Well, what choice did she have? It's not like she had anything to worry about; these pirates were more annoying than dangerous, so what's the harm? Whatever makes them leave her alone.
"We need to get this droid to Coruscant. He has a map which leads to a weapon the First Order's been working on." Jaina said.
"If the Republic doesn't destroy it, it will give the First Order the victory it needs to take over the Galaxy." Finn continued.
The pirates were standing there, taking it in. Well, almost all of them. Pru was messing with BB while Squeaky was trying to pull him off.
"Hey, cut that out! I wanna see this map!" Pru said.
"Huh... that explains why the Republic sent the Jedi, its most loyal dogs, all the way out here." Reveth said.
"Okay, they didn't send us. My aunt volunteered and she dragged me and my brother along for a training lesson." Jaina said.
"Well... where's your brother? I know he's definitely not your brother." Reveth said, pointing at Finn who rolls his eyes in response.
"My brother is with my aunt. Hopefully, they found Poe..." She said. Even though she was worried, she could still feel Anakin and Mara's presence in the force. "Come to think of it... they're probably having a better time than I am."
Pru finally got BB-8 to turn on the map, displaying a map of the galaxy for all of them to see. They see a trail leading right to Wild Space, uncharted territory. Jaina realized that it was the perfect hideout. Though, she probably would've gone with the Unknown Regions if she was the one building the deadly superweapon.
"Woah..." Pru said in awe.
"Yeah... we need to get this back to Coruscant. So I'm going to ask you again: Are you going to help us?" Jaina asked.
The pirates all looked back and forth at each other, contemplating the request a little too long for Jaina's liking.
Jaina groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Fine! You'll get paid!"
"We're in!" A couple of them said in unison.
Anakin sat across from Poe as Mara was in charge of flying the Twilight II. It was... awkward... very awkward. The whole ride, they've both been silent. Not much to talk about, Anakin supposed. Still, Anakin couldn't help by think back to the man he killed. He was so strong and he wasn't even a Knight of Ren? Anakin wondered who sent them. Surely, it had to have been an actual Knight of Ren: they were no normal First Order troopers.
He started to grow anxious about the possibility that... he was there...
"Kid. You okay over there? You look pale." Poe asked in concern, saying something for the first time in this trip.
"Yeah, sorry, I'm just... reminiscing, I guess." Anakin said.
"What does a Jedi have to reminisce?" Poe asked.
"Something that never should've happened, something they're responsible for." Anakin said, vaguely.
Poe looked more concerned for the boy in front of him. "Yeah? Like what?"
Mara interjected, telling them they were about to drop out of hyperspace. Overhearing their conversation reminded her of things she'd like to forget too, but she had to keep her head up and continue onward like always.
"Jaina... she may... seem like the last person you'd want your droid with, but... she knows what she's doing." Anakin said.
"That's uhh... real encouraging, kid." Poe said, in a halfhearted tone.
"I'm not a kid. I'm 20 years old." Anakin deadpanned.
"Well, you're still ten years younger than me, so you're still a kid in my book." Poe chuckled, making Anakin roll his eyes in annoyance.
"Hey, don't take it the wrong way! That just means you have your whole life ahead of you! Plenty of time to learn new things, meet people!" Poe attempted to encourage. "Well, I actually don't know if you Jedi are allowed to have attachments or whatever."
"We can. The rules have changed a bit since the Clone Wars." Anakin stated. "But... thanks for the words of encouragement... I guess."
Their ship jumped out of hyperspace and the trio looked out the window to see Coruscant and the fleet that orbited it, always looking out for any threat that would dare challenge it.
"Home sweet home." Poe said to himself. "Just wish Finn was here to see it."
"He's fine, you know." Anakin said, reassuringly.
"Let's... not get our hopes up." Poe said, the somber tone in his voice returning.
They descended into the atmosphere of the planet. To many, the sight of the endless city that stretched beyond the horizon would be breathtaking, but Anakin had seen this place several times before, and if he's being honest, he preferred somewhere more tranquil than an endless city. He liked watching the sunset on a planet where he didn't have to worry about the constant background noise of speeders.
Up ahead, the Senate building was visible.
"Alright, prepare for landing." Mara said. Everyone made sure they were properly secured to their seats. Mara looked at the landing platform, seeing multiple people waiting outside. Taking a deep breath and preparing herself for the migraine that was politics, she slowly landed the ship on the platform.
The three exited the ship and were greeted by the presence of Chancellor Leia Organa herself, accompanied by her entourage. Anakin smiled at the woman he knew to be his mother. She wore her favorite purple robes and had her graying hair tied back into a bun.
"Mom!" Anakin exclaimed as he ran over to give her a hug. She lovingly returned his embrace.
"Oh, Anakin... you don't know how worried I was about you. Are you hurt? Oh dear, you look bruised." Leia said with worry.
"Mom, I'm fine! Really!" Anakin laughed.
"Oh, goodness! I am so happy to see you, young Master Anakin!" Anakin knew that voice well and smiled as the golden protocol droid he knew to be C-3PO and his astromech droid counterpart, R2-D2, walked over.
"Happy to see you too, 3PO." Anakin said. R2 let out a series of beeps.
"Oh, I am relieved you are safe, young Master Anakin! The Chancellor was endlessly worried about you and your sister, young master Anakin! Oh, and your sister, young Master Jaina. Oh yes, she was very worried about the both of you! It is a miracle you have both returned unharmed!" C-3PO rambled on.
Leia looked past Anakin and only saw Mara and Poe. Concern immediately filled her body when she didn't see Jaina among them. "Where is Jaina? She didn't come off the ship with you." She asked. Mara sighed deeply and Anakin rubbed the back of her head.
"She uhh... well... we may have..."
"We got separated." Mara stated, interrupting Anakin.
"You WHAT?!" Leia exclaimed.
"In my defense, it was really unexpected!" Mara said, defensively. "The First Order was still in the system and... they were being led by a Knight Of Ren, Leia."
Leia and her entourage looked at each other with looks of concern on their faces. "Oh dear..." C-3PO said.
"Was she captured?" Leia asked, taking a deep breath as she looked at Mara in concern.
"No. I didn't sense her on the Destroyer. She must've already left the planet. Still, I'm not quite sure she's entirely safe. I wasn't able to contact her at all on the way back." Mara said.
"How did she leave the planet? How did Jaina find a functioning ship on Jakku?" Leia asked, to which Mara responded with a chuckle.
"She's a Solo; I'm sure she found a way like your family always does."
Leia smiled lightly at that. "That, she inherited from her father."
"Speaking of which, where is he?" Anakin asked.
"He's helping Inferno Squad investigate a lead on the First Order on Vardos." Leia said. At last, she focused her attention on Poe who stood at attention.
"Captain, were you able to confirm the information?" She asked. Poe nodded. "Yes, ma'am. I saw it with my own eyes. Unfortunately, the First Order found our position before we could escape. I had to store the map in my droid and send him into the desert while I bought him time."
"And how did you escape?" Leia asked.
"You're not gonna believe this, but a Stormtrooper broke me out." Poe said.
Everyone besides Mara and Anakin were surprised.
"A member of the First Order went rogue? Impossible!" A senator protested.
"Well, you better believe it. A trooper named Finn broke me out and helped me escape. We were shot down and separated though." Poe explained.
Leia looked deep in thought before speaking up again. "Let's go inside. We'll discuss this further in my office."
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