Never before did Rey have guests over in her home. She didn't quite know how to act. Finn wasn't much of a talker. He spent his time waiting for Ben to wake, staring out across the desert landscape, keeping to himself.
The day after Rey found the two men with their TIE fighter, Ben awoke.
"Easy there," said Rey, propping him up. "You took a big hit."
"Yeah I feel it just fine," said Ben, wincing as he gingerly touched his bandages.
"This is Rey," said Finn. "She took care of you, helped me carry you here."
"Where is here?" Ben demanded.
"My home, the wreckage of an AT-AT," said Rey. "Not too far from where you crashed."
Though rough around the edges, Rey had to admit Ben was so hard on the eyes. His toned muscles stretched against his bandage wrappings as he sat up straighter.
"We need to get ourselves a ship," he said to Finn. "First Order will be searching for us."
"You need to rest," said Rey.
Ben sat up, ignoring her. "Thank you for your help but I'm on a mission. I need to rejoin The Republic's forces."
He pushed open the hatch with a grunt.
"Where do you think your going?" Rey demanded.
"To fight the next fight miss," he replied. "Come on Finn."
Finn looked helplessly from Rey's frustrated face to Ben struggling to climb up the hatch.
"I saved you," said Rey. "And on Jakku we don't do things for free."
Ben sighed and let himself back down. "Alright sister what it going to be? My family's got credits, lots of credits, you can buy yourself a real home."
"Take me with you," said Rey.
"Riiighhttt," said Ben with a laugh. "Listen sister your not---."
"Cut out for this?" Rey interrupted. "Because I'm a girl?"
"Hey don't put words in my mouth ok?" Ben shot back angrily. "Over a third of the rebel alliance was women, real genuine heroes for risked everything for a cause they believed just. You don't know what your getting into."
"I can take care of myself," Rey insisted.
Finn put up his hands. "Hey let's just let her come along. In our situation we could use all the help we can get."
"You ever been in battle?" Ben continued.
Rey hesitated. "No but I know how to fight."
"You ever shoot at someone with that blaster rifle?"
"No but---"
"Look I don't know what you think war looks like but its a lot of screamin and dying. I just watched the First Order wipe out a whole village two days ago. Probably won't be the last time either."
"I understand and I'm sorry," said Rey impatiently. "But of all people you should understand. I've stuck here a long time. This is my one chance to do something worth something and I'm not going to just let you take that from me. Now I saved your life. You dropped into my world now it only seems proper you show me yours."
Ben stared at her comprehensibly for a moment before letting out a sigh.
"Pack quick," he said. "We head out immediately."
"You need me to guide you," said Rey, shouldering her staff and pack.
"I studied the maps," said Ben climbing out. "There's a trade post not too far from there right? That's our first stop."
Finn followed Ben out with Rey close behind. Before she continued outwards thought she took one good look at the AT-AT. It was never much but it was her home.
Rey smiled to herself. "This is it Rey," she thought. "There is only forward."
On the way to the trade post Rey bombarded Ben with questions.
"Is it true that your father shot down Darth Vader at the battle of Yavin IV?"
Ben sighed another one of a series of sighs. "Yes, but Vader survived."
"And your mother.....your mother is Leia Skywalker!"
"You don't need to tell me."
Rey hesitated before pursuing her next question. "You know the Force then."
Ben stopped walking and looked Rey in the eye. "What do you know of the Force?"
Rey furrowed her eyebrows and spoke hesitantly. "It's a mystical power that the Jedi harness isn't it? They use it to control minds and move objects."
The seemingly condescending chuckle that followed irritated Rey slightly.
"My mother explained it to me this way," said Ben. "The Force is an energy source that is formed around all things. It binds and holds the universe together. The Jedi don't own the Force. They simply guide it's flow."
"How do you collect this energy?" Rey asked, still processing what he just said.
"Another time sister," said Ben, wiping away sand that blew their way. "Time is short."
As Ben went on Finn strode up beside Rey.
"The Force is real enough," he said. "Our leader Kylo Ren? I've seen him crumple starships with it."
"The Sith warrior you mentioned before," said Rey quietly. "Surely he isn't as strong as Luke Skywalker?"
"Don't think they've ever met," said Finn. "But he's been hell bent on finding him. They say Skywalker'srebuilt the Jedi Order from the ground up. The Skywalker line knows the Force like no others."
"Then why isn't Ben a Jedi?" Rey asked. "He's a Skywalker and a Solo."
"Hey I've only known him for a day or more," said Finn.
"Well if you managed to get off that star destroyer you two must make a good team."
Finn smiled brightly. "That's for damn sure. I may not have known Ben long, but I know it in my gut that I'd follow him anywhere. Must be a Skywalker thing."
"We're here!" Ben announced. Sure enough they came over a rise in the sand to find the trade post before them.
"Water then directions to the nearest star port," said Ben.
"I parked my speeder down there," said Rey. "It's single driver only so you'll have to hang on right."
"It'll have to do," said Ben. "I'd hide your stormtrooper blaster Finn. It's a dead giveaway if their are any First Order agents down there."
"That and our faces," said Finn.
"Lets move," said Ben.
As Ben asked around the trade post, Rey accompanied Finn as he explored. he seemed on edge around public places. Rey assumed that he was used to being hated by the common people of the galaxy.
