𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞
Sadie gapped when Sam pulled her behind the school, grasping her face to kiss her sternly. She didn't expect it, but liked it, pulling her in by the waist to kiss her harder. The fabric of her dress felt nice under Sadie's fingers, but it felt so much better when she rose her hands to hold Sams forearms instead. The LaRusso girl pulled back. "Is this okay?"
"Kissing me outside of school?" Sadie laughed, tilting her head. "Totally."
Sam kissed her again, holding her face tightly. Sadie wondered what was on her mind to get her to act like this, knowing she was never the one to initiate something so sudden. She pulled back this time. "Is everything good?"
Sam blinked, her face reddened slightly. Sadie realized she might have embarrassed her. "I mean, I love it, yeah! But it's just...unexpected."
Sam shrugged. "You know what the say about prom night."
Sadie frowned her eyebrows slightly. "There's a saying?"
"You know, is most 80s movies." Sam shrugged slightly, her cheeks flushed. Sadie still looked in confusion. "A lot of girls loose their virginity on prom night."
"Oh." Sadie said casually before her eyes widened when she realized it. "Oh!"
"I mean, I know you said when we first got together that you wanted to wait because you were serious about us." Sam nodded her head. "But, we've been together for five months now. So, if you're ready to break that commitment."
Sadie thought about it, and going from hooking up with everyone all the time to not hooking up at all for five months definitely was challenging. "Yeah, totally. But not here. I'm gonna go do it for you outside of school. I'm a gentle-woman."
Sam laughed slightly, leaning into her more as they leaned against each other. "Is your mom still home?"
"Yeah, all night." Sadie nodded her head, tilting her head back slightly. "There's an after party I thought about skipping, but...there's probably a empty bedroom available."
Sam smiled, pressing her lips to hers again before latching onto her hand. As the two came around the corner, they pause when coming face to face with Robby and Tory. The four paused, staring at each other a moment. Tory met Sadie's eye with a raise eyebrow. The Vesper girl held her head up a little bit. "Ladies first."
Tory and Robby shared an annoyed look, walking into prom first while Sam rolled her eyes, lacing her hand more with Sadie's as they walked in together. Eli and Demetri looked over. "Oh, there's Sam and Sadie."
Eli looked over at him. "I-I think they're good for each other."
Demetri turned with a shocked look. "Seriously?"
"Yeah." Eli shrugged, looking over to the pair. "I mean, she looks really happy. And she's been less violent since they got together."
Demetri gave a small smile as he watched Sadie give Sam a small twirl on the dance floor. "Yeah, she does look happy."
"And, you know, sometimes it's okay to break up." Eli went on, his personal pep talk finally getting spoken out loud. "Hanging up on a girl that I hurt is only gonna hurt the both of us, and I don't want that. Especially not when she's happy, and I could be to."
Demetri looked over with a grin. "Yeah, and I think it just walked in."
Eli turned his head, finding Miguel in the doorway.
Sam pulled Sadie in, her arms tight around her waist as Sadie laid her head on her arm that was around Sams shoulders. The LaRusso girl swayed slightly, leading as the slow song played in the background. "Can I tell you something?"
"Anything." Sadie promised, her voice gentle as she stayed laid like how she was, letting Sam sway her because she was worried she'd step on her feet.
"I don't ever wanna be with anyone else but you." Sam said back, she kept her head leaned against Sadie's to avoid looking at her face. "I know we've had a really rocky time together, but I don't care."
Sadie had to smile. "It's probably always gonna be rocky with me, Sam."
"Maybe." she said in return, her thumb rubbed against Sadie's lower back. "But, I think it'll be okay as long as we can work through it together instead of against each other."
Sadie leaned her head against Sams some more. "I'd really like that."
Sam was silent a second, hesitating. "I love you."
There it was, the first I love you that she'd been waiting to say.
Sadie was frozen slightly, she held her breath. She'd never said it to anyone before, even though she did love the boys, they never said it outloud. And it scared her, terrified her to ever love someone like that again. Sadie breathed heavy a second, she pulled back to stare at Sam. "Would you ever hurt me?"
Sam scanned her face over. "What do you mean?"
"Would you ever not talk to me if I start to act a certain way or get with someone else when we're together still?" Sadie's chest heaved, and she didn't want to get overly emotional right now.
Sam shook her head. "I'd never get with anyone else if me and you were still together, which I'd hope we will be for an extremely long time. As for talking to each other, I think we've gotten better at it lately. So, I promise to talk to you if anything is ever wrong, as long as you do me too."
Sadie nodded as her promise, giving a tiny smile as she breathed out. "I love you too."
Sam smiled, leaning in slowly to kiss her on the lips.
Sadie pulled back first, grinning. "I'll be right back."
Sam frowned in confusion as Sadie was running, trying to, in her heels toward the DJ booth. She pulled money from her bra, passing it over with a begging look.
Sams eyes widened as she heard the familiar beat. "You're insecure, don't know what for."
Sadie turned on her heels, shaking her shoulders slightly as she danced toward Sam. Sam smiled, meeting her in the middle as Sadie spun her around. "Do you remember-"
"When we preformed this for my parents so they'd let us have a sleep over?" Sam laughed, nodding her head. "Fourth grade."
"Fourth grade." Sadie laughed, taking her hands as they spun slightly. "I think Harry Styles would be pretty disappointed if we don't put on a little show."
Sam flushed, her and Sadie dancing together, staying stuck together by the hand the entire time. "If only you saw what I can see! You'd understand why I want you so desperately! Right now i'm looking at you, and I can't believe you don't know oh-oh you don't know you're beautiful! Oh-Oh! That's what makes you beautiful!"
They ended their little verse with a laugh, falling into each other in a hug that had them stumbling around.
The door was locked, the lamp on, curtains shut. Sam leaned on her elbows, kissing Sadie as she stayed over her, holding her face in a kiss. Sam was pushing against her slightly, Sadie's knees tightening on either side of Sam. She pulled back to kiss her cheek before her neck, slowly, but tenderly. Sam leaned her head to the side to give her more room, sighing in content as Sadie wiggled slightly, her dress made it hard to.
Sam noticed, finding the end of the hem riding up her thighs, pulling it over her hips. Sadie took her mouth off Sams neck to look in surprise, laughing slightly. She sat up more, Sam coming with her to unzip it from the back. Sadie pulled it over her head, Sams eyes falling to her nearly naked girlfriend. Sadie leaned down again, much easier so she could move down her body a lot easier now.
Sam wiggled her shoulder some, Sadie's hand pulling the straps down. "Is it still okay?"
"Yeah." Sam gave a small grin up at her. Sadie laughed nervously, leaning forward to kiss her on the lips. Her hands snaked around Sams body to unzip her dress from the back, having it loosen in the front. Sam rolled her eyes as she felt Sadie smirk again the skin of her collarbones. The Vesper girl sat up. Unlike Sadie's, her dress was longer and was difficult to get over her head. Sam laughed. "Hang on."
"Wait." Sadie laughed, crawling off the bed to get near Sams feet. "Lift up your hips some."
Sam did, Sadie pulling the bottom hem of the dress as it came down Sams body. She stayed frozen at the end of the bed, staring over her with rose eyebrows. Sam felt a little insecure when she wasn't moving. "What?"
Sadie found her eyes with a grin, crawling back over her body, arching her back down to kiss Sam on the lips harshly. "You're body is so perfect."
kylie speaks
another game of do i
wanna be sadie or sam?
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