Chapter XXIII
After another moment of silence, Ryu stands, his expression resolute. I follow suit, and so does Nikko. We make our way back to the camp, the quiet surrounding us a comforting blanket after the emotional visit to Lyra's grave. As we reach the dining area, Ryu heads straight to the makeshift kitchen, busying himself with cooking. Nikko and I sit at the table, the comforting sounds of food preparation filling the air.
Soon, Ryu brings over a platter of food. The aroma alone is enough to make my mouth water. He's prepared a hearty stew with chunks of tender meat, root vegetables, and a fragrant mix of herbs and spices. There are also freshly baked bread rolls, golden brown and steaming, perfect for dipping into the rich, savory broth. The colors and textures of the meal are inviting, and I can see the effort he put into making it.
As we begin eating, the warmth of the food spreads through me, a welcome comfort after the long and taxing day. I take a moment to savor the flavors before turning to Ryu with a question that's been on my mind. "What do we do now?" I ask, genuinely curious about our next steps.
Ryu takes a deep breath, setting his spoon down. "Apollo and I hid out in a cave after we landed here. It's about a three-day walk from here. Once we get there, I can work on repairing the speeder bike in peace."
"So, we'll head for the elven kingdom after that?" I inquire, trying to piece together the plan.
Ryu nods. "Yes, that's the plan. We leave at nightfall."
Nikko, who has been quietly eating beside me, suddenly looks up, her face a mix of disappointment and fatigue. "Walking at night again? Can't we go in the morning?"
Ryu's expression softens as he looks at her. "I know you don't like it, Nikko, but traveling at night keeps us from being spotted so easily. If you get tired, I can carry you again. Don't worry, we won't walk all night. And remember," he adds, pointing toward the supply tent, "we have plenty of food this time."
Nikko nods reluctantly, though I can see she's still disappointed. I share her sentiment, the thought of another night walk weighing heavily on my already tired body.
After we finish the meal, Ryu begins packing up all the nonperishable foods he can find. Nikko and I decide to get some sleep while he continues his preparations. I find a comfortable spot and lie down, exhaustion quickly overtaking me.
When I'm gently woken by Ryu, the night has already fallen. Apollo stands beside him, ever vigilant, and DP-7 is perched on his shoulder, ready for action. Ryu then softly wakes Nikko, who groans a little before stirring from her sleep.
We head out, the camp fading into the darkness behind us. I'm still tired, my muscles protesting as I move. Nikko is already being carried by Ryu, her small form nestled securely on his back, asleep once again. The forest around us is silent except for the occasional rustle of leaves and the soft crunch of our footsteps on the forest floor.
The moonlight filters through the dense canopy, casting ethereal patterns on the ground. The air is cool and crisp, a sharp contrast to the warmth of the campfire we left behind. Despite the discomfort of night travel, there's a certain peace in the stillness of the forest at night. The sounds of nocturnal creatures create a symphony that lulls my mind into a state of calm, even as we move with purpose.
Ryu leads the way, his steps confident and sure. Every now and then, he adjusts Nikko in his arms, ensuring she's comfortable. I glance at him, marveling at his strength and resilience. Even after everything we've been through, he remains our unwavering leader, guiding us towards safety.
As the hours pass, the darkness becomes less oppressive, the forest around us more familiar. I find myself lost in thought, reflecting on the events of the past few days. The dangers we've faced, the bond we've strengthened, and the uncertain future that lies ahead. But in this moment, I'm grateful for the quiet, for the opportunity to simply be together, moving forward one step at a time.
Eventually, we stop for a brief rest. Ryu sets Nikko down gently, her small form still curled up in sleep. I lean against a tree, my body aching but my spirit lifted by the thought of reaching the cave. It's a place where we can regroup, plan our next move, and hopefully find some semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos.
