𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
Sadie dropped the boy, Robby she found out, off at the LaRusso house, Sams stayed in the car. She ended up driving pretty far, nearly all the way to North Hills. Sadie stopped, reaching in the backseat of her car and handing Sam the box of tissues she kept in here, "Go on, I won't tell anyone."
Sam broke down in tears immediately as Sam turned down the dark, nearly empty road. Sadies music was soft as it played behind Sams sobs, using the tissues Sadie gave her, "I can't believe he did that."
Sadie pulled over on the empty road, her car lights being the only thing seen for what seemed like hours. She put it in park and turned in her seat, "I know what happened was stupid and i'd be upset too. But he didn't mean to, Miguel really likes you."
"It's not that he hit me, I know he didn't do it on purpose." Sam cried, trying to take deep breaths as she looked over at Sadie. Looking at Sadie only made her cry harder, looking away, "He's different, he's not like when we first started dating."
Sadie knew she was right, "Is that such a bad thing?"
"Yes!" Sam said loudly and in disbelief, "All of you, you're all such assholes now!"
Sadie held herself back from snapping at Sam, clinching her jaw and she stared over at her. When Sam cried, her blue eyes looked even brighter. Sadie use to always tell her that, each time they'd watch sad movies together or when they'd get into a argument. Sam would always cry when her and Sad argued over the smallest of things, it scared her. Not because she was scared of Sadie, but because she was scared she'd lose her.
And she did.
"God, why am I doing this infront of you?" Sam asked in disbelief, stopping herself from crying as she looked out the window, "Can you just take me home?"
Sadie frowned a moment as she put her car in drive, "Yeah."
Silence fell over them again as they drove, the stars had gotten relatively bright. Lighting up the road more. Sadie knew Sam wasn't looked at them, "I have a sun roof."
"What?" Sam asked her in disbelief. Sadie reached up and pressed the button that pulled the sun roof back, baring the bright stars to Sam, "If you still like stargazing."
Sam smiled, her lip trembled as she looked up at them, "Do you do it anymore?"
"Do what?" Sadie asked, keeping down the road.
"Go stargazing." Sam said, her voice cracked, "We use to go all the time."
"Not really." Sadie said honestly, "I only ever did it because you liked it."
Sam laughed as she looked up at the stars, whipping her face as she let the small moment of weakness escaped. She began crying again, "I hate this."
"Miguel is-" Sadie began.
"Not that." Sam cried, sitting up in her seat and looking over at Sadie as she cried, "This!"
"What? Do you wanna walk the rest of the way? Be my guest!" Sadie snapped at her in disbelief, looking over at Sam and back at the road.
"I hate that you're being like this right now! Tomorrow you're just going to go back to hating me." Sam said in disbelief, staring at Sadies side profile. Sadies jaw clinched as she blinked multiple times, "Sadie!"
"I'll always hate you, Sam." Sadie said bitterly as she took a shaky breath, "But I-"
Sam looked in disbelief as Sadies voice broke.
"But I really need you right now." Sadie said as she began to cry too, holding the steering wheel as she squeezed her eyes. Tears rolled down her full checks, crying as her eyes blurred. Sadie pulled over, not wanting to wreck and get them in trouble.
Sam passed Sadie the boxs of tissues, letting her cry before asking, "Is it your dad?"
"No." Sadie cried as she shook her head, "I have two boyfriends, i've never even had one! And they really like me, almost as much as I liked them. I like them so much and I don't wanna hurt them."
"Sadie, you're not." Sam said gently as she stared over at her sobbing enemy.
"No, I hurt everyone!" Sadie yelled, more so at herself then Sam in general, "I hurt everyone, Sam! I can't do this to them."
Sam grabbed Sadies hand when she looked down to cry. Sadie looked over in disbelief, sniffling as tears rolled down her red and swollen face. Sam help her hand, squeezed her hand. Looking at Sam made Sadie cry, she looked away.
"You have the ability to love, Sadie." Sam said to her after a second, "I've seen you do it. You just have to let yourself."
"I can't." Sadie shook her head, pulling her hand away from Sams and whipping her face with the tissues, "Then it'll just hurt me when one of us fucks up in the end, I don't wanna get hurt either."
Sam stared at her, she nodded, "I know."
Sadie looked over, "Miguel didn't mean to hurt you, Sam. What you guys have is something I could never give to anyone, you have to understand that."
Sam stared at her, "I think you can."
Sadie sniffled, getting her crying to stop. She held out a single tissue to Sam. The LaRusso girl reached for it, her finger tips grazing the soft fabric just before her body had julted alongside Sadies.
Another car ran right into them.
kylie speaks
been waiting for
this one.
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