𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐬𝐢𝐱
"Hey, you come here to me." Sensei Lawrence demanded when he saw Sadie walk into the dojo. Sadie sighed, dropping her bag and staring at him, "Sensei Kreese says you haven't been in class."
"It was one day." Sadie explained.
"Is that it? That's all it is to you?" he asked her in disbelief, staring her down, "Whatever girl drama you have going on in that ittie bittie heart of yours, knock it off."
Sadie didn't say anything as he stared down at her, "Do you understand, Fangs?"
And for the first time, she didn't like the nickname, "Yes, Sensei."
"Hey, where have you been?" Tory asked, standing next to Sadie in the woods as the pair tied the black head bands around their heads, "You missed a lot from Kreese."
"Busy." Sadie sighed, wishing she'd been busy again, "Family stuff."
"You wanna talk about it?" Tory asked her. Sadie cracked her a smirk, Tory sighed, knowing she was back now, "If you say-"
"I wanna do a little more then talk." Sadie cut her off.
"I knew that's what you were going to say." the taller girl said, making Sadie laugh as she looked toward Sensei Kreese, watching him standing before the two rows.
"Gentleman, Ladies. Welcome to Coyote Creek." Kreese began, walking down the line, "You've been split into two teams. Red and black. The goal is to capture as many headbands as possible from the other side. Today, the people across from you are are not your friends, they're not your brothers, they are the enemy."
Sadie met eyes with Hawk across from her, a scoff leaving her lips, "That doesn't seem hard."
"Fangs has the right attitude." Kreese nodded his head at the sound of her words, "Last team standing wins."
"How do we get the headbands?" Miguel questioned.
"By any means possible." Kreese explained, looking away from the red team toward the black, "No rules."
"Use your judgment. This is just a training exercise." Johnny said, his tone much softer as he looked at each of them. Sadie felt bad for making him so angry at her early, they always had a rocky relationship but never to the point were he'd truly been overly anger at her. Ever since the tournament and the multiple missed practices, things just felt different. Maybe it was because he saw too much of himself when he saw her.
"Correct, but remember, this is your life." Kreese encouraged, holding up his own red headband, "You loose this... you die."
"Hey, guys! Sorry i'm late!" Raymond annoyance as he hurried over. Sadie let out a loud snort at the sight of the tight string of beard hair, "Traffic on the 118 was a real bitch. Put Coyote Creek into the nav. Nothing came up."
"What have you done to yourself?" Sensei Lawrence spoke up, staring at the horrible beard style.
"Oh, the- Yeah, you know what, I just decided to flip the script, Hawk-Style." he nodded, pulling his sunglasses off his face. Sadie held back a laugh at the sight of Hawks face, pretending she had a harsh cough, "Heretofore, you can refer to me as Stingray."
"Yeah, all right, Chubs. He's on your team." Johnny nodded toward Kreese, who pulled a offended look.
Sadie had two kills, two red head bands in her hand. Her feet traveled through the woods lightly, looking for any sign of someone, anyone. She traveled with ease, eyes on alert and scanning the area. A crack of a branch behind her made Sadie turn quickly. Hawk stood behind her, a few feet away with his headband tied around his forehead, "A worthy opponent."
"What would you know about worthy?" she asked in disbelief, standing up straight, "Miguel told me what you did, he saw you with the medal. You're the one that trashed Miyagi-Do."
A had a slight look on his face, like he hadn't wanted Sadie or Miguel to know, "They're the enemy. I had to put them in their place. Just because your sleeping around with his daughter doesn't mean shit."
"I'm not sleeping around with anyone, you dumb fuck. So what? That means you had to trash their dojo and steal the Medal of Honor?" Sadie went back in disbelief, her tone should have been intimidating and forceful, but he knew her too well to know it was a act.
"What do you care? Just because you and Sam are all okay again doesn't mean I have to go soft." Hawk said back, eyeing her in disbelief. Jealously, it was clear as day.
"I don't have a thing for her. We're okay again because all my so called friends didn't bother to make sure I was okay after you're sorry ass cheated on me." Sadie snapped at him quickly, he broke eye contact to look away a moment, "And this isn't about her."
