Chapter Thirty Two The Berth
hokkyleaf RUNNING TOWERED HER. but a StarKlan cat named Bublesfor jumped infront of her screamign NPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. She jumped in ftorn of her scremaign and HolyLeaf hit him insted!1!1! He died.
StarGlean woudl have ben really upset but her kits were coming. She almost creamed out in paun but she wais a string brave tac and so she didnt. It hirt allot. Dhere was alot of piano in her stomich AND SUDENLY TTHERE WAS BLOOD EVERYWERE111!1! SHE LOOKED DOWN AND THEIR was BRAKE in her stomchi. Hillyleaf was finished with bubbleFur so she was cuming tword her agein.
"NOOOOOOOOO STARGLEAM WHALED." But just as HOlyLeaf was about to hit her..... IT WAS BLUESTAR! Starglem wtchad in ANGR as BlueStat nocked Hollyleaf over and she put her claws in her throt. She made HoluLeaf unconsece. But be4 HolyLeaf went blak she svratched BlueStar"s! There was red bloud comiming from her chest!111
"I love you JazzPaw I lways have." iad blueStar when she deid. BLEUSTAR NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" said GleamStare!
She was sad. And jhe hurt from her was going to be so HRAD!11! but looking at BleStars body filled her with GOPE. So she pushed.
You flameas shoudl stopa beig so mean!1111!11! :(((((((((( dont you know how sda i am rite now? i am going throguhg a rly togh time and if i wasnt a christen I woud b so mad at you right now11111!1111!111!
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