Kylo Ren
Rey had woken up in her cold cell in the planet Ilum, shortly after they arrived. To her shock the only other prisoners held in the cell block were children or varying races and cultures.
"What are you doing to them?" Rey demanded a passing guard.
He ignored her and continued on his patrol.
Two men in dark armor with shock batons at their side came to her cell. They were purge troopers, elite enforcers of the Empire, capable of going toe to toe with even Jedi in some cases.
"You can follow us willingly or you we can stun you and then haul you out," said the purge trooper on her right. "Your choice."
Rey reluctantly decided to follow them. They didn't bother to cuff her but she doubted they needed to. There wasn't any point in resisting and getting herself pummeled. She hoped cooperating would at least increase her chances of coming out of it all in one piece. She liked to think that Ben was out there back with the republic, already coordinating a rescue attempt for all the prisoners at the base.
The purge troopers chained her against a wall. Rey fearfully scanned the room for torture instruments. To her relief she saw none but it was possible that someone was bringing them. The purge troopers left without another word. A tall dark figure in robes appeared at the doorway. He wore an armored helmet of seemingly ceremonial design. At his hip hung a familiar object. A lightsaber with a black hilt.
"Your a sith," said Rey.
"And you are no jedi," said the figure, stepping into the room. "The force is strong in you however. But you have yet the skill to call upon it."
This was news for Rey. The Force was nothing more than a mystical, almost fictitious concept not too long ago. Now this sith she had just met was telling her it was with her.
"You should be grateful," said the man quietly. His voice was somewhat muffled and almost mechanical sounding behind that mask. "It is the only reason why your still here."
"You must be Kylo Ren," said Rey trying to sound defiant and determined. "I will not be turned."
Kylo Ren thrust out his hand and Rey screamed as her head was slammed back against the wall she was chained too. A painful feeling like a spoon being rammed into her exposed brain overwhelmed her. Numerous memories from the recent past surfaced all at once in her mind.
"So he's told you about me," said Kylo Ren. "FN-2187."
"Finn," Rey managed to say. She saw herself caught in the jaws of wild animals. They were trying to pull her apart. She knew those experiences weren't real but she felt them nonetheless.
"I can break you right now," said Kylo calmly. "You have spirit, but mere will cannot match the power of the force. Tell me that you cannot be turned again. Let us hear that same certainty.
Tears welled up in Rey's eyes and he began to sob, a small released for the agony that was overtaking her. She was sure, hoping that she would lose consciousness from the pain that shot through her brain as if a thermal detonator had gone off in her skull.
Suddenly her head stopped being force back by some invisible force. The pain subsided somewhat and Rey drew in deep labored breaths. Her lips sagging loose and she salivated in her daze.
"The Supreme Leader desires younglings," said Kylo, holding her head up by the chin to make sure she was listening. "But with the right push even an adult mind can be into an impressionable child's."
"Why are you doing this?"said Rey weakly. "Can't you see what your doing is wrong?"
"With the Empire there was unity and order. Sheev Palpatine ended the Galactic Civil War and brought the arrogant Jedi Order to their knees in a single day. Without the Jedi's meddling hand in political affairs the galaxy returned to normalcy."
"And the Sith?" said Rey. "Did they not manipulate in the shadows?"
"You will remember well that it was the rebel alliance that reintroduced conflict back into the galaxy. We of the sith prefer a more primitive lifestyle. We did not sit in our lavish temples, looking down on the populace of Coruscant from our high council chairs. When the work is done we would go to Korriban, there we would live out our time until the Dark Side calls on us again to return to the fray."
Rey had heard of Korriban in the stories. The supposed ancient home world of the sith.
"There can only be two," said Kylo Ren. "A master and a apprentice. Two Sith lords to guide the rest. When you turn you will begin to ascend the ranks quickly, giving your natural affinity. In time when I ascended to my master's place you could be there at my side. A gifted, and beautiful lady of the sith."
Rey gritted her teeth. She didn't think she could bear more of Kylo Ren's force powers but she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing she was close to giving in.
"Never," she hissed.
To her surprise Kylo merely looked at her. "Your vision is clouded. Think and perhaps giving some time you will learn to see on your own."
With that he left the chamber, leaving Rey feeling relieved and bewildered. She couldn't stop shaking. It was as if he had violated and penetrated into the most private recesses of her psyche. She knew that even if she did escape or if rescue came, she would never be the same again.
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