Part 29
Starla's POV
Pissed off I hear my order number and angrily grab my phone. Slamming my food onto the table I decide to call Magnus to see if he'll lie about what he is up to.
I hear my phone ring as I watch Magnus and Martha eat peacefully. I see him pick up his phone but he declines my call!! Seriously why is he acting like such a douche bag, I slam my phone back into my pocket.
Noah and Patricia make it back to the table with there sandwiches from subways. "Hey Star you ok" she asks me as I clench my teeth in anger, " oh yeah I'm just peachy"... I say with a fake smile.
I stab away at my food as I watch Magnus feed Martha a fucking grape. Which is new because he's never done that with me... like ever. Patricia looks over at Magnus and I hear her mutter "that son of a bitch"...
The next thing I know Patricia is flying over to Magnus and hitting him with her purse. "HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON MY BESTFRIEND IM GOING TO END YOU"!!! She screams and now we are the center of attention.
Noah tries to peel Patricia off of Magnus's back. Martha just stares with her mouth open like a fish out of water. It all happens so fast and the next thing I know a fat security guard with a half eaten donut in his hand shows up.
"ALRIGHT YOU ANIMALS SETTLE DOWN RIGHT NOW, HEY YOU SLAPPED MY DONUT" the fat security guard screams. It was a whole mess food flying everywhere Martha acting hysterical oh and I'm trying to calm Patricia down.
"DONT COME BACK HERE EVER" the security guard yells. We all stand in front of the mall, looks like we are going to have to find a new mall. Martha stands there inspecting her nails, Magnus is looking at me with guilty eyes, Patricia and Noah are around the corner. Apparently we have to separate those two unless we all want to go to jail.
Its silent before Martha speaks up "will someone tell me what the hell is going on" she snaps looking at Magnus. I wait for Magnus to speak up because right now I am pissed and I'm not sure I have a boyfriend anymore.
"Yeah Magnus why dont you enlighten us with your bullshit" I spat shaking in anger. I watch as Magnus twitches his jaw I can tell he is upset but right now I dont care how he feels.
He turns toward Martha "me and your sister have been dating not that it's any of your business" he says gruffly. Next thing I know Martha is trying to hit me with her shoe "YOU STUPID WHORE" she screams chasing me.
I block her hits "Martha stop you were never in a relationship with him so cut the bullshit out"!! Magnus stands between us holding Martha back "PUT YOUR HANDS ON MY GIRLFRIEND AGAIN AND I PROMISE YOU WON'T LIKE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT" Magnus growls and I see Martha stand down.
He turns to me trying to pull me in his arms but I step back. "Star... baby I can explain ok... you know that I have to be there for Martha" he pleads. I shake my head holding back my tears.
"Why are you with her... why didnt you tell me... you went behind my back" my voice breaks I hate showing how weak I am. Martha stands there with a big ass smirk on her face.
"Me and Magnus are going to be together and we are going to have a family so back the hell off" she sneers.
In that moment I want to punch the shit out of her but I won't do it.
"Martha stop with your fucking bullshit, once we do the DNA test we'll see if that child really is mine" he growls. I shake my head in disappointment, "Magnus we are over I'm so tired of fighting" I say calmly I just want to go home.
I start to walk away but Magnus pulls me back into him. "Dont go... I want you no... need you" he whispers softly holding me tight. I feel my heart break as I let the tears flow down my face.
"I'm sorry Magnus... I can't do this" I rip out of his arms walking around the corner to where Patricia and Noah are. Patricia looks at me and instantly opens her arms. "Its alright honey... I am here" she whispers.
I sob in her arms
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