As we continue our journey, I realize that despite the hardships, we are not alone. We have each other, and together, we are stronger than any obstacle that stands in our way. With this thought in mind, I press on, determined to face whatever challenges lie ahead with courage and hope.
Six days have passed since we left the camp, and the journey to Ryu's cave has been surprisingly uneventful. We haven't encountered any patrols or those eerie black birds, which is both a relief and a cause for concern. When we finally arrive at the cave, I'm struck by the remnants of Ryu's previous life here. The interior of the cave is spacious, with a sense of organized chaos. Supplies are scattered around, including crates filled with various tools, parts, and essential items.
In one corner, a modest bed is set up near the back of the cave, its simple frame supporting a thin mattress and a couple of worn blankets. The cooking area is also in the back, with a small fireplace made of stones and a few tables covered with cooking utensils, pots, and pans. The cave's walls are lined with shelves holding an assortment of supplies, from food to mechanical parts.
Ryu decided to build a new speeder from scratch rather than just repairing the old speeder bike. Both speeder bikes lie completely dismantled, their parts neatly organized on the ground. Ryu works tirelessly, constructing the components for the new speeder and assembling the frame. The new speeder is designed to hold four people, with a sleek yet rugged appearance. It incorporates parts from his ship, giving it a unique, almost futuristic look.
Among the crates of supplies, I notice one filled with droid parts. Beside it lies a very badly damaged IG-22 droid. Its limbs are missing, and its chest is torn open, revealing a tangle of wires and circuits. The sight of the destroyed droid is still unsettling, a reminder of the brutality of Ryu's crashlanding.
Ryu is deep in his work, lying on the ground beneath the frame of the new speeder, which hovers above the ground. Sparks fly occasionally as he works on wiring and attaches various parts that look foreign to me. Nikko eagerly hands him tools as he points to them, her eyes wide with fascination.
"Something's been bothering me," I say, watching Ryu as he works. Nikko hands him what appears to be a small welding tool.
"That we didn't run into any patrols or that it's been oddly quiet for the past few days?" Ryu asks, his voice muffled from beneath the speeder.
"Exactly that," I reply. "What's going on?"
Ryu tilts his head slightly, his eyes still focused on his work. "Yeah, it's been bothering me too," he admits, pointing to a tool with a unique design I've never seen before. Nikko hands it to him. "Perhaps they're having a hard time finding us."
"That doesn't explain why we didn't run into any patrols on the way here," I say, my voice tinged with worry. "I don't like it. What if something terrible is happening out there?"
Nikko looks up at me, her face mirroring my concern. "I don't like it either," Ryu says, grabbing the small welding tool and starting to use it. "But we can't worry about what-ifs. The speeder won't be done for another couple of days."
He stops and looks at me and Nikko, his expression thoughtful. "Why don't you two get some shooting practice? Now's the perfect time to familiarize yourself with your blaster" he suggests.
Nikko's eyes light up at the prospect of learning how to shoot with the blaster Ryu gave her. The idea sounds good to me too. I agree, and we leave the cave. Not far from our hideout, we've set up a training area. Various fighting dummies carved out of wood stand in place, and shooting targets made from parts of Ryu's ship are heavily marked with blaster burns. Suspended from a tree branch is another fighting dummy, swaying slightly in the morning breeze.
I grab the communicator Ryu gave me and contact Apollo to meet us at the training area. It responds with an affirmative, and sometime later, Apollo arrives.
The training session begins with Apollo watching while Nikko and I practice shooting at the targets. Apollo explains proper weapon handling, reminding us of the do's and don'ts of blaster safety. Our initial shots are far from accurate, missing the targets entirely or hitting them off-center. Frustration builds as we struggle to get better, but Apollo's calm instructions keep us focused.
"Remember to lead your target," Apollo advises. "Aim for where the target is going to be, not where it is."
Nikko's shots are closer now, but she still misses the center. Her frustration is palpable, her ears drooping in disappointment. I try to comfort her, encouraging her to keep practicing.
