking me awake, and I slowly opened my eyes. The world spun for a minute, before settling on Ms. Rewert's face.
"Hey, hey, hey! Wake up!" She said, panic evident on her face.
I sucked in a breath, and turned onto my back, my head slick with sweat. My hair covered my face, getting caught in my mouth. "What?"
"Holy crap, you're almost gray. Who saw her pass out? Was it you?" She asked, looking over her shoulder.
I looked over and saw Jack, pale and obviously shaken; eyes wide with fear. He was staring at me with concern and fear, and I felt guilt pool in my stomach. I had scared the crap out of him.
"Jack it's ok, I'm ok," I said, beginning to push myself off of the ground.
Bad idea. My elbows felt like jelly, and I crumpled back to the ground.
"It was me. I saw her," he meekly said.
"Did she hit her head?" She asked him. She turned to me then. "Does your head hurt?"
"No I'm fine," I told her.
"You definitely are not. Jack go get Mrs. Holderman please," she told him.
I groaned. I really didn't need another teacher I had to worry about me.
I didn't need to wait long, because her small frame walked out of her classroom. Her long black hair was tied back today and she looked darker today because of the white t-shirt she wore. Her dark eyes widened in worry at the sight of me. "What happened, girly?"
I managed a weak smile. I felt like I was floating right now. "I don't know."
"You're almost gray!" She exclaimed.
"So I've been told."
"Mrs. Holderman, can you please call down a wheelchair?" Ms. Rewerts asked her.
She nodded and headed back into the classroom.
I groaned. "I can walk down there. I'm fine."
"Did you have breakfast today, Genna?" Ms. Rewerts asked me.
I nodded my head. She wasn't going to listen to me anymore, so I might as well let her do what she wants. To show the other students that had flocked around to gawk at me, I pulled myself up and sat against the wall. Ms. Rewerts began to fuss over me moving, but my glare stopped her from touching me.
Soon enough, Nurse Amy stopped in front of me with a wheelchair. She chuckled at me. "When I heard a girl had passed out in the hallway, I had a feeling it would be you."
I smiled again. "You right."
"Come on, let's get you in," she said and began to grab my hands.
"I can walk though," I told her.
"We don't want you to get hurt again," she explained.
"I get hurt all the time though," I whined, sitting in the chair.
She didn't say anything, and began to wheel down the hallway. We passed multiple classrooms, and I was nosey and I peeked into them. A lot of the students I didn't recognize, but some I did and I waved hi to them. Their jaws dropped at me, because it wasn't everyday you saw someone in a wheelchair. Many things happened in this school, but this wasn't one of the most common.
We were almost to the nurse's office and we were passing by one more class. I peeked in, and I got butterflies in my belly when I saw who was sitting front row, intently paying attention to the lesson. The door was opened, so I decided to say something.
"Awww you went to class just for me!" I said, putting my hands over my heart.
His hazel eyes immediately met mine, and I saw his eyebrows scrunch up. "Genna?"
"I'll see you after I get out, Grayson!" I called over my shoulder. I heard a clatter come from the room, but the door to the nurse's office shut and I was closed in. Nurse Amy rolled me into a small room with a cot and a garbage can in it, and helped me lay down. She had me lie on my back as she began to take my blood pressure, and frowned at the results.
"Blood pressure's low. Did you eat breakfast today?" She asked.
I nodded.
"On your period?"
"Dissecting anything today in class?"
"That's weird," she concluded.
I chuckled. "That's me. The medical mystery."
"Apparently. Just lay down here for a little bit and we'll see how you're feeling after a while," she said, and left. She turned off the lights and closed the curtain for me before disappearing to her desk.
I sighed, and closed my eyes. I still felt a little woozy and like I was floating, but I was slowly feeling better. I had the beginnings of a headache on the back of my head. Maybe I had hit my head, and I was just not feeling it. What if I had a concussion?
I heard voices outside the room. They sounded more interesting than my thoughts, so I tuned into them.
"I'm not allowed to let you back there. It's against school policy," I heard Nurse Amy say.
"But I need to see her," his voice said, and I rolled my eyes at the butterflies I got.
"You can't," she insisted.
"Nurse Amy? Please let him come through. I want to talk to him," I called out to her.
It was silent for a moment. Then I heard footsteps coming closer, and then I was blinded by the light. I hissed and closed my eyes. "Watch it."
"Sorry," Grayson said, closing the blinds and kneeling in front of my face.
I couldn't help but smile at his concerned face. "You look funny."
"What the hell happened to you?" He asked.
"I passed out," I said in a "duh" tone. "Ask Jack all about it. He saw it all."
"Jesus Genna. What am I going to do with you?" He asked, running a hand down his face.
I shrugged. "Who knows?"
"Seriously Genna."
"I'm being serious Grayson. Passing out is new to me, but I've puzzled doctors and hurt myself before. This will just be something to tell my kids one day," I told him.
"You aren't starving yourself, are you?" He asked.
I groaned and rolled my eyes. "Not at all. I like food too much for that."
"I have to make sure."
"No you don't. I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself," I sassed. I was a little flattered that he cared for me, but I didn't need the attention. It made me feel weak. I'd ask for help when I needed it.
"Genna, please. Let someone other than Caitlyn in," he pleaded.
I heard the small amount of desperation in his voice. It was well concealed, but I heard it. I looked at him, and I saw it in his eyes. For once I didn't see the cocky, pervy jerk. Instead I saw a boy with actual emotions. I saw nothing but concern and yearning in his eyes, and it broke my heart a bit. I could be harsh, and I knew it. Getting close to people like that didn't sit well with me, and it was a miracle I connected to Caitlyn so easily and quickly. I didn't like to appear weak in others eyes.
I sighed. I didn't meet his eyes as I nodded my head. "I'll try."
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