Part 1: The Starlit Mage
Theo Starlit
Element: Starlight - Caster
Rune - Caster
Seal - Holder
PART 1: The Starlit Mage
The train travelled over its tracks smoothly as the starlight of the moonless night, bounces off the metal of the train. Inside the train everything was dark and hardly anyone was on board.
In the last cart of the train a young man was leaning against the window, his legs stretched out across the seat in front of him with his arms crossed over his chest. His head was tilted down his dark hair hanging in front of his closed eyes as he slept on.
"No..." A small quiet mumble left the sleeping mage's lips his arms tightening around his body. As the train cart rocks slightly, starlight briefly flashes over a strange bright blue symbol on his right shoulder. If you looked closely it almost looked like a strange fairy with a tail.
"Remember My Little Star, your magic can be both good and evil. It is up to you on how you chose to use it; for Light or Dark, each as powerful as the other" The women was smiling. Tears running down her cheeks, mixing in with the rain pouring over her. Her eyes shadowed by her dark midnight hair. "Oh My Dear Little Star, Mummy is so proud of you" her hand shakily reaches up and touches the cheek of the crying child above her. With a smile her hand falls onto the pavement with a small splash.
"Why are you crying, Kid?" The man was shadowed by the sun behind him, the hood pulled low over his eyes shadowed his face even more. The only thing clearly seen was a dark navy blue symbol on his left forearm. It kind of looked like a strange abstract fairy with a tail?
"Theo! No!"
"You are such a crybaby! You are always crying or passing out while using your magic! are you sure you're even a real mage?" The white haired female laughs standing above the crying child. "I am not a crybaby! I am a mage of the same guild as you!"
"Did you hear? Theo has completed the S-Class Trails! He's S-Class now" Whispers where echoing around the room, members glancing back at the young teenager with dark hair sitting alone at a table. "No way! I remember the crying child that was always hiding behind things. That couldn't be more than a year ago right?"
"Did....did this....?"
"NO!" Theo Starlit wakes up with a gasp his hands flying to his head, his fingers clutching at his dark black hair. His bright, almost glowing blue eyes staring wide eyed at nothing. He was faintly aware of the train slowing down but he was more focused on trying to calm his erratic breathing.
"Just a dream" Theo mumbles running his hands down over his face as the train jolts to a stop sending the dark haired mage tumbling out of his seat. He lands face down on the ground with a groan.
"Stupid train" Theo sighs sitting up and rubbing his forehead. He grabs his bag slinging it over his shoulder as he walks off the train smiling slightly at the town before him.
"Almost their"
Theo walks through the streets of Magnolia writing in a small notebook, tapping his chin with a pencil. "No that's not going to work" he scratches something out in the notebook. He didn't even bother to look were he was going, he had walked the same path so many times that it was forever etched into his head.
He finally looks up as he rounds the corner blinking a few times at the building before him. "Has something changed?" Theo tilts his head to the side.
"No way.....Theo?"
Theo turns at his name only having a split second to take in the blue fur ball that attacks his face.
"Get off my face you fur ball!" Theo shouts grabbing onto the tail of the cat attached to his face and tugging the crying creature away. He raises the cat to eye level blinking at the familiar cries of his name.
The talking blue flying cat only cries more and somehow manages to get out of Theo's hold and attach himself to Theo again, this time to his neck.
"Wait, were their is Happy their is -" Theo looks away from the crying cat for said cats pink haired flame brain of a partner. He didn't even get to look before he was attacked again.
"THEO! YOUR BACK!" A teary eyed Dragon Slayer tackles Theo before the later could finish his sentence.
"Ah! Natsu! You stupid flame brain! Quit tackling me every time I come back!" Theo shouts now sprawled on his back with Natsu Dragneel and his flying cat Happy clinging to him.
"That is defiantly Theo" A red haired Mage says tears prickling her eyes as she walks forward with three other Mages. Theo recognized the red haired Mage as Erza Scarlet.
Around her was a blonde haired girl with rather large breasts. Theo could instantly tell that she was a Celestial Mage by the loop of Golden and Silver Keys attached to her belt.
Beside her was a small blue haired girl holding a white cat in a dress.
The other Mage was a dark haired young man wearing only boxers and was staring wide eyed at Theo. He was Gray Fullbuster. The two girls Theo didn't know.
"Get off of me!" Theo pushes at the shoulders of Natsu before giving up and raising his hand to the pink haired mage's forehead. His index finger glows blue as he etches a symbol on the Dragon Slayer's forehead. "Rune: Sleep!" Theo smirks as Natsu goes limp a loud snore coming from the now sleeping Mage.
"Finally" Theo pushes the sleeping Mage off him and standing up, Happy still hanging off his neck. "You do that every time and he still doesn't learn" Gray laughs then pales as Theo looks towards him his finger still glowing.
Hearing that someone was afraid of a teenage boy with a glowing finger would be funny unless you met said boy.
"Yeah well he should stop tackling me when I come back" Theo nudges the snoring Mage with his foot, sweat dropping as he only snores louder.
"You've been gone for over four years Theo. You left only a month after becoming S-Class" Erza says pulling Theo into a bone crushing hug.
To anyone that can't do math let's explain. Theo became an S-Class Mage between the ages of 13-14. At the current moment he is 18 years old, having spent four years away from his home.
"I'm confused, who is this guy?" The blonde asks walking forward with the blue haired girl.
"Lucy, Wendy this is Theo Starlit. Theo this is Wendy Marvel and Lucy He-ack! Ow what the hell Lucy!" Gray shouts rubbing the spot where Lucy had hit him.
"Don't say my last name!" Lucy shouts waving her fist as Gray apologises.
"Wendy Marvel, The Sky Maiden. Sky Dragon Slayer if I'm correct" Theo says pulling Happy away from his neck.
"How do you know who I am?" Wendy says her eyes wide as she watches Theo.
"I've heard about you from Mirajane. She sent me messages during my job keeping me updated about what was happening" Theo explains dropping Happy onto Natsu's stomach, his blue eyes moving to Lucy. "Which makes you Lucy Heartfillia, the Celestial Mage"
Lucy blinks her hand moving to her loop of keys. "Is Master still here?" Theo looks towards Erza only just noticing the large wagon behind her packed full of suitcases. "Nevermind, you just returned so you wouldn't know" Theo turns ignoring the shocked stares from Lucy and Wendy.
"Is he always like that?" Wendy asked watching as Theo tilts his head back to look at the building before them. "I swear something has changed" Theo mumbles
"That's Theo for you. His emotions change rather quickly. He could be playful one second, the next he is as cold as my ice" Gray says laughing nervously at Theo's reaction to the new Guild Building, built after Phantom Lord destroyed the previous guild hall.
"He doesn't seem very bright" Lucy says sweat dropping slightly as Theo tilts his head in different angles. "He's rather smart actually" Erza says pushing Theo through the doors of the guild, "he's just shocked at the moment"
Theo pushes Erza's hand away from his head as she attempts to ruffle his hair. He rolls his eyes as he walks inside a smile breaking across his face.
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