Part 38
Starla's POV
It was quiet as it was now me and Martha in the room. She silently rocked the sleeping infant in her arms, as I stared at her. I could she was tired by the dark circles underneath her eyes.
"So how is it... being a new mom and all" I start wanting to clear the tense atmosphere. "Its great especially having Magnus there he really is an awesome father" she gloats in my face. I roll my in annoyance.
"So you finally decided to stop playing hide seek" she sneers at me with a giant smirk. I clench my fist wanting nothing more than to hit something. "It seems it hasn't sunk in yet that I was kidnapped and was abused emotionally and physically" I snap back at her.
She glares back at me "no one cares Starla stop playing the victim all of the damn time". Just then the infant in her arms let's out a cry "you fool you just woke up Logan" she mutters angrily rocking him back and forth.
"This conversation is done... I'm actually growing tired of your attitude you can go the door is that way" I say pointing to the room door. She stomps out the room slamming the door and I shrug my shoulders not caring.
I lay flat onto my hospital bed and glance at the ceiling in thought. I've been missing for than a month and my sister acts as if she could care less about my wellbeing. Maybe we will never be as close as we were when we were children and honestly I'm done trying.
Suddenly there is a knock on the door and Magnus walks in. "Starla baby are feeling ok... how did the talk go with your sister" he says roughly stroking my dark hair back. "Well... let's just say that she barely noticed I was gone" I say with no emotion.
"I seriously think something is wrong with her honestly, anyway I'm so glad you are safe and I have some news
for you" he says excitedly pulling me in a sitting position on the bed.
"What is it" I asked feeling rather impatient. "Well remember I told you that I wanted a DNA test to see if Martha's child is really mine" he asked me and I nod my head for him to continue. "Well the results came back and...
I'm not the father" he tells me and for some reason I sigh in relief. "Wow... so does Martha know" I asked squeezing his hand. "She is aware... but she is still in denial" he says smirking.
I shake my head in disbelief "so is she going to find the real father or"... I asked feeling confused. "She knows that the right thing to do is find baby Logan his real father so that he doesn't grow up without one" Magnus answers stroking my hair.
After that we cuddle up together on the hospital bed enjoying being in each other's arms.
It feels like home
"Star baby I got it, your still recovering I don't want you using your body too much" Magnus says picking up my bags. It's the next day and finally I get to go home and rest in my own bed. Opening the front door I see my father in the kitchen cooking something.
"Hey Starla I'm making you your favorite chicken soup go wash up" my father says. I try to hold in my giggles I never thought my father would wear a apron a girly one at that. I lead Magnus to my room and he puts my bag down onto the floor.
I crawl into my comfy bed "awh man I missed you soo much" I mutter stroking the soft covers. "Star baby I'm going to help your father out if you need me just call okay" I nod my head and he presses a kiss to my forehead before walking out the room.
I lay on my back looking up at my room ceiling. I've been through hell and back and now I can only hope that the cops find Stacey and put her behind bars where she belongs. Suddenly I hear a tiny wail coming from Martha's room.
I stand up walking in her room to see a crib placed to the side. Baby Logan wailing like crazy his face turning super red, I gently pick him up into my arms. I gently rock him back and forth cooing at him to relax.
His crying stops and his eyelids grow heavy. It's not long before he is fast asleep in my arms, I gaze at his features in honesty he doesn't having a single feature of Magnus. I can only hope that my nephew has a father figure in his life.
"What the fuck are you doing put my baby down"!! Martha storms across the room and snatches Logan back. I stumble back trying to catch myself.
This is going to be a nightmare...
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