"Don't worry, Nikko," I say gently. "We're both improving. It's all about practice."
We switch to the suspended dummy. Apollo gives it a strong push, and it sways back and forth. "Not every target will be standing still," he explains. "You need to anticipate where the target will move."
Nikko and I take turns aiming at the moving dummy, but our shots miss the mark. Apollo's advice to lead the target seems easier said than done. Frustration mounts, but we keep trying.
"Proper breathing and aiming are crucial," Apollo reminds us. "Relax and focus."
Nikko tries again, adjusting her aim. This time, her shot hits the dummy squarely in the chest. She lights up with excitement, her tail swishing back and forth.
"I did it!" she exclaims, her ears perking up.
"Great job, Nikko!" I praise her, smiling. "Keep practicing like that."
Encouraged by her success, I take my turn. My first few shots miss, but I keep adjusting my aim, remembering Apollo's advice. Finally, a blaster bolt hits the dummy. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.
"Well done, Talia," Apollo says. "You're both improving."
We continue practicing, our shots becoming more accurate. The frustration begins to melt away, replaced by a sense of accomplishment. Apollo's guidance and corrections are invaluable, helping us refine our technique.
After a while, Apollo gathers us for another lesson. He hands us our blasters and begins explaining how to take them apart for inspection and cleaning. "Proper maintenance is crucial," he says. "A neglected blaster can mischarge or even explode."
The thought of a mischarge scares Nikko, her eyes widening with fear. "Will that happen to us?" she asks, her voice trembling.
"Not if you take care of your blaster," Apollo reassures her. "Regular maintenance will prevent any issues. I'll show you how."
Apollo demonstrates how to disassemble the blaster, explaining each step in detail. We follow along, carefully taking apart our blasters and inspecting each component. The process is meticulous, but Apollo's calm, steady instructions make it manageable.
As we clean and reassemble our blasters, I feel a growing sense of confidence. The blaster, once an unnerving piece of technology, starts to feel more familiar, more manageable. Nikko, too, seems more at ease, her hands steady as she works.
"Remember, proper maintenance is the key to a reliable blaster," Apollo says, his tone firm. "Take care of your weapon, and it will take care of you."
With our blasters cleaned and reassembled, we return to our practice. The training session has been challenging, but also rewarding. Nikko's frustration has turned to determination, and I feel a sense of accomplishment as our shots become more accurate.
We finish the session with a final round of practice, aiming at the swaying dummy. Nikko's shots hit the target consistently, her confidence growing with each success. I, too, manage to hit the moving target, the blaster feeling more natural in my hands.
"Both of you have performed well," Apollo says, his voice filled with approval. "You've both made significant progress."
As we walk back to the cave, I feel a sense of pride. The training has been tough, but it's made us stronger, more capable. Nikko's excitement is infectious, and I can't help but feel hopeful for the challenges ahead.
As we return to the cave after our training session, I notice Ryu standing by a worktable, not working on the speeder bike as I had expected. Instead, he's surrounded by various tools and parts, his focus entirely on the dismantled remains of IG-22. The worktable is cluttered with pieces of droid components, and beside it is a crate filled with more parts. Sprawled open on the table is a small, worn book, its pages filled with detailed drawings and notes. The current page shows IG-22 standing, but separated into many pieces, a meticulous diagram of the droid and its components. Lyra's handwriting is precise and thorough, documenting every part and connection.
Nikko approaches Ryu, her curiosity piqued by what he's doing. "What are you working on, Papa?" she asks, peering at the drawing in the book.
"I'm repairing IG-22," Ryu explains, glancing up at her. "The other droids are too damaged to repair, but IG-22 here can be fixed. Its processor is still intact."
Nikko looks confused. "What's a processor?"
Ryu smiles gently. "A processor is how a droid thinks. It's like its brain."
Nikko then looks over at the notebook, her eyes widening at the detailed drawing and notes. "Did you draw this?" she asks.
