Thanks _Fire_Wolf_ for tagging me!
Q: Do you care about what others think of you?
A: To a degree yes, I do care what others think.
Q: Middle name?
A: My middle name is Caoimhe. It's pronounced kweva. Weird right?
Q: Favorite sport?
A: I don't really know if this counts, but I love doing and watching people do aerial circus arts. And if that doesn't count I guess soccer?
Q: Best friend?
A: AmberSabor 😊
Q: Someone you couldn't live without?
A: My sister.
Q: Favorite name/nickname people call you?
A: People call me Bella. (That's not my real name)
Q: Are you more cute or sexy?
A: I don't think I'm really either but if I had to chose on I'd choose cute.
Q: What are your preferred pronouns?
A: They/Them
Q: Have you ever been asked out?
A: Nope. I'm forever alone.
Q: Do you believe in true love/soulmates?
A: Yes only because my parents are relationship goals. ❤️
Q: What are your top three pet peeves?
A: When people talk for me, when people are ignorant and people being passive aggressive. (thanks Amber for letting me know I forgot two 💙)
Q: Do you consider yourself an emotional person?
A: Yes but I don't show it.
Q: Words you say often?
A: Boi, because I'm a living meme. Shit, because I can. And what? Because I'm always confused.
Q: A picture of yourself
A: I'm not gonna put a pic of myself but here's my cat.
Her name is Luna. 💙
Q: Your favorite picture of another person
A: I don't want to put a picture of anyone I know so here's Markiplier.
Q: Favorite hobby?
A: Aerial circus arts or drawing.
Q: Role model?
A: I don't really have a role model.
Q: Who is the best person you personally know?
A: Probably my sister she's a cinnamon roll and can do no harm.
Q: Crush?
A: I have a crush on my neighbor across the street, his name is Joshua. And I have a crush on my longtime best friend Mackenzie.
Q: Tag 20 people
A: I'm only gonna do 15. Sorry.
Thanks again to _Fire_Wolf_ for tagging me! 🖤
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