"Nah. Sure it isn't." he said back, a harsh glare on his face. Reaching into his shirt, he pulled out the small medal, "You want the medal so bad? Come and take it."
Sadie huffed in disbelief, taking a stance. Hawk came at her first, trying to get a kick in, knocking her back. Sadie bent down so he'd miss her again, coming up and knocking him in the ribs. Hawk kicked off the tree, trying to kick Sadie again but she managed to block him every time. Sadie mimicked his actions, going to kicks but he continued to back up, "Don't run for me, you pussy!"
"I'm not a pussy!" he yelled back, stopping his moment as he tried to punch her, Sadie blocked it quickly and punched his chest with her free hand, catching his arm and flipping Hawk over her back to land on the ground.
Sadie reached for his headband, his feet coming up and throwing her back., "Is that all you got?"
Hawk kicked her in the stomach with the side of his leg, giving Sadie access to grab it and trip him. Hawk was busy trying to get out of her hold, not seeing her fist knock him in the face twice, pushing on the side of his neck before bending down to grab his leg and easily flip him over her back yet again. Sadie breathed heavy as she stared down at the red haired boy, bending over to yank the necklace from around his neck along with his headband, "That's all i've got, Eli."
"Nice going, Fangs." Sensei Lawrence said as he grinned at her, "You won it for us."
"Finish him for her." Kreese whispered over to Miguel. The Diaz boy, already anger as it was after he found out about the medal of honor, kicking Hawk in the face. Sadie gave a slight look of disbelief, looking back at Eli who laid still a moment. Sadie went to walk toward him again before Tory stopped her with a grin, congratulating her.
"Team Black!" Sadie yelled, holding Hawks final headbands in the air as her team cheered loudly for her.
Her celebration was cut off when Stingray came up from under the leaves, chocking Sadie, "You know the thing about stringrays is, they lie and wait for the perfect opportunity to st-"
He was cut off by Sadie twisting her neck to the side and sinking her teeth into the top of his hand. Stingray yelled in pain, letting her go as she quickly kicked him in the gut and took his headband, "You should know by now that anything with fangs could end your stupid stingray any day."
Sadie gave Miguel the Medal Of Honor, telling him he should give it to the LaRussos considering her and Sam were just now on the same page again, not wanting her to think she'd had some sick plan the whole time. Sadie took a shower and ended up at Sams house again, a few bandages on her arm.
"He's such a jerk." Sam commented as Sadie fell onto her bed, telling her about how her and Hawk fought in the woods, "It's like he wants to blame you for everything."
"Literally. Like, does he think he has control over me? It's not any of his concern." Sadie agreed, looking at the ceiling in disbelief, "It's like he's trying to guilt trip me and treat me like shit just to convince me to come back."
"Which you wont, right?" Sam asked, looking back from where she sat up, looking through her class options for next year.
"God no. I wouldn't be with anyone if they try and control me like that." Sadie shook her head, sitting up as well with a groan, "He wasn't always like that, I guess. But I can't really blame him, the second you feel better then everyone else it's as if you're over the whole world."
"Is that how you felt? When you first joined Cobra Kai?" Sam asked her honestly, turning her head to look at Sadie.
"Yeah, it was bad. I was a literal jerk to everyone but three people. It just felt nice, you know? Feeling like I knew no one could mess with me and that I was so much better then anyone else." Sadie said honestly, looking back at Sam with a tight lipped smile, "But playing the villain is only fun until you figure out you're not the powerful force to be reckon with. That you're just a bad person that doesn't care about anyone but theirselves."
Sam turned to her better with a sad look, "That's what you felt like?"
"Yeah, it was. I didn't realize it until recently." Sadie said honestly with a look off, "After the break up, when I took a step back and really understood myself, I realized I wasn't who I thought I was."
Sam stared a moment, placing her hand on Sadie's knee, "Not everyone can admit that, you know? Not everyone can let it go either."
Sadie gave a faint smile, looking down at the paper, "So, what classes are you taking?"
kylie speaks
sadie's character
development is so
interesting and will
only grow from here!
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