Quick Friends
De's POV
We played monopoly for two hours before Zane finally won. After that we played Uno, Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride and Sorry!
"It's getting kinda late, I'm gonna head back home." Zane said as he walks towards the door. "Ok baby brother. Let mummy know me and Vylad will be back in about an hour." Garroth said to his brother. "Ok, bye." Zane says as he leaves.
"Hey Garroth wanna go watch the sunset on the balcony?" Ella asks looking at Garroth. "Sure let's go!" Garroth exclaims walking to the doors to the balcony.
"You guys wanna come?" Ella asks me and Vylad. "No thanks I don't like heights." Vylad says sitting down on the mattress. "De?" Ella looks at me. "I'll stay here with Vylad." I say sitting down next to him. "Ok have fun." Ella says walking up out onto the balcony.
"Hey, random question. How old are you?." Vylad asks breaking the silence. I'm confused by the random question. But respond.
"I'm ten about to turn eleven." I say just loud enough to where he can hear me.
"Oh cool you're two years older then me." He says. "Wait you're eight?!" I say shocked. "Yeah, is there something wrong with that?" He asks.
"No you just don't act it." I say back. "Yeah. I've had a lot of people tell me that." He says chuckling slightly. "How old are your brothers?" I ask. Feeling more confident in speaking to him.
"Garroth is eleven, and Zane is nine." He answers. "How old is Ella?" He asks. "She's also ten turning eleven soon. If you couldn't tell were twins." I say looking through the glass balcony doors at Ella.
"I kinda figured you guys were twins." He says. "I wish I had a twin." He continues. "Well having a twin isn't that different from having a sibling your age." I say.
I look over at the clock on the wall.
It read 7:53.
"Wow, Zane was right it is getting late." I say looking back at Vylad. He looks over at the clock. "Yeah it is getting pretty late." He says looking back at me.
Then I hear a light tapping sound on the roof. "Do you hear that?" I ask looking up.
"Yeah. What do you think that is?" He asked also looking up. "Rain?" I say sounding more like a question.
The sound get louder and then there's a loud crash.
"I think we should get out of the treehouse. Because I think that's thunder." I say standing up. "Yeah, I don't think being in a big tree in a storm is a good idea." He says standing up and chuckling slightly.
Ella and Garroth walk in slightly wet. "We should go." Ella says walking towards the front door. The rest of us follow out the door and down the ladder.
We all get down the ladder and start walking back to the school. "So where do you guys live?" Ella asks as we walk.
"We live about half and hour away on RollingHills road." Garroth responds.
"They why are you all the way out here? And how did Zane get home?" I ask confused.
"We asked are mom to drop us off here. Because me and Vylad, like walking in the woods behind the school, and we dragged Zane with us. And Zane probably called are mom and got a ride home." Garroth says.
"So you're mom just let you explore the woods, while she's half an hour away?" Ella asks just as confused as I am.
"We know people around here and she gave Garroth her phone so we could contact her." Vylad says joining the conversation.
"Then how did Zane call you're mom if Garroth has the phone?" Ella asks. "I gave Zane moms phone." Garroth answers.
"So how are you guys gonna hey home?" I ask slightly concerned. Garroth just shrugs and keeps walking. "We'll find a way home. Don't worry." Vylad answers.
We make it to the front of the school and it starts pouring rain. We sit under the awnings of the front of the school.
We sit in silence just listening to the sound of the rain and the cars passing by.
"De we're should head back home soon, we don't want to make mom worry." Ella says breaking the silence. I nod and stand up.
"Do you guys wanna come with? Sense you can't contact your mom?" I ask Vylad and Garroth. "Sure if your parents will be cool with it." Garroth answers also standing up.
"What do you think Ella? Do you think mom will be cool with it?" I ask looking over at Ella. "I don't see why not. So let's go, we don't live to far away from here." Ella says also standing up.
"Let's go." I say stepping out from under the awnings, into the rain. Ella and Garroth walked behind me and Vylad talking.
"They get along well." Vylad says looking back at them for a second, then turning back to me.
"Yeah. But it not a huge surprise, Ella makes friends with anyone who looks at her." I say giggling at my own joke. "Garroth's the same." He says looking up at the sky.
We make it back to the house soaking wet. We walk up to the porch and Ella opens the door. "Mom can you bring us four towels, please!" Ella yells into the house, while still on the front porch.
"One moment sweetie I'm on the phone!" Mom yells back. "Well guess we're sitting for awhile." I say sitting down. Everyone else sits down as well.
"Do you guys only live with your mom?" Garroth asks. "We also live with are older brother Gene." Ella responds.
"Why don't you ask him for a towel?" Vylad asks. "He's probably out with Sasha and Zenix." Ella says.
"He usually spends the night at Zenix' house, so we just have to wait for mom." Ella continues sighing at the end of her sentence.
"You're so inpatient." I say to Ella. "Hey I'm not that impatient." She says pouting. "Ok." I say sarcastically.
Then mom walks out the front door, with four towels in hand. "Why do you girls need four tow—." She cuts herself off when she sees Vylad and Garroth.
"Oh that's why." She continues smiling at Garroth and Vylad. "Mom these are our new friends Garroth and Vylad." I say point at them when I say their names.
"Ok well here are your towels. Are you boys going to be staying here for a while?" Mom asks handing out the towels.
"If that's ok with you ma'am." Garroth answers rapping his towel around himself. "It's perfectly fine. Just try and be quiet I have phone calls I have to make." She says stepping out of the way of the door, and motioning us to come in.
"I'll go see if I can find some of Gene's clothes that will fit you boys. I'll be right back." Mom says waking up the stairs.
I close the front door and sit on the couch. "Your Mom's cool." Vylad says sitting next to me. "Yeah She is pretty cool." I say back.
"What should we call your mom?" Garroth asks. "Well you can call miss Maria, or you can call here miss Alagona." Ella says. "Alagona?" Garroth repeats back.
"It's are last name." I say. "Oh ok." Garroth responds.
I look towards the stairs when I hear footsteps. Mom walks down the stairs holding clothes. "Here boys I have some clothes Gene never wore." She says handing them to Vylad and Garroth.
"Follow me I'll show you to the bathrooms." She says, the boys stand up and they start walking away. Mom turns around and looks at me and Ella.
"Go get changed you two. I'll send your friends up when they're done changing." Mom says then turns back around.
Me and Ella get up and walk upstairs to are shared bedroom. I find clothes I want to wear, and walk out to the bathroom to get changed.
This is gonna be so fun!
Hello my lovelies. Sorry for not updating in awhile, but if you saw my A/N you would know why it took me so long.
Anyway hope you enjoy, and I'll see you next chapter!
Scarlet out! 🖤
1388 Words
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