Chapter 2
A Month Prior
I had been assigned to protect Felucia for a month already. Kenobi and Anakin were ordered to join me when we reported that Grevious was on the planet. I found out when Quinten's team reported that Quinten was fighting Grevious on his own. When I got there I was so close of losing my own Padawan. I interfered in time before he got harmed with a saber. Even when adrenaline is pumping into your veins during a fight you still feel the pain a saber cut causes. I got out unscathed and walked to Quinten, "Are you all alright?" I asked everyone. Some nodded while others fell to the ground to rest, "Quinten why did you face Grevious on your own?" I asked him.
"There was no time to run master." He said. I should really rethink letting my padawan go with Anakin on missions. He's being much more defiant than he used to be. That's really saying something.
"Hand me your lightsaber Quinten." I said with a straight face.
"But master.." He started but I cut him off. He handed it to me and I clipped it on my belt. No way am I letting my Padawan be like Anakin.
"No buts. Quinten I will tell you once and I hope it sticks in your mind. I gave you the order to not confront any separatists leader or general. Did I not?" I asked him. He nodded and looked at me with a mad face. As if that would work, "Do not disobey orders Quinten. When we get back to the temple you will help Master Yoda teach the younglings. I am only doing this to you to show you why my brother and I are so different. I know you would rather have him be your master, but my master thought you would do better with me. What you decide to do after this war is over is up to you. This is for your own good Quinten. Am I clear?" I asked him. He nodded and walked to the gunship awaiting us. I went to help the clones onto the ship and then went to the forward base not far from where we were after giving the clones a clear to leave. Houston walked up to me.
"General Skywalker and General Kenobi are on their way General." He said.
"That's good to hear. Do you still wish to go back to the ship?" I asked him. He nodded and I handed him Quinten's lightsaber, "When you see Quinten give it to him or if you pass his room please leave it there." I said and he nodded. Funny thing is that it's not the first time I do this to Quinten. I will have a nice long chat with Anakin today. I get the feeling that whatever I say will just go in one ear and come out the other. Houston left and I stayed to scout the planet for Grevious. It was about nightfall when my team and I reached the forward base again. That coward ran like always so I'm not surprised. Some gunships descended in front of the base and out walked Kenobi and my brother. They were followed by some clones but that was it. I walked up to Anakin with a straight face. I saw his eyes widen a bit then he mimicked my look, "Anakin we need to talk." I said. He nodded and we walked a bit far from where we were originally standing. Obi- Wan followed us and I stopped close to the jungle.
"What is it Anna?" Anakin asked me.
"Since the last time I let you take Quinten on a mission he hasn't been following orders. Anni did you tell him it's alright to not follow orders?" I asked him. Anakin smiled then he shook his head. I knew he did, "I really don't understand why I even asked you." I said and walked past them.
My arm was grabbed and Anakin walked by, "Well at least I'm not in trouble." He said.
"Well bite me." I said and stuck my tongue at him. He shook his head and went inside. I turned to Obi- Wan, "Am I really in trouble?" I asked him. He shook his head and dragged me along with him. We went into the jungle and walked until we were far from the base. We both had our cloaks up covering ourselves we came to a stop in front of a native. I looked at Obi- Wan and realized what was going on.
Not even a second when someone drops their guard do we get attacked. The Chancellor was taken hostage last week and we know he's alive and it's not like I want to go and save him but hey I landed on the ship unnoticed and I'm just waiting for Kenobi and Anakin to show up and land on the ship. While I waited I walked around the ship. No I didn't, I crawled through the ventilation shafts. I made it to the hanger and saw two ships make it through. I saw it was the two I was waiting for, "Master I think we have to contact Anna and let her know we're here." Anakin said. Kenobi nodded and they tried. Well being that I had my com off I jumped down after closing the shaft and landed behind them.
"You two looking for somebody?" I asked them casually.
"Not anymore An what did you find?" Anakin asked me.
