Infiltrating the Base
The Millennium Falcon sped through hyperspace, the crew on edge, dreading the possibility of an impact they definitely wouldn't survive.
"Coming up on Ilum Chewie!" Han said. "Now!"
The surface of Ilum exploded into view and Ben went rigid with fright. His father quickly wrestled with the controls, forcing the ship to angle upward harshly.
The Falcon shook as the bottom of the ship brushed against snow covered trees.
"We're clear we're clear!" Han shouted.
"I'll guide you to a good landing spot," said Finn. "There is a hanger that is used to store ships and equipment waiting for repairs. Not much traffic there."
The Falcon glided low. In the distance Ben could see TIE fighters flying over massive structures. Han landed the Falcon in a small clearing surrounded by trees not too far from the hanger Finn described. They had brought a dozen republic commandos with them for this mission. The plan was to sabotage the base's sensors and relay all information about the base's defensive capabilities.
"Chewie and I will take the troops," said Han to Ben. "You and Finn will find the girl. Stay in touch on the comms and rendezvous here when all is done."
Ben nodded and took off with Finn, weapons out. They rushed towards the hanger and quickly ducked behind some munitions crates to spy on the people within. Ben had brought Rey's belongings with him on the Falcon, including the lightsaber she had acquired. Constructing a lightsaber was one of the final steps in a Jedi's training. He didn't want to take the weapon from Rey but he figured the saber should go to more responsible hands.
"There's only two stormtroopers as far as I can tell," said Finn, scanning the area. "Could be some engineers behind those TIE bombers though."
He caught Ben already moving up ahead.
"Great," said Finn.
Following close behind, Finn noticed Ben raise his blaster and quick as he could blink, eliminated three engineers and a one of the stormtroopers, tackling the last one to the ground.
"One false move and you die," said Ben menacingly.
Finn quickly ran up to Ben panting. "Hey maybe some communication next time alright."
"Sorry," said Ben, not taking his eyes off the stormtrooper. "Used to flying solo."
Finn shook his head and looked down at the trooper. It was strange being on the other side. Only a few days ago he was one of them.
"We are looking for prisoners," said Finn. "Er...force-sensitive prisoners. The one's Kylo Ren's been looking for."
"Look I just guard this hanger alright?" said the trooper with a stammer. "I don't know where they take the prisoners!"
"Don't lie to us!" Finn snapped.
"He isn't," said Ben steadily.
Finn stared at him. "How can you be sure?"
"I feel it," said Ben with a sigh. He took a shock baton from his belt and knocked the trooper out with it. "I know where Rey is."
"What!?" said Finn. "How? When?"
"Just now," said Ben. "She's reaching out to me with her feelings. I-I don't think she's aware of what she's doing."
Finn was taken back. "You can feel her? Like the Force?"
"Yeah...." said Ben, who seemed to be distracted by something in the air, barely paying Finn any attention. "Follow me."
Ben and Finn quickly changed into the uniforms of the engineers before locking up all the bodies in a closet.
"Might be a while till they discover this mess but let's not bet on it," said Ben. "Now hurry!"
Several speed lifts and winding hallways later they at last came to the cell block they were looking for.
"She's here," said Ben, whispering to Finn as a patrol of security guards passed. "I can almost hear her calling to me. Can't make out the words though."
"This is crazy," said Finn. "I've never seen the Force work like this up close. I mean, I've seen Kylo Ren do plenty of horrible stuff but this is something else."
"What are you doing here?" said the prison guard, approaching them.
"Yeah I'm---" Ben whacked him on the head with his blaster pistol and stunned the purge trooper behind him before he could ready his electrostaff.
Ben and Finn searched through every cell they came to. Sure enough it was all children that Finn saw.
"Rey!" Ben practically shouted suddenly, startling Finn.
"Hey keep it down," Finn pleaded. "By the way we're going to need access codes to these cells if we're going to free everyone."
"I don't need codes," said Ben. He reached out with his hand towards the panel of buttons beside the cell door. He seemed to be straining from the effort of using the Force.
"You said the most you could do was lift a rock," said Finn anxiously.
Ben kept going though and he seemed more relaxed now. To Finn's amazement the cell door opened with a whoosh.
"Rey!" Ben exclaimed, rushing in. Finn stood at the door to keep watch.
"Ben?" Rey said weakly as Ben helped her off the floor. "I was just dreaming. I saw you running through this base. It all seemed so real..."
"It was," said Ben. "You were reaching out with your feelings subconsciously. The Force is strong with you Rey. Your connection sparked something in me as well. I'm getting you out of here."
"Great," said Finn. "But how do we everyone out without looking awfully suspicious?"
"We can't leave them," Rey muttered as she began to stand on her own. "Oh Ben, there was so much pain. I thought I'd never see you or the outside world again."
"it's ok now," said Ben gently, brushing back her hair. "I'm here now."
Finn quickly dragged the unconscious purge trooper and prison guard into the cell.
"Here put on the purge troopers armor," said Ben. "No one's going to dare question a purge trooper."
"We'll have to come back for the children Rey," said Ben. "We can't risk it, not when we've come this far."
"Alright," said Rey, slipping into the purge troopers clothes. "Lead the way then."
Suddenly the light dimmed and the red alert alarm went off all around the base.
Finn comm came to life and the voice of Han Solo could be heard through it.
"Finn are you there?"
Finn quickly grabbed his comm and spoke into it. "Yes sir I'm here we got Rey."
"Great," said Han. "We managed to plant charges on the base's shield generators. We have about half an hour until the fleet arrives. With the shield's down now they will be exposed to our capital ships. Meet us back at the hanger."
"You got it sir," said Finn.
At the base's command center the officers had their hands full trying to maintain order.
"They disabled nearly a third of our defense turrets," said one of the lieutenants to General Hux.
"Get a repair crew over to the generators immediately," said Hux. "Bringing the shield back online is our top priority."
Kylo Ren stopped observing the fires far below from the window and turned towards the door.
"Where are you going?" Hux asked.
He said nothing and continued on his way.
By the time the strike team had gotten back to the Falcon the republic ships Finn could see republic ships coming out of hyperspace above. Dozen's of light fighter craft descended on the base, meeting the First Order's TIE fighters in aerial combat.
An X-wing landed right beside the Falcon.
"For you sir!" the pilot of the x-wing said to Ben, leaping out of the cockpit.
A republic transport landed just as Ben situated himself in the cockpit of the x-wing.
"Your going to fight?" said Rey, pushing aside the medics trying to treat her.
Ben smiled as the cockpit canopy lowered. "I'm a pilot Rey. I fight from the skies."
"We should go Rey," said Finn as Ben's x-wing roared to life.
"No I'm staying to fight," said Rey. "Kylo Ren's going to do to those children what he did to me. I can't just sit by. I felt their fear and mine didn't even compare."
"If that's what you want we won't try and stop you," said Han, watching the republic troops exit the transport. "Stick with me. I'll be leading the ground forces back into the base. Could be some good intel we can obtain. Break those kids out while we're at it."
Rey hugged him. "Thank you, for understanding."
Han let out a indistinguishable grumble followed by a: Alright alright there there."
"We just broke you out too," Finn mumbled to himself. "Ben's going to kill me if you get hurt."
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