❶ "Snowstorm Blizzard Wind Sounds For Sleeping, Relaxing ~ Calm Snow Arctic Howling Winter Ambience"
❷ "Remembering Willie"—Lincoln OST
⊘ Silence
❸ "Marion's Theme"—Raiders of the Lost Ark OST
Naluma did not know how long they watched the pyre burn down. When she was aware of anything beyond their staggering grief, the snow had reached their calves, numbing their faces and lower legs. What little light the storm let through was fading. Naluma murmured, "Luke, we've got to find some shelter. Sun's going down."
Dazed, Luke nodded to her.
❶ They stumbled over hidden tree limbs and rocks as they searched for a good camping spot. When they found a clearing, Luke revived a bit. "Are you sure this is best? It's colder here in the wind. At least we were out of it in the forest."
"Luke, those branches are snapping like twigs with the weight of the snow. We don't want to get caught under one," Naluma said as she staked down the tent.
She lowered her shield on their Force-bond, but all she received back was the despair overwhelming Luke's ability to think. Underneath the anguish, Naluma could feel Luke's anger building again, a dark wrath that scared her.
The only way she could pull him out of this despondency was to get him moving, doing something useful. Sending urgency through their Force-bond, she said, "Pack snow against the walls of the tent. It will hold our heat in better."
"What if we get buried alive by this storm?"
"We'll cut our way out with our lightsabers."
Luke helped her pack the snow in, but he stopped after a few minutes.
"Hey, Luke, you with me?" Naluma asked as she looked over from the other end of the tent.
Luke's face reflected dark grief.
Tired of it all, Naluma yelled, "Come on, we don't have much time, Luke, and I can't do this on my own. I need you. Snap out of it and do your duty. There will be time to grieve later."
Luke lurched about the tent.
Frustrated, Naluma ordered, "Oh, don't bother. I'll finish. Go inside and set-up the bedrolls."
This is so much worse for him that the deaths on Telti. If this is one of the perks of becoming a Jedi Master, I don't want it.
She crawled into the tent. Any other time, I wouldn't mind being crammed in here with him. Oh, Luke. He sat in the middle of the tent and stared at the bedroll in his hand. His despair cut through their bond, and she could not handle it anymore. She built her strongest shield to shut him out once more.
"Hey, we'd better make the most of this," Naluma said while forcing mocked cheerfulness. "I know this doesn't sound pleasant right now, but our clothes are loaded with sweat. If we don't change them for dry clothes, the moisture is going to lock the cold in all night." Her teeth chattered as she dug through her pack.
"How can you be worried about what we're wearing when a Padawan just died?" Luke asked. "What type of monster are you that you don't even feel his death?"
Naluma took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "I feel his death, Luke." She opened up her raw core, removed her shields, and shoved her emotions into their bond.
Luke staggered back.
"I've lost best friends on military actions. Soldiers learn to bury the grief until we have the luxury to deal with it." She pulled her grief back in as she rebuilt her shield. "Now, if you don't mind, I need your help." She handed him her pack. "Get the emergency rations out, while I work on the bedrolls."
After arranging the bedrolls side-by-side in the narrow tent, she grabbed her pack for a pillow before climbing into the bag. Luke brought the ration bars over and climbed inside his sack. When they had finished eating the less-than-desirable ration bars, they stared at the tent roof in silence, both too cold to fall asleep.
❷ Unable to withhold her grief in any longer, Naluma lowered her shield and let the sorrow and guilt wash over her. Her sobs came without sound at first, but as she felt Luke's body shudder in grief next to her, her silent sobs turned into uncontrollable weeping.
Luke wrapped his arms around her as they both allowed their grief to flow, the physical touch comforting them both through the Force-bond.
After a few hours, Naluma whispered, "Luke, what are we going to tell the Senate?"
In staggered sobs, Luke whispered, "What are we going to tell his parents?"
They mourned the rest of the night, holding each other as the darkness pressed in on them.
⊘ Although the snow had stopped by morning, the temperature had plummeted. Luke hit the snow off the roof of the tent, but they were not going to be able to exit through the entrance. He rummaged through his pack for the emergency beacon. After activating it, he crawled back into bed.
