Part 26
Martha's POV
I grab my large bowl of cereal and stomp my way back to my room. Starla is such a loser she annoys me so much its frustrating, my phone vibrates next to me.
Its Tyler asking me how I am, I roll my eyes before I text him back. For some reason he wants to be the father of my baby even though its not his.
After he stormed out when I told him I didn't feel the same way about him we literally didn't talk to each other for weeks. But of course like I said he came running back to me, I rub a hand on my swollen belly.
I'm four months pregnant and it hasn't been easy. Its so uncomfortable when I sleep and I've been craving cereal alllll the time. I know I said I wasn't ready to be a mom but...
People have a change of heart... this will be my first child to love. Hopefully Magnus will want to be with me I mean why else would I purposely poke a hole in the condom we used.
I know for a fact that Magnus is the father I'm not stupid. But for some unknown reason there is this strange feeling in my gut...
Magnus has to be the father... I know he is and once the baby is born we can finally be together. My phone suddenly starts to ring, I see Stacey calling and I answer quickly.
"Hey bitch what's up" I say first crossing my legs. "Uhh hey Martha you have a sister right".... I frown why is she asking me about my sister.
"Yeah I do her name is Starla but don't worry it's not as if she is someone important" I reply haughtily. Its quiet for a few seconds Stacey chuckles " what's the name of the school she goes to again...
Starla's POV
"Well I'd like to introduce myself I'm Stacey"... I frown "its nice to meet you.. but is there something you need" I reply kindly this girl is so familiar I cant put my finger on it.
"Well its come to my attention that you are dating my boyfriend" she states sternly confused I don't say anything as she continues. "Don't play dumb you are dating Magnus and he is my boyfriend" she says with a smirk.
My feet turn cold and then I put the story all together. "Are you the girl... that was with Magnus... at the movies" I ask slowly hoping it isn't true.
She simply nods her head, and I feel my heart breaking. How could Magnus do this to me... "I would advise you to stay away from Magnus I wouldn't want things to get ugly" she snaps before walking away.
It seems as if things for me and Magnus keep getting worse. Is it even worth all this pain... to be with someone who just... does not care.
As if he knew I was talking about him I see him calling my phone. Should I answer him or should I ignore it, knowing Magnus he'll ring my phone until I answer. I answer the phone with shakey hands.
"H- hello" I stutter feeling very unsure "hey Star baby did you get home safely" he asks his deep voice sending chills down my spine. I take a deep breath before responding "um I'm on way home now actually"... I reply.
"Oh alright let me know when you get home, after my last class I'll bring you some food" he states softly. Why does he have to be so sweet... it makes me feel guilty. I clear my throat "you don't have to"...
"I know... but baby I feel like you are still upset with me from earlier" he says softly upset is an understatement more like furious is what I'm feeling. "Alright... we'll talk more at dinner" I quickly end the call before he can respond.
I just hope dinner doesn't turn into a complete disaster...
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