Many of my stories are in the middle of sad and angsty parts, and I can't handle that after my friend's murder, so I'm going to update this one since it's still cheerful and happy.❤️
Cusp: The dividing line between two different signs or houses is known as the "cusp." So if you were born on the cusp of Cancer and Leo, that means the sun was hovering over that dividing line at the moment you were born.
"So, Tae, can I know what your book is about, so I can make sure the overall mood is right for the photo?" Jungkook asked as he adjusted some settings on his camera.
"Since this is my first novel, I took a simple approach. It's a love story where two young adults meet at a coffee shop. One is the barista and the other is a customer, and they fall in love, but the barista is in heart failure and when he wakes up from his surgery, he doesn't remember the customer. The sequel will be the customer trying to help the barista remember their relationship."
"Holy shit, that sounds... angsty." Jungkook said, making me chuckle.
"Bitches love angst." I smiled at Jungkook, watching his bunny teeth show as he smiled back. "That's why I am dressed as a barista of sorts."
"Well... I like the barista look on you," he mumbled, hiding his red face behind his camera.
I felt a blush on my cheeks as I nodded. "Thank you, Jungkook. Shall we get started?"
Two hours later, we collapsed on the nearby park bench with a cup of coffee for each of us. Jungkook set his coffee next to his thigh as he examined each shot carefully.
He hummed a quiet tune as the buttons clicked, clearly editing what he can on his camera. I couldn't help but admire him as he did so. His tongue would often move across his lips to give them moisture. His profile was amazing. All of his features, even the small scar on his cheek, fit him so nicely.
"How are they turning out?" I asked, mostly to make conversation. I know they turned out well because Jungkook couldn't take a bad picture, no matter what.
"I think I know which one is my favorite," he responded a moment later, a large smile on his face as he showed the picture.
I sat at a table, notebook in front of me. This was a moment in the shoot where a beautiful blue jay flew in front of the glass window of the cafè we had used for shooting. My face wore a look of sincerity and awe. The edges of the photo were darkened, forming a sort of circular framing around my face.
"Why do you like this photo, out of all the others?"
Jungkook turned off his camera and grabbed his coffee, taking a sip. "Because of the look in your eyes. It's the look I would want someone to have when they catch sight of me for the first time. I imagine that is how the barista would look at the customer in your story."
"Well if that is how it's perceived, I think it's the one." I replied with a shy smile.
Jungkook laughed. "Only if your boss likes it, of course. Otherwise we'll have to book another session."
"You know, if you want to see me more often that badly, you just have to ask." I spoke before thinking over the words leaving my lips. I cleared my throat. "Sorry, it was a joke of sorts."
Jungkook eyed me cautiously, and my body yearned to turn away from his intense gaze, but my eyes were captivated. It's like they were looking at a rare piece of artwork in a beautiful museum. When you know you're blocking the view of others but your eyes just won't look elsewhere besides that precious painting.
It's like Jungkook was a painting. Like some scientist wanted to take someone's artwork and make it into a living, breathing human. Like Frankenstein's creature wasn't enough, so he wanted to bring something beautiful to life.
"Beautiful," I sighed, not even realizing the word was audible to the artwork's ears.
"Huh?" Jungkook tilted his head to the side.
"You're beautiful, Jungkook. It's like your face was drawn by Van Gogh himself."
His face turned red as he looked at his lap.
"I'm sorry," I apologized, shaking my head. "I don't know what came over me to make me say that."
The next moment, a pair of moist lips were pressed on mine with so much force, it was like he was searching for a lifeline. Something to keep the artwork alive and breathing.
My hands found his shoulders, moved up so my arms wrapped around his neck.
This piece of artwork is definitely real.
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