Part 28
Starla's POV
I wake up to the sun shining through my window. Thank god its Saturday I've been so stressed lately I need time to myself for a while. I head to the bathroom taking care of my personal hygiene, then make my way to the kitchen to make me some breakfast.
I see my dad at the table reading the newspaper. "Hey dad... you dont have work today" I asked surprised to see him on a Saturday. "Nope they gave me the day off to relax" he says sipping on some coffee. I nod my head going to the cabinet to grab a bowl for some cereal.
"Starla I just want to let you know I am very proud of you" my dad says out of the blue. I turn to him shocked... he has never actually told me that before so I don't know what to say. " I know your mother would be very proud of you" he concludes.
I try hard to hold in my tears just thinking about my mother really is hard. I miss the comfort of her arms and its still very hard to think that she is no longer with us. "I just wish Martha would follow in your footsteps" he says gruffly.
Me and Martha are two different people and if she heard what dad was saying to me right now she would be upset. "I hope Martha grows up now that she is going to be a mother... I never wanted this for her" my dad says disappointed.
I never really thought about how my dad was feeling when he found out Martha was pregnant. He never really got angry he was just disappointed, if I'm being honest when I found out Martha was pregnant I was not surprised.
I try not dwell on others problems it only causes headaches. I munch away on my cereal at the table "so Martha tells me you have a boyfriend" he bluntly states my eyes get big I choose my next words carefully.
"Uhh yeah I've been dating someone"... I trail off not knowing what else to say. "Bring him over to dinner sometime I would like to meet this young man" he states and I gently nod my head.
Thank goodness he didnt say today because I'm not sure Magnus is ready to meet my dad. Yes we've been dating for two months in secret but we've been having lots of problems and I'm not sure yet where we stand.
I finish my bowl of cereal and head to my room. I grab my phone to see Patricia and Noah texted me.
Noah: Starla just answer Patricia is driving me mad...😡
Me: relax guys what's up
Patty: finally she answers
Noah: whatever so we think we should go out because its been forever
Patty: yeah since you have a new boo you act Hollywood 😑
Me: that is so not true... ok maybe a little but let's go out I need some fresh air
Patty: cool get dressed we are going to the mall to get some new clothes
Me: I'll be ready
Noah: we'll text you when we are here... and next time please answer your phone😑😑
I roll my eyes with a big smile on my face. It's been awhile since we hung out I guess I've been so wrapped up in my relationship with Magnus I've just been avoiding them.
I get dressed putting on a peach crop top with some jeans. I fix my hair putting it into a some up and down hairstyle before I put on some gold hoop earrings.
My hair is no longer blonde since Magnus complained he liked my dark brown hair better. I pull on some converse sneakers, once I'm done I grab my phone and bag.
I walk out my room grabbing my black coat from the coat rack. My dad Is sitting in front of the television watching football. "Hey dad I'm going out with some friends... so I'll see you later" I say putting on my hat.
"Alright kiddo have fun and be safe" I playfully roll my eyes it's nice seeing my dad so carefree. I hear a honk outside and I make my way to Patricia's new pink jeep.
"AHHHH I MISSED YOU SOOOO FRRAKING MUCH" Patricia screams into my ear attacking me into a hug. I gently pat her back even though I cant breathe "let the poor girl go" I hear Noah say from the back seat.
Once Patricia let's me go I turn to Noah with a smile. "Hey Noah I missed you too" I say gleefully. "Yeah well it's hard not to miss me" he exclaims arrogantly I rolls my eyes with a smile.
We take off towards the mall and surprisingly I feel very happy in that moment.
We arrive at the mall and the first place we stop is forever 21. We look around and I pick up a few things while Patricia debates on which color to get a certain dress.
We walk around the mall until Noah complains he is starving. We stop at a food court I decide to get some pizza because pizza is life. I watch Noah and Patricia at subways and Noah has his arms around Patricia.
Shocked I wonder when they were going to tell me they were dating. I order my pizza and wait patiently for it to he done, suddenly I see a guy with dark hair and hazel eyes.
Its freaking Magnus and he is not alone.... he is with Martha!!!
My whole body freezes as I watch Magnus bring her some food. She has this big smile on her face and Magnus is just treating her like they are some couple. It's not like I can go over there because Martha has no clue we are together.
I'm sick of these games Magnus is playing and I'm done!!
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