𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞
"I told you she was gonna do it." Aisha spoke knowingly as she trailed behind Hawk and Demetri, "It's what she does."
"Yeah, but shes different with us." Hawk said with a eye roll, "We're her best friends."
"So?" Aisha asked with a laugh.
Demetri sighed loudly as he looked down at his phone, "Shes leaving me on delivered, again!"
"How many text have you sent?" Aisha asked him with a hum.
"Eight." Demetri said as Aisha laughed loudly, "Maybe we should go check on her, maybe something happened."
"Nothing happened, she's just ghosting us." Hawk rolled his eyes in disbelief before he frowned, "I don't like this."
"No one likes being ghosted." Aisha shook her head, "What did she say exactly?"
Demetri cleared his throat loudly, "She said, and I quote. 'I've got to go, i'll text you later.' and then left, like so fast."
Aisha shook her head in disbelief, "You two idiots just got played."
"Unbelievable." Hawk rolled his eyes.
"I'm gonna text her again." Demetri confirmed as he looked over at Eli who was grabbed a case of alcohol, "I still don't understand how we're gonna buy alcohol."
A near hour passed at the Canyon before bright pink caught Demetris attention. Half of Sadies hair was pulled up, showing off the underside as she hugged the leather jacket close to her. She wore a flowery top that came all the way up to her neck, the dark jeans paired with it, "Told you she wasn't ghosting us."
Hawk looked over quickly. Sadie made eye contact as her eyes blew wide, turning quickly and walking the other day. Demetris face fell as Hawk huffed, "You sure about that?"
Sadie kept her distance, hoping to get the night over and see what Aisha was going to do to Yasmine so she could go home and hide. She sipped at the cherry she put in the coca cola from earlier.
"Well, hello there." Demetri said awkward as he approached with a clear of his throat, "Parched?"
"Hi." Sadie said back as she turned to leave quickly, only coming chest to chest with Hawk.
"Wow, wow, not so fast." he mocked her with a smirk, "Where are you running off too?"
Sadie panicked, "Look, you guys, about earlier. That was stupid-"
"It was not stupid." Demetri shook his head, joining the pair in the close circle, "You running away was stupid."
"We thought you liked us, we were wrong." Hawk spoke, Sadie could see how mad he was while Demetri seemed more upset, "But to run away was a pussy move. At least be up front with it."
His glare was hard as Sadie frowned, feeling weak by the way he stared at her.
Her eyes flickered over to a empty log, grabbing the two of them by the arm and pulling them over to it. The fire kept them warm when they sat down, Sadie made sure to be between them as she sighed. A moment of silence passed, "I'm sorry for leaving you guys."
"It's okay." Demetri spoke up quickly.
"No, it's not okay." Hawk snapped quickly with a glare, "You took advantage of us when we were weak, you're such a-"
"I didn't take advantage of you guys, I like both of you." Sadie said quickly, her voice raising. Her head snapped between both of them, looking at the two, "But you don't understand, it's not just something I can..."
She fell silent again. Hawk sighed, feeling bad for snapping at her. Demetri rubbed Sadies shoulder, "You can tell us, who are we gonna tell? You're the only person we talk to."
Sadie cracked a grin as she shook her head, "I get scared."
"Is it because of me?" Eli asked, his eyes casting down without realizing it, his finger ran across the scar on his lip, "Does it scare you? I know it's g-"
"No!" Sadie said quickly with wide eyes, grabbing his face tightly so he looked back up at her, "It doesn't scare me, I like it. Makes you look tough."
Hawk grinned at her words. Demetri rubbed both of them on the back, his long arms out reaching to reach Eli.
"Relationship and emotional connection are scary. They terrify me. What is we end up hating each other and tell everyone about our worst moments? What if it ruins everything in our lives? I like our lives." Sadie spoke, she was getting emotional and was hating it. She didn't get emotional, never to anyone, "I don't want us to be ruined and we hate each other."
"We're not." Demetri spoke up first, "Eli and I get you."
"Yeah, we understand this isn't your thing." Eli spoke up, not bothering to correct Demetri on his name, "Just like you understand what scares us, we were friends before any of this happened anyways."
