"Kylo Ren... have you located the map?" Snoke asked. To anyone else, his voice would've sent shivers down their spines. It was deep, oppressive, and booming as it echoed throughout the entire chamber.
"No... Supreme Leader. I've discovered that an orange and white BB unit belonging to a Republic pilot has the map in its possession. I came very close to retrieving it, but the Jedi got involved-"
"Ah, but not just any Jedi... correct?" Snoke cut him off.
"No, Supreme Leader. At least one Jedi has been identified so far. It is the daughter of the Chancellor: Jaina Solo." Kylo Ren answered.
"Jaina... Solo... she cannot be allowed to return to Coruscant. If she is able to deliver the droid to the Republic... they will learn the location of the weapon. If they destroy Nova Base... the First Order will be crippled, giving them enough time... to destroy us." Snoke said.
"Supreme Leader, I take full responsibility for-"
"Kylo..." When Snoke spoke, Kylo Ren immediately froze. To him, the power emanating from Snoke was weighing him down, making him unable to move. It was like he was tied to a heavy object and sinking deep into an ocean with no means of getting back to the surface.
"Empty promises... hold no value to me." He continued. Kylo bowed his head. "Apologies, Supreme Leader!"
"Our strategy... must now change due to this... oversight." Snoke continued.
"By the grace of your training, I will kill Jaina Solo and destroy the map without fail." Kylo Ren promised, finally looking up at the hologram that currently displayed Snoke. Most of the man's body was concealed by dark robes, but what Kylo could see made him believe that Snoke certainly wasn't human. The man's completely bald head was heavily misshapen and distorted by numerous scars. His skin was bleached and sickly pale. His hands were no different with his fingernails being a gross shade of dark yellow and unusually long and sharp like the claws of a wild animal.
"Remember, Kylo... your position in the Knights of Ren depends on your success. Don't forget... that you are the weakest among the knights. This may be your final chance to prove yourself before I deem you... unworthy." Snoke spoke as Kylo's gaze went to the floor once again as all he could think about was the terror he felt towards the possibility of Snoke no longer having a use for him. Becoming unworthy of Snoke's praise only meant one thing...
"If you do prove yourself, however... you have my permission... to challenge another knight... and claim their rank." Snoke continued.
At that statement, Kylo Ren raised his head to look at Snoke, the hope in his eyes hidden behind the mask. "You mean... you will promote me?"
"You, like all other knights, have potential. All you have to do... is show me that you are worthy." Snoke said.
"I am worthy! I will prove myself to you... and I will kill them all." Kylo Ren declared.
"We shall see... we shall see..." Snoke said before his hologram flickered and disappeared, leaving Kylo Ren alone in the cold, dark room.
This is it... Supreme Leader Snoke would give him a chance to move up the ranks. He never did this with knights who have yet to truly prove their strength. Though, Kylo supposed it was about time. He had been a knight for a few years now and believed he was strong enough to begin his ascent. Maybe one day... he could stand by Snoke's side as a member of his inner circle. If he killed that girl, then he would be given his chance to be truly recognized and respected among the knights. After he kills her, then he should dispose of the other two Jedi. That way, he'll surely be recognized for besting a Jedi Master.
Walking out of the room felt good. It felt so heavy in there, like he was being weighed down by Snoke's domineering presence.
He doubts me... but I'll show him. I'll show them all. They'll think twice before calling me an animal when they find out how powerful I am.
Captain Phasma stood in the command center of Nova Base, looking out the window and into the snowy landscape outside as she waited for Kylo Ren to arrive. She was curious about how far Finn had gotten. She wondered what kind of pathetic death that spineless deserter would endure. It was a shame she couldn't kill him herself, but a weak trooper like him would only last so long on his own. It's pathetic really... all that time and effort she put into training him like she did with all the others turned out to be for nothing. What a waste of her time...
Kylo Ren suddenly walked into the command center and towards her. She stood at attention.
"Captain Phasma, what do you have to report?" He asked.
"We have received a report from an individual from the Guavian Death Gang that the droid was spotted leaving with a crew of infamous pirates led by Sidon Ithano." She answered.
"Pirates... if offered enough credits, they'll hand the droid over." Kylo Ren stated.
"Not likely. These pirates have a history of stealing from the First Order." Phasma corrected.
"Then we should expect resistance. Listen for more transmissions from spies. If one spots the droid, that is where we go." Kylo Ren instructed.
"Understood, sir." Phasma said. As he walked away, Phasma continued looking out the window. Yes, soon, she would have her chance. That disgrace FN-2187 would die an agonizing death if she had anything to say about it. No student of hers would leave a blemish on her career in the First Order and get away with it.
"General Hux, is the weapon prepared yet?" The man in the hologram asked Hux as he sat in his desk within his office.
"Yes, Allegiant General. The weapon is ready. I believe the time has come to use it. As Leader Snoke originally intended, its first target will be Coruscant, the capital of the Republic." Hux said, hiding his pride. He had been overseeing Nova Base's construction for years and now, the time has finally come to see it in action for the glory of the First Order.
"And how long will it take for the weapon to be fully operational?" The Allegiant General asked.
"Three rotations at most." Hux said.
"Then the Republic cannot discover the weapon's location before it is fully charged. Remember, General... this weapon is your responsibility and will be under your protection. Do not disappoint me." The man continued.
"I won't, Allegiant General." Hux said before the holographic image faded away. He proceeded to contact the weapon control officer through his comlink.
"Commander, begin the charging process." Hux ordered.
"Yes, sir!" The voice on the other end responded.
Outside, the sun's energy appeared to be drawn towards the planet. It was getting drained by this weapon, and there was now so little time left to stop it, for when that star burns out, only a new order will remain...
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