While staring at the tent ceiling, he said, "Naluma."
She stared at him, watching his face contort in pain.
"When we get back, that's it."
"What?" she murmured.
"The academy. I'm sending them all home," Luke whispered in an even voice. "Disbanding the Jedi Order."
"Luke, you weren't responsible for this. Closing the school will not solve anything, nor will it bring Dashka back."
Turning to her, he said, "It will protect them."
"No, it won't. They will all be susceptible to the dark side if they leave now, half-trained." She turned to face him. "You know the First Order is looking for Force-sensitives. You know their stealing children. You want to send them out to surely die or fall to the darkness?"
"I'm not cut out for this."
"Luke, think of your vows. Think what will happen if the First Order succeeds. The entire galaxy will be plunged into slavery and darkness. This is not just about you."
He remained silent for a moment before saying, "If you want to continue, that's your business, but I won't do this anymore." He turned his back to her.
"You would leave me?" Naluma asked while biting her lip.
He shook his head as he trembled. "I can't stay."
"They need you, Luke." She stroked his arm. "I need you."
Turning back to her, he grabbed her hand and entwined her fingers in his. "Then come with me, Naluma."
"Luke, I can't do that. That is not my destiny." Tears streamed down her face as she released his grip. "Nor is it yours."
He lowered his head and pondered his decision. "I don't know how to go on."
Naluma wrapped her arms around him and held his head to her shoulder. "You don't have to do it alone, Luke." She held him while his body shuddered in sorrow. "Please stay."
An hour later, the engines of the shuttle roared overhead. After extricating themselves from the bedroll, they put on their boots and cut the top of the tent with their lightsabers as the shuttle landed thirty meters from them.
Dragging a sled behind them, Wei'ahtt and Kalder tramped down the ramp with snowshoes. When they reached the tent, they lifted Naluma and Luke onto the sled and pulled them back to the shuttle. Jannah and Kallay gave them long hugs before handing them warm clothing and stimcaf.
As he took a sip of the warm beverage, Luke said, "Thanks for coming after us."
Kallay frowned. "We all felt Dashka. None of us could bear to stay back."
Naluma bit her lip to keep from crying.
Wei'ahtt asked, "How did he die?"
With a flat tone to keep the grief from overwhelming him once more, Luke said, "He got between a melika and her kittens. They made quick work of him."
Tandolleau joined them from the cockpit after setting the shuttle to autopilot. "If it had been anyone but him ... anyone else would have been protected, but not him."
Luke nodded with a sigh. "We gave him full Jedi honors."
They all bowed their heads, giving him a moment of silence before launching the shuttle.
❸ As the shuttle flew down the mountains to the lodge, Luke took Naluma's hand and led her to the captain's quarters. He closed the hatch with the Force before he pulled her next to him on the bunk.
Naluma waited, watching the struggle within him. She could feel his desire to quit, almost taste it, but she could also feel his compassion for the ones left and his commitment to his vows.
"Naluma ..."
"I know."
"I can't abandon them, but I don't think I can make it through the death of a Padawan again. It's like a part of me died with him."
"You never have to do it alone. I'll be right here beside you every day." She took his large hand in her smaller one. "We can bear each other's burdens together."
"I wish ..." Luke lifted his hand to her hair, running his fingers through the wisps that had strayed from her bun. "I wish we could be together always. I couldn't have made it through last night without you."
"I know. I know." Naluma pulled his head to her chest, allowing the last of their grief to wash over them. "Me, too."
Did you know ...
● Luke is echoing Naluma's sentiments from three years earlier. Three years ago he would have never agreed to it, let alone propose it.
● Luke feels the death of those around him much stronger than Naluma because of his growing ability with the Force. The feelings are so strong, they debilitate him in certain situations. In the future, it will affect his ability to kill an opponent.
Tell me what you think ...
● What does Luke wish at the end? Is it the same thing Naluma wishes?
● What would have happened had Luke disbanded the Order?
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