Time slowed to a halt. Jaina could sense the blade approaching and knew she was too slow to react to it, but for some reason, everything seemed slower. She thought about Kylo's words, about how he wished for her death more than anything. Were all knights this bloodthirsty? Is Jacen like that now?
Her eyes shot open and glared downward at the thought. Her fists clenched. No.... She couldn't guarantee anything about Jacen yet. If she wanted to know what Jacen turned into... then she would need to find out for herself, and doing that required her to be alive. She could not... would not let herself die, not before finding Jacen. She thought about Maz's words about saving him. Save him... that's right... he's... my brother. I have to... I am GOING to find him! Nothing... nothing will stand in my way! I swear it!
Jaina turned around and focused on every last bit of power inside of her body, and then focused it into her hands. Kylo's eyes widened as he could sense what was coming next, but he was in a position where he could do nothing to stop it. He was completely at her mercy. He panicked as he tried thinking of a way to stop her attack, but no solution would come to mind.
Jaina pushed her hands outwards and Kylo was sent flying backwards. He flew through the forest and panicked as his mind started racing. Damn! I didn't even see that coming! I need to stop myself or else I'll hit a tree! Kylo turned his body around and saw that he was about to collide into a tree. He quickly used the force to push the tree, splitting its trunk apart and creating a space for him to fly through. He gripped his lightsaber and dug it into the ground beneath him, hoping that it'll slow him down. He smirks as it eventually slows him to a stop. He stares down Jaina, who slowly gets back up and turns her lightsaber back on, the purple glow highlighting the sweat on her face. Kylo gets into a ready stance while breathing heavily.
His comlink begins beeping as Captain Phasma's voice speaks through it. "Ren, we're outgunned. We must retreat."
Retreat? No, he can't retreat. He still hasn't killed Jaina, and as far as he knows, his Ravagers haven't retrieved or destroyed the droid, so his mission isn't over.
"We can't leave yet. Our mission is still not complete."
"If we don't leave immediately, the Finalizer will be destroyed. I suggest you return to the ship immediately before that happens. It doesn't matter if the Republic wins this battle. Nova Base is already almost fully charged." Phasma argued.
Kylo clenched his fists and seethed. He knew she was right, but Jaina's death was a priority. He couldn't go back empty handed. But then, he looked up at the sky and saw more Republic ships arriving. The skies were clear of TIE fighters and the battle was all but lost now. Even if he killed Jaina here and now, what happens after that? He'd be surrounded and there's no way he's making it through that many Republic troops. He had to cut his losses. He knew... hoped... that there would be another time to complete his mission.
He turned away from Jaina and began running in the direction of his shuttle. Jaina widened her eyes in a mixture of anger and surprise. She tried running after him in order to stop him, but her body failed her and she fell to the ground in a coughing fit, too injured to keep fighting. She breathed deeply to recompose herself. She groaned in annoyance. She allowed Kylo Ren to get away. After all that effort, she couldn't even defeat him and she still learned nothing about Jacen's whereabouts. She tried her best to control her frustration in the moment, but it was getting increasingly difficult.
Deep breaths... Jaina got down on her knees and closed her eyes, trying to keep her cool over the situation. Just focus on the Force... let it flow... Jaina remembered what Mara taught her and repeated it in her mind. The Force would give her strength and peace in mind. All she needed was patience.
Her breath hitched when she remembered BB-8 and the others. She had no idea if they were still in danger. She started running through the woods and towards the battlefield.
Finn watched the Ravagers walk away without paying him or the others anymore mind. They completely stopped targeting them and the droid next to him.
"Heh... guess they finally got scared away." Reveth said to herself, but still loud enough for everyone else to hear her.
"Don't jinx it." Pru begged.
Kix looked around at the transports landing nearby. This reminded him of...
He watched the soldiers run out of them and secure the surrounding area. He didn't fail to notice the white armor that adorned them. It made him remember a different time, a time where he had a different purpose, a different life he'll never get back.
"Jaina!" Finn's voice distracted Kix as he turned around to see the two of them reunite. They hugged each other, happy to see each other both still alive. Jaina winces after a couple seconds.
"Hey, you okay?" Finn asked.
"Yeah... nothing that'll kill me... well... I hope." Jaina said. "Where's BB?" She asked, he question soon met with a beep coming from BB-8 who was just at her feet. She crouched down and rubbed his head with a smile.
"Glad you're okay."
Jaina then sensed a familiar presence nearby. She looked over her shoulder and saw her Aunt, Mara Jade, accompanied by her brother, Anakin, walking towards her. Or, in Anakin's case, running. She did the same and they both collided together for a hug.
"Good to see you again..." Jaina said, happily.
"Please... don't take that long to call for help." Anakin said with relief and worry in his voice.
"Not my fault that happened. And, what's this I hear? Concern from my little brother?" She teased as she rubbed his head.
"I'm not that little!" He argued as he shoved her hand away, already regretting showing worry around her.
Mara finally caught up to them. Jaina looked at her and smiled as she hugged her too. "Well, Master..." Jaina started. "Guess our first mission wasn't a catastrophic failure."
"I had faith things would work out. That's why I brought you two along." Mara said. "Is the map still safe?" She then asked.
Jaina nodded. "Yeah, BB still has it."
"Good. We need to go back to Coruscant. There, we can take a look at the map and form a plan to take this weapon down. Hopefully, we can stop this crisis before it has a chance to begin."
"I think I can help with that."
They both turn their heads to look over at Finn who seemed nervous. "The weapon... Nova Base... I can help with that. I used to be stationed there..."
Mara looked at him in realization. "So, you're..."
"Yeah. And, I'm the one that helped Poe get out. I just wish things turned out better... but... I'll do what I can. You're gonna need all the intel you can get, and I've got it." Finn said.
Mara nodded. She could sense that Finn was incredibly anxious, but was still willing to tell her everything he knows. She could tell this was his first time finding strength in himself, and for that, she respected him.
"That's good. Now, we know what we have to work with. Let's head back. This is going to end."
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