Before We Begin
Now let me clarify some things. This is a prequel rewrite that I want people to feel like could've existed in real life. Let's say I had a time machine, went back in time to November 1st 1994 , went to George Lucas's home, and convinced him to let me write the prequels instead. I'd still let him have the credit obviously, that way people wouldn't know a time traveler from the future wrote all this. I'm gonna be using some ideas from other prequel rewrites I saw. Such as the ones made by Belated Media, BanditIncorporated, EC Henry, and a few others.
This will have some story elements and characters from the actual Phantom Menace, with a few other things as well, but with less politics, no Jar Jar, and a lot of other things. I also plan to do rewrites of episodes 2 and 3 as well after this. And they're all going to fit in the established continuity of the original trilogy. Don't know what I'm talking about? Let me explain:
1. Anakin doesn't built C-3P0. That was stupid.
2. Boba Fett isn't this unique clone that's the son of the the clone template or whatever. That's too extreme of a backstory. I'm still gonna have him be a clone, but he'll be a clone trooper originally. You'll see more about this later on.
3. Padme doesn't die after giving birth to Luke and Leia. In Return of the Jedi, Leia said she remembers her mother. Not her adoptive mother, her real one. And I don't mean she saw Padme through Force visions or something, because if she did then wouldn't Luke have Force visions, too? And yet, Luke says he has no memories of his mother.
4. NO MIDICHLORIANS. That shit was fucking dumb.
5. Anakin isn't the Chosen One. There will be mentions of the Chosen One prophecy, but it isn't Anakin. You'd think that if Anakin was believed to be this important person who would bring balance to the Force then Obi-Wan or Yoda would've mentioned it in the original trilogy, but they didn't. Anakin will still be insanely powerful (Because how else will he be able to destroy most of the Jedi?) but that's just because he's super strong and gifted in the Force.
6. Qui-Gon isn't gonna be Obi-Wan's master. It was established by Obi-Wan in the OT that Yoda was his master. Qui-Gon's still gonna play a big part in this and he is gonna work together with Obi-Wan a lot, but they're just gonna be really good friends, not master and padawan.
If you want some clues on what prequel rewrites ideas I'm gonna do, watch these prequel rewrites to get some idea on what I plan to do:
One last thing I'm gonna say, I'm also planning on doing a rewrite of the sequels eventually and they're gonna take place in the same universe as these prequel rewrites. Now without further ado, let's get started.
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