"Well nothing more than Dooku and Grevious being here on the ship. And me crawling around in the ventilation shafts." I said and shrugged. I looked around and found another ventilation shaft, "Well, I'm going to go do what I do best and look for Grevious. We do have unfinished business after all. I hope you don't get caught." I said. Anakin nodded and Kenobi walked away not saying anything. I shrugged the feeling I was being watched off and climbed into the ventilation shaft. I closed it and turned my com on. I knew they would need me but Grevious is my main priority. The only reason I accepted was to finish my battle with him. If I find Dooku I hope I can take a chance to capture him and bring him in with Anakin and Kenobi. If those two fall the war ends that is the way I see. No one agree's with me more than the council everyone else like the regular knights say I'm crazy but hey I've learned to trust my visions and they haven't been wrong just yet.
I made it to where the chancellor was at and I jumped down right when the door slid open. I ignited my saber and whirled around finding Kenobi and Anakin behind me, "A warning might be better next time." I said.
"Well An that's the last one you will get." Anakin said.
"You better sleep with an open eye Anakin." I said scowling at him. He shook his head and we continued walking to the Chancellor. I noticed the place the chancellor was being held at was empty which was a sign to me that there was more to this than we could see.
"Chancellor." Kenobi said and bowed his head.
"You alright?" Anakin asked.
"Count Dooku." The Chancellor said and we all turned our heads to look in the direction of the door. Dooku walked in with some heavy battle droids.
"This time we will do it together." Kenobi said.
"I was about to say that." Anakin said.
"No you weren't Anni." I said and saw Dooku jump from where he was. He reached for his saber. I reached for mine and was ready to ignite it.
"Get help he's no match for you. He is a Sith lord." The Chancellor said.
"Chancellor Palpatine Sith lords are our specialty." Kenobi said. They shrugged their cloaks off while I kept mine on.
"Your swords please I don't want to make a mess in front of the Chancellor and the young lady." Dooku said. Please when has he ever cared about making a mess in front of the females.
"You won't get away this time, Dooku." Kenobi said as we all ignited our sabers, "Anna stay with the Chancellor." Kenobi said. I raised an eyebrow but stayed back putting my saber away. I turned to the Chancellor and heard something hit the railing behind me. I looked in the direction it came from and saw it was Obi- Wan whom was unconscious. Dooku brought the top part down on Kenobi and I ran over lifting the part off of Kenobi and throwing it to the side. Something like that never really took much power from me. Considering how strong in the force I am Dooku has tried to kidnap me several times in the past weeks that unfortunately made Master Yoda decide on keeping me in the temple to teach the younglings. I checked Kenobi over and he wasn't hurt at all which was a good thing because he would be a drag down if we had to run somewhere. I heard the clashing of sabers harder than before. Great Dooku was taunting Anakin into doing something he should't.
"Good Anakin." I heard the Chancellor say. I looked back and saw Anakin had Dooku on his knee's with two light sabers to Dooku's neck, "Kill him." He said.
"Anakin don't! It's not the Jedi way!" I yelled. I got up and started to run over.
"Kill him now." Palpatine said. Dooku had a scared face, something I would've never expected from him.
"Anakin look at me. Don't listen to the Chancellor. Everything we have worked for is to make our mother proud. Yes she may not be here physically with us but she is watching over us. Don't do something that you shouldn't." I pleaded. Anakin debated with himself.
"I shouldn't." He said.
"Do it." Palpatine ordered. Anakin sliced Dooku's head off then he looked at me.
"Were you on their side?!" He yelled at me.
"What?! NO! Why would I betray the Jedi?! I am not the one who did something a Sith would do!" I yelled at him. He looked taken back about me yelling at him. It's true I have never yelled at him but what he did wasn't right.
"Anna." He said.
"No be quiet and listen to me." I started, "One thing I will tell you right now is that you could be expelled for doing that. Don't forget I know you better than anyone here does Anakin. I have stood by you but not this time if you feel like killing." I hissed and walked over to Kenobi. Anakin didn't know that I was ordered to record the whole battle. Whenever they ask for the battle clip it will be hard for me to turn it in.
"You did well Anakin. He was too dangerous to be kept alive." Palpatine said. Yeah well you're to dangerous to be kept in office.
"Yes but but he was an unarmed prisoner. An is right I shouldn't have done that. It's not the Jedi way." Anakin said.
"It is after all natural. He cut off your arm you wanted revenge. It wasn't the first time Anakin. Remember what you told me about your mother? And the Sand people?" The Chancellor asked Anakin, "Now we must leave before more security droids arrive." They started walking and Anakin came over to us, "Anakin there's no time we must get off the ship before it's too late." The Chancellor said.