Ryu shakes his head. "No, that's Lyra's old workbook. She was very meticulous with her work. She wrote down everything she's ever worked on."
"What does meticulous mean?" Nikko asks, tilting her head.
"It means very thorough," Ryu replies. "If you want, I can read some of her notes to you once I'm done here."
Nikko nods excitedly, and I watch as Ryu begins the repair process. He instructs Nikko to find the proper droid limbs, and she eagerly helps, rummaging through the crate for the right parts. Ryu carefully takes apart the chassis, examining the damaged components and replacing them with the salvaged parts. His movements are precise and deliberate, each action showing his deep understanding of the droid's intricate systems.
I assist by handing him tools, many of which look completely foreign to me. The small welding tool, for instance, emits a faint blue light as it seals metal pieces together. Sparks fly occasionally, illuminating the concentrated expression on Ryu's face. Nikko watches intently, fascinated by the process, and I can't help but be impressed by Ryu's skill and dedication.
As the sun begins to set, the final pieces are put into place. Ryu wipes the sweat from his forehead and closes Lyra's workbook, a look of satisfaction mixed with sadness on his face.
"Ready?" he asks, and Nikko nods eagerly.
"Step back," he says, and we take a few steps back, giving him space.
Ryu manipulates his glove, and suddenly, IG-22 sits up with a jolt. The sudden movement startles Nikko, but she quickly regains her composure, her eyes wide with amazement. The droid's photoreceptors spin and turn, surveying the cave.
"Welcome back, IG-22," Ryu says, a hint of relief in his voice.
"Master Ryu?" IG-22 responds, its voice mechanical and monotone.
"Yes, it's me," Ryu confirms.
The droid, IG-22, moves with a chilling precision as it rises from the table. Its three red photoreceptors rotate, scanning the cave with mechanical efficiency. Every step it takes is purposeful, its metal joints making a soft whirring sound that echoes off the cave walls. I can't help but watch with a mix of fascination and unease. The droid's tall, lanky frame seems both fragile and unyielding, like it was built for speed and lethality.
"Welcome back, IG-22," Ryu says, his voice carrying an unusual hint of excitement. It's not often I hear that tone from him.
The droid's head swivels towards Ryu, its central red photoreceptor locking onto him. "Master Ryu?" The voice that emerges is sharp, cold, lacking any hint of humanity. After a brief pause, the droid adds, "Your appearance has changed."
Ryu nods, pulling his hood back slightly. "It has."
IG-22 takes a moment to glance towards the mouth of the cave, its sensors whirring as it scans the environment. "Where are we? I can only pick up faint signals. Are we being jammed?"
Ryu shakes his head slowly. "No. This world is just very primitive."
The droid processes that information in silence, then its head spins back toward Ryu, with that same unnerving quickness. "Where are the other droids?"
My heart tightens slightly, and I feel a pang of sorrow for Ryu as he lets out a quiet, almost resigned sigh. "Only Apollo and DP-7 survived the crash. AP-7 and C1-B4... they're beyond repair."
The droid remains perfectly still for a moment, its photoreceptors dimming briefly. There's no reaction, no sign of remorse or acknowledgment of the loss. The coldness of the machine is unsettling, especially when it asks, "And Miss Lyra?"
Ryu's face tightens, and he shakes his head, his eyes filled with a brief flash of pain before he turns away slightly. The silence that follows is thick with emotion, but none of it seems to come from IG-22. How can it show no sadness? No grief? Lyra was part of its crew... they fought side by side.
Then, just like that, IG-22's attention shifts from the past to the present, its head rotating towards Nikko and me. "New crew members?" it asks, its tone devoid of curiosity or warmth.
"Something like that," Ryu says. Sensing my discomfort, Ryu turns to Nikko first. His voice is calm, almost encouraging.
"Go ahead," he says softly, his voice calm, reassuring. "It won't hurt you."