Sadie stared at him with soft, sad eyes. She smiled slightly as Hawk took her hand, Sadie leaned back into Demetri as he held her, "Demetri, your turn to talk."
Demetri gave a slightly odd look for a second, opening his mouth and closing it again, "I agree with what he said."
Sadie laughed at his words, getting the other two to laugh as well. Sadie sat up again, pulling them into her as the three hugged. Demetri gushed, "Aw, this is so sweet. Did you know, science proves that three-"
He was cut off by Sadie kissing him, softer before she pulled away. Sadie turned to Hawk immediately, kissing him softly as well. It remember him of the first time she kissed him, outside of the dojo after Johnny had picked on him about it lip. Sadie pulled away with a small smile, leaning back some and giving Eli and Demetri enough room to lean across her and kiss the other as well.
Time passed faster then what Sadie though it was in the Canyon, keeping warm by the fire with Hawks arm around her, Demetri holding her hand. She was getting use to it, being in a actual relationship rather then sleeping around. Sadie was terrified, more then terrified, but she liked it. She liked them, and for now that was good enough.
When loud voiced echoed in the night sky, the trio had looked over to find Miguel shouted at a long haired boy by Sams side. Miguel gave a harsh shove as Sam gave him a look of disbelief, "Miguel, stop it."
Sadie and Hawk hurried over, Demetri hesitated before following close behind. Miguel went to swing at the boy again, instead hitting Sam as she fell to the ground. Sadie dropped her drink as she ran over, "Miguel! What the hell, dude?"
"Sam, Sam, I'm sorry." Miguel said as he tried to help her up. The boy tried to do the same.
"Both of you, back off." Sadie snapped as she pulled Sam up.
"God, you asshole." Sam spoke to Miguel with a glare, "What the hell was that? My dad was right about Cobra Kai."
Sadie let it slide.
"Good luck at the tournament, I won't be there." Sam glared, leaving Sadies side and storming off.
Hawk and Demetri stared a few feet away, both watching as Sadie hurried after her.
"Sam, Sam, wait." Sadie called out as she followed her up the hill.
"I don't need a extra shove from you." Sam said in disbelief as she hurried up the hill. Sadie grabbed her arm, spinning her around quickly.
"Where'd you fall at?" Sadie asked her. Sam sighed, holding her shoulder. Sadie rolled up her sleeve, running a hand across the red area, "Does it hurt?"
Sam nodded as Sadie frowned, "It'll probably bruise, maybe don't let your dad see that."
Sam looked down, Sadie saw the hurt in her eyes, "He's been drinking, it's not a excuse, I know. Look, let me drive you home. You don't need to drive."
"I have Robby." Sam sighed as she nodded toward the Keene boy coming up the hill.
"Okay, i'll drop him off then i'll drive you." Sadie said quickly, feeling guilty for Miguel's actions, "Please?"
Sam sighed, looking to Robby. She wanted to say no, she wanted to say no so bad. But Sadie was once her security blanket, once was the only person that could comfort her in the worst of times. Sam didn't know it, but the reason Sadie was wanting to drive her was for the exact same reason, "Okay, fine."
"Let me just go tell my boyfriends." Sadie nodded, running past Robby and back down the hill.
"Sadie, I didn't-" Miguel began.
"Shut you mouth, we'll talk when you're not shit face drunk and talking out your ass." Sadie glared, shoving past him and toward Demetri and Eli, "I'm gonna drive Sam home, I don't think she need to drive, she's really upset."
"You? Drive LaRusso home?" Hawk asked in disbelief. Sadie gave him a knowing look, "Be carful."
"I'll come by after, okay?" Sadie asked, giving him a quick kiss before turning to Demetri, "You're gonna go back to Eli's?"
Demetri nodded, leaning down to kiss her as well before Sadie was off, toward Samantha Larusso.
kylie speaks
can y'all feel how
hard the heartbreak
is gonna be in her? like
yeah we get a full six
episode with them but
our bbg sadie has such
bad trust issues and is
gonna hurt SO BAD.
anyways, next chapter
is just sadie and sam🥰
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