"So now that you've left the First order," Rey began, making sure no one was listening. "Are you going to join the armies of the Republic?"
"Most likely," said Finn. "I only know how to be a soldier. It's like Ben said. Off to fight the next fight. The good fight."
Ben rejoined them looking furious.
"They got starship right here but I don't have enough credits on me to commission a pilot, much less purchase a ship. The princes they offered were just criminal."
"Welcome to Jakku," said Rey smiling. "Leaving is a luxury round here."
"Did you try telling them your Ben Solo?" said Finn. "Promise them you'll be rewarded or something?"
"I just might try that but you don't know whose listening here," said Ben.
"Nearest starport is pretty far," said Rey. "It will take us a day to get there."
"A day for the First Order to possibly find us," said Ben. "I'll try again."
As Ben went off Rey noticed a group of people crowding around a well. Their clothes were as shabby as Ben's, as if they had just been through a battle as well.
"Refugees by the looks of it," said Finn.
"Hey get out of here," said a trade post worker angrily at the refugees. "We don't want any trouble, Republic or First order both."
"We just wanted some water," said one of the women. "Just give us two days. We won't be a bother."
"Are you deaf woman?" the worker bellowed. "Your not welcome!"
"We need to help them," said Rey, taking up her staff.
"Rey wait," said Finn, but she had already taken off.
The Abednedo worker was huge and muscular but Rey wasn't afraid. She had fought off bigger.
"Just leave them alone," said Rey, stepping in.
"This isn't your concern girl," he snarled. "Now step aside before I kick you off too."
He reached out to shove Rey aside but Rey struck him on the head.
"No you've really done it!" he roared, clutching his head. He rushed her after he had recovered.
Rey side stepped and let loose a flurry of strikes that brought him down.
The refugee children behind her cheered.
The Abednedo looked up at her with a look of pure contempt. "You'll never be welcome here again. No one will buy from you anymore I promise you that."
"I was leaving anyways," said Rey triumphantly. "Now back off!"
The Abednedo's expression turned to one of fear which satisfied her.
"Rey!" Finn cried out from the sidelines.
Confused Rey turned around and followed where Finn was frantically pointing as he hopped up and down. The Abednedo wasn't looking at her in fear but the three TIE fighters that could be seen approaching the trade post fast.
"They found us!" one of the refugees cried out.
"This is your doing!" The Abednedo sputtered, getting to his feet. "Your doing you---"
The barrage of blaster bolts raining down on the trade post cut him off any the entire place erupted into chaos.
"Alright new plan," said Ben, running towards them. "I stole a few access codes to the ships here."
Rey pointed to an old freighter close to them. "That one?"
"Yeah why not?!" said Ben running towards it immediately.
There were explosions all around them as the three companions ran for their lives towards the freighter. once inside Ben and Rey quickly entered the cockpit while Finn strapped himself in the passengers seat.
"Can you co-pilot?" said Ben, flipping on the switches.
"Never tried but I know machines," said Rey frantically.
"Super," said Ben. The engines roared to life and they began to liftoff. A blaster bolt struck the ship and it shuddered in the air.
"Finn hit the shields, silver lever on your left the big one," said Ben.
"Ok ok," said Finn obeying.
"Here we go!" Ben said and the freighter shot forward and upwards, away from the trade post with all three TIE fighters following close behind.
"This ships got a pair of laser cannons Finn," said Ben, his hands flying over the controls before and above him. "Just like before."
"Alright alright," said Finn, unbuckling and rushing off.
"Four minutes to hyperdrive," Ben announced. "I'll try to find us some cover."
"Star destroyer wreckage," Rey suggested. "I can calibrate the on-board computer for easier navigation through tighter spaces."
"Let's do it!" Ben yelled.
The freighter sped towards the downed star destroyer at max speed. Ben was an ace pilot. They he maneuvered the ship while evading enemy fire from behind showed raw talent, complimented by experience and extensive training. This was the son of Han Solo.
"Two minutes to hyperspace!" Ben yelled.
"I got one!" Finn announced on the comms. "Two more to go."
"That's great buddy keep at it!"
"Shield's are failing," said Rey. "Will we make it?"
Ben chuckled. he was concentrating hard. "She's no Falcon but she handles well enough."
After powering through the wreck of the star destroyer they shot straight up. The dinstinct screeching of the TIE fighters grinded on Rey's ears.
"Hyperspace here we go!" Ben yelled as they broke through the Jakku atmosphere. It sank in at that moment that Rey was leaving the planet.
"This is happening," she thought.
With a bang the freight shot forward and the stars all became a blur as they entered hyperspace. The screeching of the TIE fighters stopped. Finn could be heard celebrating through the comms.
"Next stop Coruscant," said Ben. "Center of democracy."
Rey couldn't believe it. Jakku was far behind them and now she was headed for the legendary planet of Coruscant. Home of the republic and more importantly the famed Jedi Temple.
"This is happening," she said aloud.
Ben put a gentle hand on her shoulder and turned her so she faced him.
"Hey," he said. "You alright?"
A wide grin spread across Rey's face. "Never better. Thank you."
Ben grinned back and patted her on the head before heading to the general quarters. "I need a drink."
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