Nikko hesitates, biting her lip as she eyes the droid with a mix of awe and nervousness. After a moment, she steps forward, her small voice breaking the tension. "Hi... I'm Nikko," she says hesitantly.
IG-22 observes her for what feels like an eternity. Its photoreceptors shift slightly, scanning her, and for a brief moment, I wonder what it must be thinking—if it's even capable of thought like we are. Finally, it shifts its gaze to me, and I freeze under the intensity of its scrutiny. My heart races as I meet those glowing red eyes.
"I-I'm Talia," I manage to stammer, my voice barely above a whisper. My nerves are raw, and I can't help but feel like I'm being dissected by this thing. It's unsettling how lifeless it seems, how detached it is from everything we've been through.
The droid is silent, its photoreceptors flickering slightly as it processes this information. I wish I could read its thoughts, but it remains as cold and indifferent as ever.
Without warning, IG-22 turns back to Ryu, as if dismissing us entirely. "So, what has happened since the crash?" it asks, its voice as mechanical and emotionless as before, as though nothing of importance had happened in all this time.
Ryu begins to recount the events that have unfolded since the crash. His tone is steady, though I can see the weight of those experiences in his eyes. He starts with how the ship fell from the sky, crashing into this strange world. His voice softens slightly as he recalls a particular memory, chuckling as he tells the story of a woman shrieking at the sight of Apollo. It must have been a chaotic and confusing time for them.
He then moves on to the moment he first met Nikko and eventually our paths crossing. As he speaks, his words paint vivid images of the adventures he's had before we met, the challenges he's faced, and how he's grown. Every detail of our journey, every dangerous encounter—including our fight with the Shadowfell—is laid bare, with nothing omitted.
Throughout the tale, IG-22 stands motionless, only moving its photoreceptors occasionally to track Ryu or me as we react to certain moments. It's eerie how still the droid is, yet it feels so alive, absorbing everything Ryu says. Despite the heavy subject matter, I can't help but smile at some of the lighter moments, like the bond we've built and the things we've accomplished together.
When Ryu mentions the journey into his mind, a faint shadow crosses his face, but he continues on, undeterred, relaying everything as if it's vital for IG-22 to know. There's something comforting about how calm he is, sharing every part of his story, no matter how painful or difficult. The silence from the droid speaks volumes as it listens to everything intently, processing the complex emotions and events without a single word of interruption.
When Ryu finishes, the droid looks over at me and then at Nikko before turning back to Ryu. "My condolences on Lyra. She was an excellent engineer."
"Yes, she was," Ryu says, his voice tinged with sadness.
"This Shadowfell, you will try to stop it?" IG-22 asks.
"Yes, we are," Ryu confirms.
IG-22 raises its arms after declaring, "Then I am at your service." But something about its movements seems... off. The droid pauses, turning its arms, examining them as if expecting to see something that's no longer there. Its three photoreceptors shift, scanning its own limbs in a way that feels unsettlingly methodical.
Ryu, noticing the droid's confusion, steps forward with a quiet sigh. "Sorry, IG-22," he says, his voice a mix of apology and practicality. "The wrist blasters were destroyed in the crash."
The droid lowers its arms, its head tilting slightly as its red photoreceptors focus on Ryu. I watch as it processes this, its movements so precise and calculated, yet there's something almost... disappointed in the way it turns toward Ryu. I didn't think a droid could express anything close to emotion, but IG-22 comes eerily close.
Ryu doesn't wait for a response, moving over to a nearby crate. "I made you some replacements," he says as he pulls out two identical blasters.
The weapons are sleek, their matte black surfaces glinting under the dim light in the cave. They have a tactical look, compact but powerful. Perforated cooling vents surround the barrels, and a faint orange light glows from the power meters etched into the sides. The handles look like they're made for precision, every detail crafted for efficiency. Ryu hands them over to IG-22.
