𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐨𝐧𝐞
"Can I not just have a second alone!" Sadie yelled from the other side of the bathroom door.
"What are you even doing? You've been in there for so long!" Demetri banged his fist on the door. "Is it that time again? Do you need me to go get you something!"
"Demetri!" Sadie yelled at him, hitting the door. "Give me three minutes!"
"I really need your help! I'm having a crisis!" he yelled back to her in a begging manor. "Sadieeee."
Sadie huffed, pulling the mirror open, revealing the inside of the shelves. "Okay, okay. Wait on the couch."
"Got it!" he called, his feet running off.
Sadie grabbed the small bottle of tequila she kept in there, hidden now that people began poking around her house more. With a quick swig, she put it back up. Grasping her dads old medicine bottles, she looking over the names, the few pills left on the inside. With an eye roll at herself, she put it back and pulled the door open. "How'd you even get into my house?"
"The window." he said back from the couch. "I'm having a crisis."
"So i've heard." she rose her eyebrows, flopping down with a long exhale. "Where do I come into this?"
"Remember when you jumped Eli's fence on Halloween?" he asked, making her nod his head. "I'm gonna need you to teach me how to do that."
"What?" Sadie pulled a look of disbelief. "What are you even talking about?"
"For the All Valley." he said back with wide eyes. Sadie dug into the couch cushions. "Since i've got the height, if I can jump, that'll be all I need."
"All in the tights, they've gotta be strong." Sadie said, pulling the altoids box out and pulled one of Moons joints from it.
"Well, then, never mind." Demetri huffed as he looked at his chicken legs, then to her again. "Have you always smoked?"
"No, not really." she said back, lighting the end. "Just helps me relax. You want one?"
He pulled a crazy look. "Me? Remember who you're talking to."
Sadie laughed, leaning back against the seat to look his way. "Anyways, don't worry about the All Valley. You're gonna do fine, strong legs or not."
"Hope so." he gave a half grin, looking over as she blew toward the air. "Where's your mom been?"
"She's just out today." the Vesper girl said back.
"Yeah, I know that's what you've saying." he said, and her eyes snapped his way. "Eli says no cars have been here in months."
Sadie rolled her eyes. "Well, Eli should keep his mouth shut."
"Have you been here alone this whole time? Since December?" he gave a worried looked her way. "Where's your mom?"
"Working, Demetri." her tone was rather annoyed, but he didn't take it personal anymore. "She's saving kids, making sure they get their vaccines, the health they need."
"Yeah, but you're only sixteen, you shouldn't be alone so long." he pointed out as Sadie sat up with another exhale. "I mean, without your dad here..."
"Yeah, well, that's probably why she doesn't wanna come home." Sadie said, standing up as she used her free hand to rub her forehead, inhaling from the joint again before turning his way. Smoke blew as she spoke. "Really, it's not a big deal. I'll literally be seventeen in July, I can take care of myself, she's still paying all the bills, I have her pin numbers for whatever I need. Doesn't matter, I like to be alone."
"Yeah, I know." he got to his feet with a blink her way. "Just worried about you."
Sadie broke their eye contact, raising her eyebrows. "Well, i'm fine, so, no need."
The Alexopoulos boy nodded. "You coming to the movie tonight?"
"I don't know, I kinda just wanna stay home." she said back honestly, looking around at the stupidly messy living room. "Plus, Sam and I kinda had a fight."
"About what?" he asked her.
Sadie shook her head. "You know, I don't really know. I just got so annoyed with her kinda abandoning me at this birthday party and then just said stuff that had nothing to do with that at all."
Demetri scanned her face. "Yeah, you do that sometimes. Usually when you have too much on your mind."
Sadie looked down, swaying on her feet. "I'm just starting to think i'm not the best person for a relationship."
"You've said that before." he pointed out. "And then still dated me and Eli."
"Yeah, look how that one turned out." she mumbled, and his face fell. Sadie shook her head as she met his eye. "I just feel like i'm.... not actually there."
"There?" Demetri looked at her oddly.
"With Sam. I mean, I really like her, a lot. You know, she's great, and she's beautiful, and she's weird, and seriously an annoying asshole but I like that about her." she shrugged in return, meeting his eye with a minor shrug. "But when we're together, sometimes I just feel like i'm not all there, with her, like i'm projecting."
Demetri didn't think she made much sense, thinking it over. "Can I say something? Something that might save your relationship."
Sadie nodded her head. Demetri picked up his bag from the ground. "I think that if me, you, and Eli would have just talked to each other more, just actually said what we were feeling instead of hiding it, pretending it wasn't there, or acting out of anger, we could have worked out. I'm just saying, you and Sam, you guys can start doing that to avoid what happened with us."
Sadie stared at him, Demetri gave a small smile, heading back to the door. Sadie blinked. "Demetri."
He pulled the door open, looking back at her with a nerdy grin. "Yup?"
"I'm just really sorry about... everything when we were together. A lot of that was my fault." Sadie admitted, nodding her head. "I know I wasn't a really good girlfriend."
"Well, it wasn't just you." he turned to her completely with a serious look. "You never had a relationship, neither did I, neither did Eli. Non of us knew what we were doing, like, at all."
"Yeah." Sadie agreed, glancing down. "Do you think that...."
Demetri shut the door as he looked at her oddly. "What?"
