𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧
"You quite your art club? You love your art club." Miguel spoke in disbelief, him and Sadie arriving at the same time and walking in together.
Sadie shrugged. "I'm just kinda over it."
"You're over it?" Miguel asked in disbelief. "Just a month ago you were drawing a tattoo on my arm and were extremely excited because you learned the new design."
Sadie rose her eyebrows his way. "Do you think Van Gogh did art classes?"
"Yeah, I do think so." he confirmed, pushing the fence door open as their eyes fell on Eli hitting the fence with the sledge hammer, having it come crashing down. "What the hell?"
Daniel and Johnny weren't too far behind the pair. "Hey! What are you doing!"
Sadie found Sams eye, watching as she looked over. Eli blocked Sam as he walked forward, Sadie's gaze falling on him to see how he'd react. "You were both right. Talk is cheap. So i'm building a bridge."
She frowned her eyebrows in confusing, Demetri walking up by his side with the ipad in hand. "Uh, more specifically, an Okinawan sparring deck."
Sadie didn't realize it, but she started to smile as Demetri flipped through the blueprint slides."Eli's a design whiz. I looked it over and the physics check out."
"Mr.Miyagi just used this area for extra storage, but a new deck would mean a lot more room for training." Sam spoke up, dropping her rack as she walked their way.
"And we're all gonna help build it. Assuming our sensis approve?" Demetri nodded with a grin at the pair, Hawks face doing the same.
"Sounds good to me." Daniel confirmed.
"Yeah." Johnny laughed. "Sounds good to me."
"Pretty cool, isn't it?" Sam came up to Sadie, Miguel smiling at the pair before walking off to help the boys, throwing an arm around Hawk. "It was all his idea."
Sadie laughed slightly. "Yeah, it's pretty cool."
"So, I know my dad kinda freaked you out yesterday." Sam said, Sadie looked away as Sam grabbed her arm before she could break away. "But we're gonna fix that over dinner tonight. You and your mom."
Sadie shook her head. "My moms staying the night at her sisters tonight."
Sam shrugged. "Okay, then just you come. We'll cook some good food, you can sit next to me, and if my dad over pushing, like he always does, you'll just-"
She grabbed Sadie's hand, giving her hand three squeezed. Sadie cracked a grin. "A code for get me out of here?"
"Exactly." Sam smiled, Sadie meeting her eye with a small, soft smile. "Please. It'll be the best food ever."
"The best food ever?" Sadie laughed, Sam nodded. She inhaled with a hum. "Fine, only because I like you enough."
"Well, i'd hope so." Sam pulled her toward the racks again.
As they passed a laughing Eli and Miguel, Sadie flicked Eli in the back of the head. He turned to her, straightening up with wide eyes. "Hi."
"Hi." she said back, a minor nod. "This was really cool of you to do."
He cracked a grin. "Yeah?"
"Yeah, assface." she said back, starting to walk off with Sam. "Keep him out of trouble, Miguel."
Johnny had fallen through for Sadie, coming as her plus one to the dinner. The girl was nervous, wearing her favorite floral shirt and stretchy, leather pants. She took a shot from the tequila hidden in the couch, riding over with Johnny as they were welcomed in soon after.
"Okay, Sadie, we can put you right in here with Sam." Amanda spoke, scooting over the place mats. Daniel poured red wine into her glass. "Oh, thank you."
Sam latched onto Sadie's hand under the table once they sat, getting a small grin from her in return. She laughed at the sight of Johnny and Daniel. "Do you realize how weird it is seeing you guys being normal together?"
"It's extremely weird." Sam agreed with a nod of her head.
"Oh, yeah, the last time these two were in a kitchen together... let's just say i'm glad the steak knives weren't out." Amanda nodded her head as Daniel continued to poor drinks.
"I'll drink to that." Johnny agreed.
"Sadie, you drink?" Daniel asked, holding the wine her way. The table looked at him oddly. "Just a little, I let the kids do it all the time."
Sadie looked to Sam a second. "Oh, no thanks. I'm- I'm not twenty-one so that would be really wrong of me to do."
Daniel pointed at her with a nod. "That's the exact answer I was looking for. I don't let my kids drink."
