𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
"And-" Hawk began, telling a wild story to Aisha, who looked board out of her mind. He was cut off by a pair of forceful arms wrapping around him, squeezing tightly as he looked back, "Sadie, you aren't dead?"
"No, I was just ignoring you." she said honestly with a sigh, keeping her arms around to avoid having to be face to face, "Are you mad at me?"
"Saved by the unstable relationship." Aisha said as she picked up her bag and walked off to make fun of the new recruits.
"No, i'm not mad." Hawk said, pulling her off of him and yanking her around, "Just confused, do you wanna break up with us?"
"No." Sadie said as she avoided eye contact, "I just didn't do the whole... hug and say how sorry you are and try and ask what you can do thing."
"So you want me to do nothing?" he asked her confused, eyebrows frowned and looking oddly, "Your dad could have died."
"I know." Sadie said as she huffed, "But he's not dead, which means i'm fine. Therefore, no comforting, emotional speeches."
Hawk didn't understand Sadie as much had he took credit for. He knew she was badass, how she rarely got emotional or cried. But he didn't get why she couldn't with him, or even Demetri. He'd cried to both of them, Demetris cried to both of them, but not Sadie. What he thought was she was that way to everyone, though he had no clue about the half of it.
"Okay, I get it." he said to her with a nod. Sadie smiled as she gave a half grin, "But if you wanna talk... our windows are like seven feet apart."
"Mm, yes I know." Sadie grinned as her hands snuck around his waist, "Like last summer when we weren't even really friends and you watched me change."
Eli went red in the face, "What- no I didn't."
"Mhm, you did, I saw you." Sadie teased as she held his face, "You think I always take my clothes off that slow? I was giving you a show!"
"You have no clue what you're talking about." Hawk shook her head with a flushed face, swooping her up as Sadie laughed.
"I do, actually." she laughed, yelling as he threw her onto the map, "My bones!"
"You deserve it." he spoke, going to walk away before her teeth sunk into his ankle. Hawk yelled out, trying to shake her off.
"Look, it's her." Chris said in amazement to Mitch, "With the teeth."
"Better watch it too, she bites everyone." Miguel tried to scare them, pulling his gi down and showing the mark on his arm, "This is from yesterday when I stole her cherry cola."
"So cool." Chris admitted, watching has Sadie pulled Hawk down onto the mat.
"Hawk! Fangs! Knock it off." Sensei scolded the pair, their rolling bodies coming to a stop to look over at him. A older man was by his side, "Everyone, fall in."
Sadie crawled off of Hawk, holding her hand out and pulling him to his feet. The pair fell in with the rest of the room, eyeing their sensei before he began again, "Class, we have a visitor. Everyone, this is Mr.Kreese. He's just an observer. Pretend like he's not even here."
Sadie flickered her eyes toward the man, his gaze meeting hers as she looked away.
"Mr.Diaz, warm them up." Sensei Lawrence said as he backed off, Miguel taking his spot. Sadie bowed to Miguel with the rest of the class.
"Fighting positions!" Miguel hollered out, each of them taking a step back with their hands before them, "Front kick. Yuh!"
"Forward strike. Yuh!"
"Side jab. Yuh!"
"Yuh!" the class hollered out as they dabbed, laughing together as Miguel grinned.
"What the hell was that?" Sensei asked them in disbelief, Sadie sat up straighter as she looked his way.
"We were just messing around." Miguel spoke in a gentle tone, one that usually worked on their sensei, "I mean, we have eleven and a half months until the next All Valley."
"Speaking of which." Sadie spoke up knowingly, "When they said they ban me does that mean they ban me for just that year or for the rest of eternity? Because i'm not cool with sitting in the stands like a soccer mom, having to color code again."
"Quiet!" Sensei hollered at her.
"We already know how to kick ass." Hawk added in with a giggle, defending Miguel as the rest of the class agreed.
