1 - Ruin
Aeris' POV:
"..." I was asleep in my room. "...Aeris. You have overslept." S.A.I.L. said to me. "Floran doessssn't want to get up..." I mumbled, getting up.
Recca's POV:
"Recca. It is time to get up." My S.A.I.L. said to me. "Well I'll be... I overslept again didn't I." I sighed.
Yumi's POV:
"Yaaaawn..." I got up, and got dressed. "Yumi. You have--", "I know... I know..." I sighed.
Zero's POV:
"Zero. It is time to awaken." S.A.I.L. Said. "Oh my... It seems that I have overslept. I shall get ready as soon as I can!" I said.
Aeris' POV:
"Sssstupid SSSS.A.I.L...." I mumbled. "Floran wanted more resssst..." I said. "If you hadn't woken up, you would have missed the ceremony." It said. "Floran hassss to agree..." I sighed. "Mornin' Aeris!" Recca walked over, happy as usual. "Good morning." I smiled. "Morning you two..." Yumi yawned. "Good mornin' Yumi." Recca said. "I have arrived. S.A.I.L. Told me that there is a joyous ceremony today." Zero walked over. "Good morning Zero." I said. "Good morning, Aeris, Recca, and Yumi." He said. "Floran wanted to ssssleep more..." I said. "Well, we have a ceremony to attend, so we'd better get goin'!" Recca said, walking ahead. "Agreed." Zero followed. "Wait up!" Yumi said. "Wait for Floran!" I called, as I caught up to them. "We're just in time." Yumi sighed in relief. "There are four open seats over there." Recca pointed. "Floran wantssss thisss ssseat!" I said. We all sat down, and the ceremony started. 'Thisss isss boring...' I thought. "..." Everyone was paying attention to what the man was saying. He was talking about something called a Matter Manipulator. *BoOoOmM!!!* "...!" My eyes widened. "Floran sssenses threat!" I said. "What is that?" Recca asked, pointing to a giant tentacle. "I believe that is a giant squid." Zero said. "Attention all of you." All of us heard our S.A.I.L.'s say. "There isn't a chance for this planet. Go and grab the Matter Manipulators!" It said, as we all obeyed. "Oh no... Oh no, oh noooo!!!" Yumi said. "Head to the launch pad! There's a vacant ship that should take you far away from here!" S.A.I.L. said. "When did they put giant pile o' dirt here?!" Recca said. "Filthy dirt!!!!" I growled, digging the dirt with the Matter Manipulator. "Floran hatesss filthy thingsss!" I said, as we all passed the obstacle and headed to the ship. "Come on little fella!" I heard Recca say. After a lot of running, we managed to reach the ship. "Come on!" I said, as everyone got in. The door closed, and we flew far away from our destroyed home planet.
Hey everyone! It's me, WaffleCake!
And I dunno about you, but the hype for this is real! XD
Question time!:
Who's you're favorite character so far?
My answer: Probably Aeris and Recca XD
Okay! Have an awesome day!
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