The droid takes the blasters, one in each hand, and turns its photoreceptors toward them, scanning. There's an eerie silence as it examines the weapons, almost as if it's thinking—though how a machine can think like this unnerves me. After a moment, it finally speaks, its tone colder than before. "I find it demeaning that you chose to hand me these kind of blasters."
Before I can even process what it said, IG-22 reaches behind its back, and with a magnetic click, the blasters snap securely into place. I raise an eyebrow, more than a little puzzled by the reaction. A droid... offended? That can't be right.
Ryu sighs, arms crossing over his chest. "Why do you say that?"
"These blasters were commonly used by battle droids of the CIS during the Clone Wars," the droid responds, its tone even, but I can't help but sense a hint of disdain. "I am not a battle droid."
I glance at Ryu, surprised by how... personal that sounded. Can droids even take offense? My mind swirls with questions, but Ryu stays calm, nodding after a beat.
"You're right," he says quietly, but there's no apology in his voice, only understanding. "You're not a battle droid. But these work just as well as your wrist blasters have." His words are steady, reassuring, but there's a firmness to them too. "And if I'm not mistaken a particular variant of battle droids used wrist blasters too. So, suck it up."
IG-22's photoreceptors flicker as if processing this, and then it responds simply, "Very well."
Ryu gives a slight nod, his gaze unwavering. "Good. I need you to keep watch at the cave entrance. Let us know if anything approaches."
Without another word, IG-22 turns on its mechanical heel, marching out of the cave with its stiff, purposeful steps. The sound of its movements echoes briefly before fading into the quiet of the cave.
I let out a slow breath, feeling the tension ease slightly, though I can't help but glance at Ryu. "Is IG-22... upset?" I ask, still trying to wrap my head around what just happened.
Ryu gives a soft chuckle, not looking up as he rummages through the supplies. "It's a little side effect from Lyra's reprogramming," he says, his tone carrying a hint of fondness. "It tends to say whatever comes into its circuits."
I blink, processing that for a moment. "Wait... so you're saying it has opinions now?" I ask, half-joking but also genuinely curious.
Ryu smirks, shaking his head slightly. "In a way, yeah. Lyra made a few... modifications to its personality core. IG-22 was always a bit different after that." He pauses, standing up straight and looking at me. "It's still an assassin droid, but it's got a bit more... personality than it used to."
I can't help but laugh a little at the absurdity of it all. "Great. A snarky assassin droid with a chip on its shoulder."
Ryu chuckles at that, a lightness returning to his expression. "Trust me, you get used to it. And it's incredibly effective when it comes to getting the job done." His face softens for a moment, and I can see the trace of memories of Lyra in his eyes.
I glance toward the entrance where IG-22 disappeared, my earlier unease easing just a bit. "I guess as long as it's on our side," I murmur, still trying to wrap my head around the idea of a droid with opinions.
Ryu gives a small nod, turning back to the supplies. "It is. Just don't expect it to hold back on what it thinks."
I shake my head, half-smiling to myself. "Duly noted."
It's deep into the night, and I am nestled in the bed, sharing the space with Ryu and Nikko. The cave is enveloped in darkness, save for the faint glow of the embers from the fireplace. I am asleep, or at least I think I am, until an unsettling sensation washes over me—the feeling of being watched. I open my eyes slowly, and my heart nearly stops when I see three glowing red dots staring back at me from the darkness. Panic seizes me, and I scream, the sound echoing off the cave walls.
Ryu and Nikko are startled awake by my scream. "What's wrong?" Ryu asks, his voice filled with concern. He follows my gaze, and his expression shifts from worry to frustration as he spots the source of my fear.
"Dammit, IG-22, can you not do that?" Ryu says, his tone carrying a hint of anger.
The three red dots belong to IG-22, its photoreceptors glowing eerily in the darkness. "But you told me to watch the premise," IG-22 responds.
