𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐰𝐨
"Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!" the echoed traveled through Valley Feast loudly as the team all traveled in, interrupting the LaRusso's announcement for their new dojo. The crowed cheered for them as they got up onto the bunch bigger, brighter stage. Demetri and Moon cheered in the crowd, clapping their hands as the crowds attention had been on Cobra Kai now and left Miyagi Do far in their brains.
They all performed similar moves at first, round house kicks and side jabs. The audience enjoyed it well enough, Sadie grabbing one of guys from the crowd. He eyed her oddly as she smiled, biting his shoulder before giving a harsh kick to the back so he'd fall off the stage. The crowed gasped and cheered for her violence, the exact kind of content they watching fighting for.
Hawk took Sadies spot when she walked off, reaching down and pulling Demetri up like a baby bird. He threw a piece of wood into his hands, encouraging him to hole it still while Hawk twisted around a broke through the wood. Demetri looked in shock as the crowed cheered again, the music only getting louder in their ears as sparks traveled around them.
Each Cobra grabbed a partner. Sadie had gotten Mickey, sending a kick to his gut, a uppercut, side kick, and finally a harsh head butt. Hawk, Miguel, Aisha, and a few others did similar to her while the crowed only cheered them on louder, which made their adrenaline go through the roof. They ended it with throwing Cobra Kai towels and tee's out to the crowd before Sensei Lawrence joined them on stage.
A few blocks of cement were stacked infront of him as he glanced around, "Cobras, light it up!"
Miguel poured gasoline while Sadie pulled the lighter from her pocket, a cigarette fell from her pocket as she did so. Once Miguel was done pouring, Sadie lit the cement blocks on fire and backed away. Sensei Lawrence inhaled as he rose his fist, breaking through the multiple blocks. As if the crowd couldn't get louder, they absolutely did, chanting their Dojo name.
Sadie smiled out at the crowd, waving to a few people that waved back and cheered even louder. And she lived for it, she lived for the fame and the thrill she got from people shouting her name and flushing in the face when she'd wave.
"Sadie, hey." Hawk called out as he chased her when the festival was over, meeting her back stage.
Sadie gave a tight lipped smile, "Hey."
"You did good out there." he spoke, trying to shake the awkwardness off of them, "The beach today, that wasn't-"
"Yeah, I saw Moon came with Demetri." Sadie cut him off as she stood near the stage. She plastered a fake, sarcastic smile on her face, "Hope you guys had fun."
"Where is all this jealousy coming from? You have nothing to be worried about." he spoke to her with a hand on her arm, "We're just friends, you're being paranoid."
Sadie sighed as she gave a small nod, "I know, i'm sorry."
Hawk shook his head at her, "So, are we good?"
"Yeah." Sadie grinned, leaning in and placing a small kiss on his lips, "I'm gonna go find Demetri, are you coming?"
"Yeah, i'll meet you." he nodded her head, earning a smile before she headed off. But the second she was gone, the second she was out of his sight, he'd ran off to find Moon.
And Samantha LaRusso saw it all.
Sadie woke up to knocks on her window, groaned and waiting for it to stop. When it didn't, her head snapped up and realized it was still dark outside. At that, only two hours after she'd gotten home and fell asleep. Sadie huffed in disbelief as the knocked started again, getting out of bed and heading to her window. Sadie scoffed in disbelief when she saw who was on the other side, pulling the glass up with a glare, "What do you want?"
"I know we're not friends." Sam began as Sadie rose her eyebrows, "And I really don't like you but no one deserves to not know."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Sadie asked in disbelief, their similar busted lips they'd given each other on full display.
"Your boyfriend." Sam spoke up as Sadie stared at her, "Eli."
"What about him?" Sadie asked before she laughed, "Did he hurt your poor, precious, princess feelings?"
"He was really close with Moon when you left Valley Feast." Sam cut in quickly, "I watched him. He ran off and they were just, really close and laughing and it just- it looks like flirting."
Sadie stared at her, ignoring the image she saw in her head. Sadie didn't believe it, she thought it was just her head. But she could somehow picture Eli and Moon, flirting like they probably had at the beach. Demetri had told Sadie Moon originally just invited Hawk before realizing he'd been in a relationship, inviting the two of them as well, "You're such a fucking liar."
"Sadie-" Sam began in a begging tone before she was cut off.
"What? You think you can show up and try to manipulate me into believing your lying ass? Sorry, you're pissed about what happened at Valley Feast, but trying to screw up my relationship is a pathetic way of revenge." Sadie said in disbelief as she glared hard at Sam, "Go away before I give you another beating."
"I'm not ly-" Sam began, the beg was back in her voice.
"Go away!" Sadie repeated herself much louder, making the dog across the street bark. Sam stared at her a moment before she sighed, turning, and leaving Sadie. Once Sam was gone, Sadie slammed her window
shut and tried to convince herself she was insane for piecing together so many things that could lead Hawk to flirting with Moon.
"I see we've got some new recruits." Johnny spoke the next morning when he walked into the dojo, seeing the many new students that were gawking at everyone else. One asked to take a picture with Sadie while she pretended to bite them, she was honored to do so and was flushed in the face, "Everybody, fall in!"
Hawk grinned at Sadie as they fell in line together, she gave a smile back but felt her head start to swarm with what Sam said.
"Time to see what you're made of." Johnny spoke as he walked down the lines, eyeing each of them closely and mocking a few. He stopped infront of a much older man, "Sorry, parents can't stay for class."
Sadie could feel eyes on her, glancing around and trying to figure out who'd been staring so hard at her. Sadie met no ones eye, turning back around and feeling the stare again.
"I thought my last group of recruits was pathetic." Johnny spoke up again as he walked toward the front of the dojo once more, "But if you do what I tell you to do you'll at least have a chance of becoming a fighter. But to do that, you've gotta fight. So, which one of you has the balls to take on the champ?"
Sadie glanced in Miguel's directions to see the proud grin on his face, rubbing his shoulders slightly with a faint grin as the room was silent.
"I'll take him on."
Sadie turned around immediately and met eyes with her. Sadie shut her eyes immediately and turned back around, "Oh, shit."
"Do you know that girl?" Hawk asked with a hard nudge.
"Yeah." Sadie said with a clear of her throat, red in the face and making sure not to make eye contact with anyone.
"Oh, you will, huh?" Sensei asked her with a eyeing look.
"I saw your little demo at Valley Fest. You guys can put on a show. Can you actually fight?" Tory asked. Sadie looked back at her once more, her eyes already on her. Sadie turned back around again, pretending as though she hadn't seen her.
"That sounds like a challenge." Sensei stated her way.
"I like a challenge." she went back with just as much force.
"Mr .Diaz, show little miss hot shot here what Cobra Kais all about." Johnny spoke as everyone began backing off the mat.
"I think she's got a pretty good idea already." Aisha commented, looking at Sadie with a knowing look.
"What's going on? What are you guys talking about?" Hawk asked, offended.
"Nothing." Sadie waved him off.
"Sadies past is finally biting her in the ass." Aisha spoke as Sadie gave her a knowing look, "Told you."
kylie speaks
how interesting and
drama filled this
chapter was!
hawk and moon? hurting
sadie? tell me traitor
by olivia rodrigo isn't their
anthem, it's literally exactly
like them.
tory and sadie knowing
each other? drama? more
sam drama now?
is sam lying to sadie? is she
tell the truth?
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