Appendix C: The Clone War
Note: This appendix is intended to help those who are unfamiliar with Star Wars understand the canon. This article is an excerpt from the Wookieepedia article "The Clone Wars". You can read it here: The important aspect to The Last Qymaili is its cause.
The origins of the Clone Wars dated back to the time of the Old Republic,[30] which reigned a millennium before the war. That era marked a dark age in galactic history,[1] as the Sith battled their ancient enemies, the Jedi, for control of the galaxy.[31] The Sith suffered from infighting,[32] which ultimately led to their defeat.
Although the Jedi believed they had vanquished their foes,[33] the Sith had merely retreated into hiding. Darth Bane, the last surviving Dark Lord of the Sith, founded a philosophy known as the Rule of Two, which dictated that the entire Sith Order would be comprised solely of a master and an apprentice.[32] Operating in the shadows, the Sith accumulated power and influence in preparation for the endgame of their grand plan: galactic domination and revenge against the Jedi.[5]
From the remnants of the Old Republic, a modern Galactic Republic was formed. For the first time, a Galactic Senate afforded political representation to hundreds of worlds and star systems. The Old Republic's armed forces were disbanded,[1] leading the Jedi Order to assume a peacekeeping role within the Republic, serving at the behest of the Senate and its Supreme Chancellor.[33]
Yet over time, the Senate incurred notoriety for its stagnant bureaucracy and corruption.[34] Rifts emerged as the central Core Worlds—including the Republic's capital, Coruscant—became reputed for their willingness to exploit the resources of the outlying Outer Rim Territories.[1] Adding to the morass of bureaucracy and inaction was the fact that corporate blocs such as the Trade Federation, the InterGalactic Banking Clan, and the Techno Union were granted Senate representation alongside the Republic's member worlds.[28]
Nearly a thousand years into the Republic's reign,[10] Darth Sidious became the ruling Dark Lord of the Sith. Using his alter ego of Senator Sheev Palpatine of Naboo, he devised a complex scheme to unseat the incumbent Supreme Chancellor, Finis Valorum, and install himself as the Republic's next head of state. As the Republic became embroiled in a dispute over the taxation of trade routes, Sidious allied himself with Nute Gunray, the Viceroy of the Trade Federation. On Sidious's orders, the Trade Federation blockaded his homeworld of Naboo.
When the Senate's characteristic stagnation proved too slow to overturn the Invasion of Naboo, Queen Padmé Amidala of Naboo called for a Vote of No Confidence in Valorum's leadership. The Senate thereafter elected Palpatine as Valorum's successor. The Jedi Order aided the Royal Naboo Security Forces in ending the blockade of Naboo, though not before the Sith revealed themselves in the form of Darth Maul, Sidious's current apprentice. Maul was defeated and presumed dead, leading the Jedi High Council to suspect the existence of a second Sith Lord.[33]
The Creation of the Clone Army
Sidious soon gained a replacement for Maul: Dooku, a Jedi Master who left the Order and became integral to the Sith's plan for galactic conquest. Sidious and Dooku, the latter of whom adopted the name Darth Tyranus, plotted to manipulate the Republic into a sham war with an opposing state. The Jedi would be forced to serve as generals for a Republic army of soldiers,[10] who would eventually serve as their executioners. Furthermore, the conflict would destabilize the Republic and render it vulnerable to a Sith takeover.[5]
Prior to the Invasion of Naboo, the Jedi High Council dismissed one of its members, Master Sifo-Dyas, due to his unorthodox belief that the Republic would need to raise an army for a full-scale conflict that he had foreseen.[35] Undeterred, Sifo-Dyas contacted the Kaminoans, a species reputed for its cloning industry, to order the production of a clone army for the Republic. In doing so, Sifo-Dyas circumvented both the Senate and the High Council, purporting to have the support of the former.[10]
When the Sith learned of the clone army, they went to extreme lengths to hijack the project. At the time, then-Chancellor Valorum asked Sifo-Dyas to oversee confidential negotiations between the Republic and the Pyke Syndicate, a rising spice cartel that had begun to dominate the Coruscant underworld. Unaware of Valorum's request, the High Council separately dispatched Sifo-Dyas to resolve a tribal dispute on the planet Felucia.[35]
Sifo-Dyas never reached Felucia, and the resulting events became enmeshed in a web of subterfuge that would take the Jedi Order many years to unravel. Dooku, as Tyranus, hired the Pykes to assassinate Sifo-Dyas, and they shot down his T-6 shuttle over the moon of their homeworld, Oba Diah. Sifo-Dyas died in the crash, but Valorum's personal attaché, Silman, had accompanied him on his mission and survived the attack.
The Pykes delivered Sifo-Dyas's corpse to Tyranus, but they covertly kept Silman as a hostage, should they need leverage in the future. The Jedi Order, meanwhile, believed that Sifo-Dyas had died on Felucia after he failed to negotiate peace between the local tribes.[35]
After seizing control of the cloning project, the Sith selected the renowned bounty hunter Jango Fett as the genetic template for their army.[10] Chief Medical Scientist Nala Se served as one of the project's main engineers.[36] On the Kaminoan homeworld of Kamino, Fett provided both genetic samples and training for his so-called clone troopers, who were subjected to growth acceleration and thereby aged at twice the normal rate of humans. As a result, the first generation of troops was ready within a decade of Sifo-Dyas's original order.[10]
[Last paragraph of this entry omitted due to lack of relevance.]
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