Sadie gave a minor smile, Sams hand tightening in hers. She cleared her throat, thinking of the most adult and responsible thing to talk about with her girlfriends parents. "So, how's your car business?"
"The dealership's been the best it's been in years." Daniel confirmed for her with a nod of his head. "It should practically be on autopilot by the time Sam takes over. Right?"
Sadie looked over at Sam in minor confusion. The LaRusso girl flushed. "Dad."
"I didn't know you wanted to do that." Sadie whispered toward Sam in confusion.
"Nah, it's an inside joke." Daniel waved her off with a minor laugh. "When Sam was little, she used to walk around like she owned the place."
"Well, that hasn't changed much." Sadie joked.
"Can you blame her? She was practically raised on that showroom floor." Amanda added in from the other end of the table. "Almost born on it too."
"Hey, whatever Sam wants to do with her life, that's entirely up to her." Daniel rose his hands in defense, putting some peas on Sadie's plate for her. "If she decides to go to school nearby, maybe enter MBA. USC, USLA, i'm just saying it's all icing on the cake."
Sam was the one to squeeze Sadie's hand tightly. Amanda jumped in. "Sadie, how's school going, sweetheart? Sam says you two have been studying a lot after school."
Despite having zero classes together.
Sadie blinked with a quick nod when Sam dug her hand into her leg. "Oh, yeah, totally. I've gotten my grade up in....in my class ever since Sam started to help me out."
"Yes, a total nerd." Johnny nodded his head. "Showed me her report card, all A's except math with a B."
"With graded like that you can go anywhere you want." Daniel looked over at her with a minor nod of his head. "Do you have any schools in mind yet?"
Sadie tightened her hand in Sams as she thought about all the schools she was already rejected from. "Um, it's kinda just up in the air, really. Maybe somewhere up North."
Sam looked up quickly, never hearing this in her life.
"Yeah, to study the stars as if she can't just look up at them." Johnny mocked in the slightest.
Sadie laughed a little. "It's an astronomer."
"Oh, how interesting. You don't hear that much." Amanda hummed with a sip to her wine. "What, you'll need a bachelors in physics, then?"
"With extra classes on the side." Sadie nodded her head with a small swallow, feeling over whelmed as she squeezed Sams hand.
"Johnny named the dojo after Sadie." Sam cut in to save her from the college talk. "Because he calls her Fangs."
"Oh, yeah, your teeth." Amanda nodded at her mouth. "What made you get those?"
"She bit the crap out of Miguel on her first day. Total badass." Johnny spoke with a mouth full. "She looks like a Fangs."
"You bit Miguel?" Daniel looked her way, hiding his judgement with a small laugh. "I remember the All Valley last year."
"Dad." Sam gave a warning look.
"Hey, i'm not judging, i'm just saying it was a bit scary." he put his right hand up in surrender.
"I was a little...unhinged back then." Sam swallowed with a nod his way, her heart hitting her chest. "I've calmed down a lot since then. Sam, you know, she's been good for me."
"Well, we're proud of you." Amanda nodded her head. "I was a bit surprised when the two of you became friends again. I didn't think either of you would talk again, let alone date."
"It just took a little while." Sam nodded her head, holding Sadie's hand. "Too long."
"I think once I realized that we needed to work together, things just started to make more sense." Sadie cleared her throat slightly as she took a sip from her water.
"And now they're gonna kick ass together." Johnny flashed a "rock on" hand motion.
"Yeah, it's just too bad Sadie won't get to compete." Daniels words made the table look over.
"What do you mean?" Sadie looked in minor confusion.
"Well, don't you remember? They banned you after what happened last year." Daniel gave a guilty look, resizing Sadie didn't know. "I'm sorry, I thought you knew that."
"I though I was just banned for that day? Like, I couldn't compete anymore." Sadie nodded her head, looking offended and upset all at once.
"They banned her forever?" Johnny looked in disbelief. "Are you kidding me? She's one of my best fighters."
Sadie looked down at her food, putting her fork down and not speaking much more that night.
kylie speaks
i miss when sadie was
biting people lmao, i know
she was a bit psycho back
then but i was obsessed with
the mean girl era.
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