Master Of The Knights Of Ren
Despite his seemingly calm demeanor, General Hux of the First Order knew Kylo Ren better than to let his guard slack.
"The camera footage and witnesses all point to a defecting stormtrooper, not a double agent," said Hux coolly.
Kylo Ren observed Jakku from one of the bridge's many windows. "There is no difference between the two. From the beginning the force willed it so for FN-210 to join the ranks of the republic. He is simply continuing on the path the force set him on."
"Then it appears the force is working against us," said Hux, almost impatiently.
"Even if it is so I will see it to the end," came the matter of fact reply. "Point of view my generaI. Then was the force was our ally when we beat the republic in the Calamari System?"
Hux snorted. "In any case our men will find the downed TIE fighter soon enough. There are few places to hide in the open desert of Jakku.
"The Solo boy is unimportant," said Kylo Ren, moving towards the exit. "I leave it to you."
Hux shook his head. Sometimes he wondered if he was taking his job more seriously than the Sith warrior.
Kylo Ren stepped into the massive mediation chamber in the star destroyer. It was a special installment he requested when the ship was assigned under his command.
"Kylo Ren," came a voice that filled the chamber.
"Supreme Leader Snoke," said Kylo as the large hologram appeared before him. The mutilated face of his master Snoke came into view. Despite it only being a hologram, Kylo could feel his master's dark aura.
"There had been an awakening," said Snoke slowly. "Can you feel it?"
"Luke Skywalker and his jedi order are no doubt growing in size," answered Kylo. "We will find the planet were they train soon enough. Our agents have confirmed that they are not on Corascant, though this was half expected."
"Not Skywalker," said Snoke dismissively. "The force will always balance itself make no mistake. But my young warrior balance has many meanings and takes many forms. The light cannot be destroyed, but it can be subdued, corrected, and imprisoned. Like Skywalker before the light seeks to bring into being a new champion to bear its burden."
"Then send me to this champion," said Kylo firmly. "For the dark is my ally."
Snoke leaned back in his seat. "This one has not yet realized their potential. But when warrior of the light takes up the mantle of the Jedi, you Master of the Knights of Ren will be there to meet him."
"You have taught us well," said Kylo. "I am prepared."
"We shall see," said Snoke with the faintest of smiles. "We shall see."
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