The alarms continued to blare while Jaina and Finn worked to fix the leak.
"Quick! Pass me that wrench!" Jaina said.
Finn passed her one, but she said it was the wrong one. He kept giving her tools, but she kept saying no.
"If you don't give me the right wrench, this leak will flood the ship with poisonous gas!" Jaina exclaimed.
"Not my fault there's twelve different wrenches up here!" Finn panicked. He picked up a wrench and handed it to her. "Yes!" She said in response.
BB-8 started beeping at Finn.
"I don't understand that!" Finn said with a sigh. "Just move!" He went past BB-8 to give Jaina more tools.
"So, you can fix things too? What didn't your family teach you?" Finn asked.
"Gambling." Jaina said, reaching up for a spanner. "No matter how many times I asked them to give me lessons."
Finn thought that was off putting, especially for a Jedi. "I didn't know Jedi were allowed to gamble." Finn said.
"Well... I wouldn't say it's allowed... I mean, a Jedi could gamble if they wanted to... but it'd be pretty frowned upon, but that already applies for almost anywhere I guess." Jaina said.
"What else changed about the Jedi?" Finn asked out of curiosity. He had nothing against it, but the New Jedi Order seemed so different from the people that the Empire hunted down thirty years ago.
"For someone who works for the Republic, you don't know a whole lot about the Jedi." Jaina said.
Finn's heart stopped beating for a moment. Oh no. Does she know now? That I'm not with the Republic? His mind started racing.
"Oh... well... I'm kinda new to the Republic-"
"Relax. I'm just messing with you." Jaina laughed.
This woman... Finn thought.
"I don't really expect you to know a whole lot about the Jedi anyway."
She stopped when they both felt the ship moving.
"Uhh... did you make the ship move?" Finn asked.
"No. It shouldn't be going any-... oh no!" Jaina said in panic as she ran towards the cockpit.
"Oh no? Oh no what? What's wrong?!" Finn asked while chasing after her.
"We're caught in a tractor beam!" Jaina called back. Soon enough, they both looked outside in time to see their ship moving inside of the hangar of a large ship. Finn's mind immediately went to the possibility that the First Order captured them.
"The First Order... we have to hide!" Finn exclaimed. Jaina agreed since she also had the same thoughts. They both ran back to the compartment and Finn climbed inside first. Jaina lifted up BB-8 and carefully handed him to Finn, who couldn't handle the weight of him and ended up falling down and dropping the droid. They both heard the door open and closed the hatch to the compartment.
They both stayed as quiet as possible. Maybe if they just stayed down here, the First Order wouldn't noticed. Finn had no idea if they were gonna be smart and look for secret compartments in the ship, but he felt like the odds were in their favor. They would be fine was what he had to tell himself.
At least until the compartment hatch flew open and they both jumped at the sight of the three people looking down at them. One was a gamorrean with a red scarf around its neck. The other was a large, round-headed, amphibian-like alien wearing a brown hood and had a peg leg in place of its left leg. The third and final member of this strange trio wore red robes and a black cape. Large, black gloves covered their hands. Their face couldn't be seen as they were wearing a red plasteel helmet that Finn recognized as a Kaleesh mask.
One thing these men had in common... they had blasters that were aimed at them.
"Woah, woah, don't shoot!" Jaina said, holding her hands up.
"Where is the rest of your crew?" The amphibian-like alien asked, his voice extremely deep.
"There are no others! Just us!" Jaina answered quickly.
The gamorrean began to squeak.
"Uhh... what?" Finn asked.
The man in crimson robes motioned for the gamorrean to search the rest of the ship. He then spoke to Jaina and Finn in a language they could not understand.
"The boss asks what two young ones like yourselves are doing all the way out in the Western Reaches. Ya bounty hunters? Thieves? Fugitives?" The amphibian asked.
"None of those! We don't want any trouble, honest! So, if you can just let us go, that would be much appreciated!" Jaina pleaded. She knew she could probably take them on, but she had no idea what weapons they had or how many other people were on board. She still had no idea if the First Order sent them to find them.
"If that's true, where'd you get your hands on an old ship like this?" He asked.
"Niima Outpost." Finn answered.
"Jakku?" The man asked in disbelief. When the two of them nodded, the man chuckled.
"Wow! Good thing you saved this baby from those grubby scavengers! No way we'd let a classic like this get scrapped!" The man said with enthusiasm as Jaina and Finn looked at each other with worry and confusion.
The man in the crimson clothes spoke again. Even though neither of them understood him, they could still tell that he was asking them to come out of the compartment.
"Well, if you're not fugitives or thieves, what are you?" The man asked them.
"We're with the Republic." Jaina answered, honestly. Finn looked at her with panic in his eyes. He didn't know why she would tell them who they were allied with. They might be First Order loyalists and would kill them just for saying that.
"That so?" The man asked with a squint in his eye.
Finn gulped; they were in trouble now...
Jaina nodded.
"Well, there's no problems then, unless you're here to arrest us." The man said. At that, Finn was speechless.
"So... you're not with the First Order?" He asked.
"Ha! Where'd you get that idea? No, if anything, we stole from them more times than I can count!" The man admitted with pride.
The crimson man spoke up again. "So what if those were just jobs? We don't like them either way and you and I both know they're our favorite people to steal from!" The amphibian said in response. The crimson man talked more.
"Either way... we can help you do whatever it is you people need to do... for the right price that is..." He continued.
It was then that Finn recognized the man in red. He had only heard stories of his heists against the First Order, but never thought he would encounter him in person. If he was still with the First Order, he would be arresting them for how much trouble they caused.
The man in red was a notorious pirate named Sidon Ithano, and the both of them had just stumbled upon him and his crew.
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