A couple weeks later
Nova's POV:
It's been a couple of weeks and Holden and I have been hanging out practically every day. It was actually really fun meeting someone new. I had gotten close to Atticus and Noah too, in the time during. Atticus was actually quite fun to hang out with. He was the person you could always look to for advice and just to chill with. Noah was definitely the party type of guy though. He's a really daring type of person you could say. Honestly I don't know how to describe it. You just know, ya know?
Anyway I had to get dressed for my shift at the bakery soon. It was one of my calm days and I only had one shift. I wore my yellow tank top with my acid washed jeans and my white sneakers.
"Hey Mom," I greeted as I entered the kitchen.
My mom was sniffling and sneezing as she said, "H-hey Nova," until she broke into a cough.
"Mom, are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah I'm fine, just a little cold," she said.
I lay my hand on my mom's forehead, "Mom, you're burning up," I exclaim. I head to the cupboard and grab the thermometer.
Once it was ready, I looked at it and it said 102* F. "Mom, you're sick, get back to bed."
"No, I have to head to work," she protested.
"No mom," I said determinedly, "Go to bed."
She sighed as she head back to bed. I grabbed my phone and messaged Holden.
Hey Holden, my mom can't come in today. She's sick.
Holden 💛🙃
That's fine. I hope she feels better!
Thanks. I gotta get going to the bakery now. Ttyl
Holden 💛🙃
I closed at my phone and I decided to walk to the bakery today. Once I reached the block, I almost bumped into someone.
"Oh I'm so sor-" I begin to say until I get cut off.
"Watch where you're going," I look at the the face of who I bumped into and to my utter dismay, it was Missilyn Parks. She was that one girl who always wanted to be on top but if someone else was, she would drag them into the dirt. She was worse than Regina George.
"Sorry Missilyn," I say trying to end the conversation as soon as possible.
"You should be sorry. You know I've been hearing that you've been hanging out with that rich boy who's visiting," she says.
"And?" I say trying for her to get to her point.
"I didn't take you as a gold digger," she sneered, "But I guess you have no other option now that daddy died."
My jaw clenched. No one speaks of my father like that.
"Now look honey, I know you must be insecure about yourself to be calling me of all people, a gold digger. But don't you dare speak of my father with that disgusting, vile mouth of yours," I snap.
"You bitch," she says as she tried to push me. All of a sudden, she got pulled back before she could push me by Noah.
"I think you should get out of here," Noah said to Missilyn.
She just glares and says, "This isn't over," and walks away.
"What a bitch," I mutter to myself.
"I know right," Noah said, "She keeps trying to hit on me at the market."
"Poor you," I chuckled, "You didn't have to step in, you know? I've been handling her since I was 5."
"More like poor you," Noah said, "I know you could've handled her but I figured you wouldn't want everyone talking about you."
I chuckled, "Yeah, your right."
We walk toward the bakery together and say our goodbyes as I head inside.
Today had been a really busy shift when I came home. I checked on Mom and I plopped myself down on the couch, letting my eyes rest. I heard my phone ring and I picked it up, without looking at the caller ID.
"Hello?" I said, drowsily.
I heard a chuckle on the other side and heard, "Is now a bad time?" It was Holden.
"Oh hey Holden. It's not a bad time, I was just lying on the sofa lol," I said.
He chuckled and said, "How's your mum?"
"She's doing better, her temperature went down and she's resting now."
"That's good," Holden says and we keep talking for the rest of the night.
The next day was my day off from both of my jobs and Mama headed back to work since she said she was feeling better.
"Hey Holden," I say on our call, "Wanna go to the ice cream parlor with me?"
"Yeah sure, I'm down," Holden says.
"Okay I'll meet you there," I say. I wore my ripped black jeans and my white and black tee with it.
Once I got there, I saw Allegra at the counter.
"Hey Alli," I say.
"Hey Nova, whats up?" Alli says.
"Nothing much, I'm just meeting Holden here."
"Hmm, I finally get to meet your lover boy," she teases.
"He is not my lover boy!" I say.
"Who's not your lover boy?" Holden says when he enters the parlor.
"Uh no one," I say quickly, "um Holden, this is my best friend Allegra. Allegra, Holden," I say.
They greet each other and all was going well, until I got a phone call.
"Noah, what is it?" I ask, when he called.
"It's your mom..."
I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Feel free to vote and comment and I'll see you at the next one! Till then ♥️♥️
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