"He seems to be alright." Anakin said.
"Leave him or we'll never make it." Palpatine said.
"Abandoning a Jedi who is still alive in battle field is one of your imprisonment policies. Which includes Senate Officials." I said looking back at the Chancellor. It seems like he doesn't like having his laws used against him.
"His fate will be the same as ours." Anakin said taking my side for once. He picked Kenobi up and we walked to the elevator.
"Elevator isn't working." I said and pulled out the com, "R2 activate elevator 3224." I said. I heard an explosion and we started to fall down ward. I opened the elevator doors and pulled them in. Even if I wanted Palpatine dead I have to keep him alive. We started to run through the elevator shaft and then it started to tilt. So they finally turned the emergency booster engines on. Nice but where we're at isn't exactly nice. We started sliding down and Anakin caught a wire while I caught a pole. Must be my lucky day then. Kenobi decided he wanted to wake up then. He grabbed onto Anakin.
"Easy we're in a bit of a situation." Anakin said. Kenobi looked up.
"Where's your sister?" He asked.
"Just hanging over here. Tell me did you have a nice dream?" I asked sarcastically. He sent me a smile.
"No. Did I miss something?" He asked.
"R2 shut down the elevator." I said.
"Too late jump." Kenobi said and we all let go of what we were holding onto. We used our hooks to swing out the elevator to a door I had opened earlier when I first got there. I'm surprised it's still open through.
"Let's see if we can find something in the hanger that is still flyable." Kenobi said.
"I hope we can." I agreed with him.
"R2 get down here. R2 do you copy?" Anakin asked.
"I'm sure he can. Now we have to keep moving before we get caught." I said. We took off running and then a ray shield turned on, "Great and this is why I hate the Sith. They have better things than us." I said.
"Wait a minute. How did this happen? We're smarter than this." Kenobi said.
"Apparently not." Anakin said.
"Whoa speak for yourself Anni." I said.
"I say patience." He said.
"Patience." Obi- Wan and I repeated.
"Yes R2 will bee along in a few moments and then he'll release the ray shields." Anakin stated the facts. The door to the side opened and R2 came in as if he was being chased. He crashed into the other door and then looked back at us. I giggled a little.
"R2 you just made my day buddy." I said. Some droidikas and other droids started to pile into the hall way.
One of the battle droids pointed at R2, "Don't move." It said. R2 shocked it and it kicked R2 down.
"Hey pick on a droid your size." I said.
"Do you have a plan B?" Kenobi asked Anakin.
"Please when does he. It's all improvised." I said. We were hand cuffed and taken to the bridge.
"Ah the negotiator, General Kenobi. We've been waiting for you." Grevious said. I stayed back with the Chancellor. The battle droid that took all of our sabers and handed them to Grevious, "That wasn't much of a rescue." Grevious said as he took them, "Anna Skywalker, I believe we have unfinished business." Grevious said looking at me.
"Well finishing that unfinished business right now is a good idea." I said. He totally ignored me.
"And Anakin Skywalker, I was expecting someone with your reputation to be a little bit older." Grevious said.
"General Grevious you're shorter than I expected." Anakin said. Yeah piss him off why not.
"Jedi scum." Grevious said.
"Anakin try not to upset him. After all that's my job." I said.
"Your lightsabers will make a fine addition to my collection." Grevious said as he put the sabers away.
"Not this time. And this time you won't escape." Obi- Wan said.
"R2 now." Anakin said. R2 went crazy and we all used the force to bring our sabers over to us. I killed the droids that were around the Chancellor and me. We backed up when the manga guard and Anakin got to close for my liking. I took the cuffs off of him and went back inside after Anakin killed it. Grevious got surrounded by Anakin and Kenobi while something told me to stay back. Grevious broke the glass and flew out while I went to bring down the emergency shield. I stayed on one of the computers and saw that all of the escape pods have been launched and that the other half of the ship was ripping apart.
"All the escape pods have been launched." I said.
"Grevious. Can you land a ship like this?" Kenobi asked Anakin.
"Well what's left of it." Anakin answered.
Hey long time no see!! Well here it is and yes they got married (The way I say it murried). I have no idea when I'll put chapter 3 on. School is back in and I have grades to keep up. Anyways
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