Cohpter Fiften THE TURTH
Cohpter Fiften THE TURTH [[THE TURTLE]]
StarGlam marced ofer too RedPaw and LakePaw [[apprentices, but leave them alone]] she looked angrily. "WhT DID I JUTS SAY?/" she esked. [[Absolute bullshit, that's what]] "The elfenth [[elf]] commonment is NO BEING GAY!11 [[*cough cough* ten commandments *cough cough*]]
"But I love her!1" said LakePol.(a/n. EW!11 THIS IS DIGUSTING) [[I've held back, but fuck you]]
"But its agant the ten commdnents!" saud StarPaw. [[You just- you said ten]] She wanet over and thurst herslef betwen them. [[She thirsty]] "Do you WANT to go the dark foret?" [[I can't live in a world without gay]]
"Yes?" ansed RedPaw. [[I'm proud of you Redpaw]]
"No you dont" [[Excuse me it's her opinion]] said StarGleam "it'sa relly horribld place." I kno, Ive been their!" [[And you should have stayed there]]
Were sory said RedPaw and lakePolw. [[Don't be.]] They locked sadly. "We wont do it agan." [[Starkit is like internalized homophobia in a way]]
"I hope not" [[jeez I don't think ants would even eat you because you're that disgusting]] said StarGlame turng around and walkin back to FireStar. "We have to show this to the rets off the calns. [[I agree, they're all rats]]
"ok said FireStar" "we should go to the Gathern." [[I guess they have the power to control the moon]]
"If we go to the Gathern then I can shoe off the commendments to the other claans1" gagged StarGlame happ;y. [[I'm hope you fucking gagged]] "Cmon lets go!" She ran of not wating fro any other cat and then she was at the Gathern! [[That's cool, just ditch everyone else. ""Where's ThunderClan?" "Idk"]]
"ATENSION ALL CATS" she yelled lepping to the HighRock. [[High- what?]] ?"I NEDD YOU'RE ATTENSION I HAVE AN ANNOUNCER" [[Wait your fucking turn]]
"Omg what is it!11!1" shocked MitsyFoot. [[Is shocked a verb?]] "Is it imptent!" [[The hell is that]]
"Yes of cors its imptent!111!1"! yellded StarGleam "or else I wuldnt be hear!" [[Then about half of the Gatherings would have no one there]] "I have the ten Commandmeonts and you need to kno what they ar!" She red the ten commons ot to the other calns and theny all bowed down to her. Thank you for teling use SarkGleam they said happly." "We sont sin again!" [[*sniff sniff* I smell a pricktator]]
"God" said StarGleam she jumped form the HighRoke. She saw FireStar cumin threw the crowed towed jer. [[crowed towed j- so a crow driving a tow truck made of germs ok]] "StarGlame you are a much beter cat then me at this1 you should be letter. Im not deid so ill go join the eldlers insted!" [[What the fuck yeah you kinda sucked as a leader past the first arc but wtf]] he said and he tuched his noise to StarGleams. "You have to go to the MonStone today to go get your nien lives. Ill go with you and so will JayFather." [[Moonstone? JayFather? StarGleams? There's more? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON]]
"Kawaii" [[I think my brain is dying]] said StarGlema happly. They left the Gathern and all the cats were cherring for her, [[sorry I just passed out]]
So hod u guys lik eit? it wass so didsuting 2 rite the gya part. HBut thigs are guna be better no inteh clams! Also if ur a bad reveiwer u dont belive in Gosh ull go 2 hekc. thx guys for the god reveis. ! [[1.Fuck you 2.Those good reviews are your own 3.Those good reviews don't exist 4.Those good reviews run away from you 5.No one is intimidated by your 'hekc' threat]]
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