"Oh, yeah, really, huh?" he asked in disbelief, staring at the blue haired boy, "So, you know everything? There's nothing left to learn, huh?"
Aisha suddenly laughed from the other side of Fangs, gaining Senseis attention again, "Whats so funny, Ms.Robinson?"
"I'm sorry, Sensei. You just wouldn't understand." Aisha laughed as she shook her head up at him. The blonde man flickered his eyes toward Sadie who avoided eye contact, turning her head as the pink underside of her hair stared back at him.
"Try me." he stated.
"It's a snake-do." Aisha said as the rest of the class began to giggle together over the joke they made earlier.
"What's a snake-do?" Sensei asked with a odd look. The rest of the class held their hands up and made a hissing noise, laughing after once again.
"Quiet!" Sensei yelled as they all shut up immediately, "Five a.m, tomorrow morning. Corner of Fulton and Raymer. You don't show, and you're off the team. Class dismissed!"
Sadie slept oddly well that night. Her mom ended up staying in the hospital with her dad after her flight landed, leaving Sadie alone. She convinced Demetri and Eli to come stay over, the three falling asleep early that night. Sadie didn't sleep very well the two nights before, this being the first time she'd actually went to sleep over a few hours. She slept with her head on Hawks chest, Demetri behind her with his arms around her waist, he'd laid on Hawks arm that was out reached.
The buzzing from the nightstand woke her. Sadie let it go a moment before it heard again, her eyes fluttering open. There was a faint light from outside, orange that came through her blinds. When Sadie grabbed her phone, she saw she had no missed messages and that it was four. With frowned eyebrows, Sadie waiting until the other phone rung. Looking over, Sadie realized it was Sams phone buzzing.
Leaning across Hawk a bit, she grabbed it.
Amanda: I know you have my phone, Sadie. I'm outside. -Sam.
Sadie was easy to get out of Demetris arms, draping them around Hawk instead. She waiting a good few moments, making sure they were both still asleep before she crept out of the room. Sadies bare legs formed chill bumps in the cold house, the long tee shirt stopping mid thigh. Easily, Sadie pulled the front door open.
The sunrise had just began, the orange and red sky making her eyes squint a moment. When she adjusted, her eyes set on Sam in her driveway. She was in workout clothes, better then Sadie in her thin shirt. Sam was leaning on her car with her arms crossed, staring at Sadie. The Vesper girl shut the door back, walking across the lawn. The grass was still a little wet, the morning warming her up quickly though.
"Nice attire." Sam said, nodding to Sadie in the thin shirt. Her legs on full display, it being nearly see through, especially in the sun, "You look like you just woke up."
"That's because I did." Sadie said with a odd look. Holding the phone out, "How'd you know I had it?"
"You're the only person that would care to take it." Sam said, taking it from her hands, "Did you do anything?"
"Couldn't unlock it." Sadie lied, crossing her arms. There was a sudden breeze, blowing Sadies hair back as the sun shines from behind her. Sadies figure blocked it for Sam, making her look like she was outlined in orange, "Why are you still in my driveway?"
"Your parents aren't here?" Sam asked, noticing no cars had been in the drive way.
"It's not any of your concerns." Sadie glared at her in disbelief, "But Dads in the hospital."
"So they just leave you here alone? There was a house robbery just down the road last w-" Sam began before Sadie cut her off quickly, uncrossing her arms.
"I'm not alone, Hawk and Demetri are here." Sadie said, shutting Sam up immediately. The LaRusso girl nodded her head, flickering her eyes toward the house a moment before back at Sadie, "So you can go."
"You shouldn't take things." Sam said, holding her phone up a moment as Sadie watched her get in her car, driving off and leaving her in the sunrise.
kylie speaks
okay but can
y'all imagine
how pretty this
scene would have
been. like they look
all golden, no ones on
the road because it's so
early, that breeze that
hit sadies hair, sunrays.
so pretty.
i do still hate how we
gotta give up the cuddling
eds in a few episodes though.
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