twenty three
Nova's POV:
I couldn't believe that's how we left things off, I thought to myself as I drove myself home in the rain. I know it may seem like I'm being over dramatic because "there's always tomorrow" but there isn't. Not all the time. My dad's car accident and Holden's mom's sickness just proved right to that. After Dad's accident, I always made sure I went to sleep on the right terms.
I was about to turn on my radio, before I realized the red light going off on my gas meter.
(A/N I have no idea how the car gas thing works so bear w me)
I sighed, as I pulled over. The nearest gas station was miles away and I barely had any gas left in my tank to even go a mile. The road was vacant and I didn't know what to do. I forgot my phone in my room and I was stuck.
I sat in my car, watching the heavy rain drip down my windows, until I noticed a car approaching, in my rear view mirror.
I got out of my car, and started waving to the driver, in hopes of helping me out.
As I got drenched, I squinted my eyes to see the driver.
"What're you doing out here, in the rain?" He asked.
"I was driving home and my car ran outta gas," I say, sheepishly.
"If you don't mind me asking, where were you driving from?" He asked, curiously.
"Your house," I say, straight to the point. "What about you?"
"Your house, too."
We both smile slightly, both of us most likely having unanswered questions.
"I wanted to say-," I try to say, as I try to talk to him.
"Nova, I'm-," Holden tried to say, at the same time.
"Can I go first?" He asks.
I nod.
"I love you, Nova. I'm sorry if I pressured you to make your decision. I'm sorry for pressuring you into something you aren't ready for. Even if we do long distance, I know we can make it work. I'm sorry for the way I handled the situation."
I smiled, "Ironic, isn't it? I went to your house to say I'm sorry for not considering moving to New York as an option. You were right. Everything isn't here for me. You wouldn't have been here. I was just scared of the unknown. I'm so sorry."
We looked at each other. We both knew what we were thinking. We rushed over to each other and held each other.
We shifted our heads to each other and our lips were inches away. I closed my eyes and Holden the chance and kissed me.
We were lost in the moment, lips attached together, like our hearts were. Hands holding onto each other's clothes and skin, as if we were afraid we were going to slip away from each other's grasp at any second. Our breaths were mixing and being combined in one, tongues carefully slipping into mouths. It was our moment.
(A/N I had to do a kiss in the rain. Those are so iconic)
No other words were needed. We forgave each other and we were back on track.
Once we pulled away, I chuckled.
"What?" Holden smirked.
"We are drenched in the rain and we basically recreated the iconic Notebook kiss."
Holden laughs and says, "Let's get you home. I'll call a tow truck for your car."
I laugh as he puts his arm around me and walks me to his car.
Thank you so much for reading! I know this chapter was shorter than my regular short chapters, but still, thanks for reading ♥️
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