"Do you think that Eli got with Moon because I was such a bad girlfriend?" her eyes were watery, because she always thought of that, but couldn't say it out loud.
"No." Demetri said quickly with a sad look. Sadie rubbed her eyes, and he was taken off guard by this sudden wave of emotions. "Where- Sadie, where is all this coming from?"
"I don't know!" she rose her voice slightly as she started to cry, hating every second of it. "I just feel like i'm repeating everything again and I don't wanna have to deal with that feeling again as if I still don't feel it all the time!"
"Sadie, Sadie." Demetri grabbed her shoulders, looking at her with wide eyes. "What's really going on? I can tell this isn't just about Sam."
Sadie shook her head, backing off. "Nothing, I just have a lot on my mind."
"Okay, then let's talk about it." he tried to reason.
"I don't wanna talk about anything." Sadie said back, whipping her eyes as she walk off deeper into her house again. Demetri sighed, not knowing what else he could do, leaving.
"This movie kinda sucks." Hawk said honestly as he sat in the drivers seat. After the encounter earlier today, it was awkward to be in the backseat with Demetri. Thankfully, Sam sat in the middle, but that was just as weird after their argument. She didn't even want to come, if it weren't for Miguel who said he needed a wing woman. But, she wasn't much of a wing woman by being silent in the backseat. "The fighting is clearly fake."
Demetri cringed when one of the guys on the screen kicked the other in the balls. "Ouch."
Sam looked over at Sadie, seeing she was more so looking out the window instead of the movie. Her pinkie grazed across her thigh, making Sadie's eyes look over. Miguel coughed loudly. "We're out of popcorn."
"I'll go get some more." Hawk spoke up, grabbing the empty bag.
"And I need a new drink." Demetri agreed, really needing to talk, and scold, Eli about what went on at Sadie's house today.
When the pair of boys got out, Miguel turned to Sadie quickly. "Hello, I drug you along to be my wing woman."
She pulled a stupid look. "What do you want me to do? Force you guys to hold hands?"
"I don't know, work some of your relationships magic." he gave a hopeful look. "I mean, how'd you get Sam?"
Sadie rose her eyebrows, looking over at Sam who gave Miguel an odd look. Sam opened her mouth. "Well, she stuck some gum on my forehead."
Miguel blinked. "Should I stick gum on his head?"
"Tell him that he has pretty eyes." Sadie cut in with a roll of her own. "He likes that sort of thing, compliments that don't have to do with the whole Hawk script flip. But, don't do it infront of everyone, make sure you guys are alone. If you used your brain, you would have followed him when he got out of the car."
"Should I go now?" his eyes widened.
"Now or never." Sadie said back, Miguel hurrying to get out of the car and slam the door back.
"I didn't even know Miguel liked boys." Sam said after a second. "Him and Eli seem like they'd do good together."
"Yeah." Sadie said back, realizing they were alone now.
"I'm sorry about abandoning you at the party." Sam turned to face her completely. "I just got too into wanting to embarrass Tory and I completely left you, I didn't mean to."
Sadie met her eye. "Sam, there a lot that's going on in my head that I haven't said out loud. It's been there for a while and I just keep hoping it'll go away but I really think I need to tell you."
"Yeah, of course, tell me." Sam grabbed her hands with a worried expression.
Sadie went to say something, her eyes falling on a scene behind Sam. "Oh, shit."
Sam turned, seeing what Sadie saw, Cobra Kai now standing infront of Eli and Miguel. The pair got out of the car, hurrying over as they heard Tory speak first. "He'll get what he deserves."
"Back off, Tory." Sadie threatened as she got closer to the scene with an eye roll. "All of you pathetic wannabes."
"Wannabes?" Robby asked her with a raise of his eyebrows.
"Yeah." Sadie smiled in his direction. "Seems like you're filling my spot at the dojo pretty well, aren't you?"
"Come check it out if you miss it so much." Tory mocked her.
"Not if I have anything to say about it." Sam cut in to stand up for Sadie, eyeing Tory. "Princess."
"Guys, stop!" Demetris voice rung. "Did you guys know they have Mr.Pibb and Dr.Pepper?"
Hawk looked at Sadie as she looked in disappointment. Demetri sighed. "Ah, shit. Not another rumble."
"Carful, LaRusso." Tory eyed the smaller girl. "Your mommy isn't here to play peacekeeper."
"What's that suppose to mean?" Sam shot back.
"Guys, stop!" Miguel cut in quickly. "We can't do this. We'll beat them on the mat."
"With your disqualified team?" Tory eyed Sadie.
"Do you remember what happened last time we fought?" Robby laughed in Miguel direction.
"If I remember, a certain someone was still trying to figure out what side she was on then." Tory eyed Sadie with a tilt upwards. "Now she's just trying to pretend she fits in with her wrong side."
Sadie tilted her head upwards like Tory had. "What would you know about anything I do?"
"I know you still fight like you're apart of Cobra Kai." Tory shot back at her.
"Stop." Miguel cut in again, looking between the two and to Robby. "Meet us at the baseball diamond in thirty minutes. No weapons."
"We don't need em." Tory glared back, holding Sadie's eye with a knowing look.
"What's she even talking about?" Sam asked as her and Sadie headed off.
Said shook her head, despite knowing that Tory definitely thought Sadie belonged to Cobra Kai. "Don't know."
kylie speaks
tory don't be so bitter
that sadie didn't wife
you smh. we all feel the
same pain.
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