"Yes, but not like that. I meant patrol the area, not literally watch us sleep," Ryu clarifies, exasperated.
"Understood," IG-22 says before turning and leaving the cave to continue its patrol.
I let out a frustrated sigh, my heart still racing. "Is he always like that?" I ask, rubbing my eyes and trying to calm down.
"Unfortunately," Ryu replies, shaking his head.
Nikko chuckles softly at the exchange, the tension in the cave easing slightly. She nestles back down beside Ryu, and I follow suit, still feeling a bit unnerved.
"Hope he doesn't do that again," I mutter as I lie back down. I scoot closer to Ryu, seeking comfort. Without thinking, I rest my head on his chest, the warmth and steady rhythm of his heartbeat soothing my frayed nerves.
As I become aware of what I'm doing, my heart starts to race again, but this time it's not from fear. My cheeks flush, and I can feel the heat rising to my face. Before I can move away, Ryu's arm wraps around me, pulling me closer. His embrace is firm yet gentle, his breathing steady and calming. The rise and fall of his chest under my head is a reassuring rhythm, lulling me into a sense of security.
Despite my initial nervousness, the closeness brings a sense of peace. The unsettling presence of IG-22 is a distant memory now, replaced by the comforting warmth of Ryu's hold. The worries and fears of the night start to fade, and I find myself relaxing, my breathing matching the rhythm of his.
In this moment, I feel safe. The events of the day and the looming threats seem far away. I close my eyes, letting the warmth of Ryu's embrace wash over me. The sounds of the cave, the soft crackling of the dying fire, and the gentle breaths of my companions become a lullaby. Slowly, I begin to drift off, feeling more content and at ease than I have in a long time.
The next couple of days pass by quickly, a blur of activity that keeps my mind occupied. Thanks to IG-22's help, the work on the speeder bike progresses swiftly. To pass the time, Nikko and I work on our shooting skills, and I help her refine her stance and fighting techniques. The sun climbs higher in the sky, casting long shadows in the cave.
By mid-afternoon, the smell of stew fills the air. I stir the pot, glancing over at Nikko, who is deeply engrossed in Lyra's notebook. IG-22 applies the final touches to the speeder. The new speeder is an impressive sight, sleek and streamlined, its body built for both speed and agility. It resembles more a starship than a speeder bike. Unlike its predecessors, it has retractable wings that Ryu has ingeniously incorporated, transforming it from a simple speeder into a formidable fighter. The engines are powerful and compact, designed for maximum thrust, and the cockpit is spacious enough for all of us.
Ryu, meanwhile, is at a workbench, surrounded by various blaster parts. Barrels, grips, and scopes are spread out in an organized chaos as he repairs and fine-tunes each piece. I feel a sense of relief seeing the speeder nearing completion. Soon, we will be able to head out and continue our journey. However, a nagging worry about the outside world and its silence lingers in the back of my mind.
With the stew finally done, we gather by the cave entrance, enjoying the serene beauty of the forest. The sunlight filters through the canopy, casting dappled shadows on the ground. We sit in a comfortable silence, savoring the warmth of the stew and the peaceful surroundings.
"The speeder is finally complete," Ryu announces between spoonfuls of stew. Nikko and I look up from our bowls, excitement evident on our faces. Nikko's eyes sparkle with anticipation, and I can't help but feel a surge of excitement myself.
"With the speeder now ready, we can head straight for the elven capital city of Inyeth Themar," Ryu continues. "Hopefully, we can get an audience with the elven king and also find some extensive information on the Shadowfell there."
He then turns to Nikko. "I'd like to see what Talia has been teaching you. Can you show me?"
Nikko puts down her half-empty bowl of stew and jumps up. "Of course, Papa!" she exclaims, eager to demonstrate what she has learned.
As Nikko explains and demonstrates her newly acquired skills, I watch with a smile forming on my face. I look over at Ryu, who is watching intently, his focus completely on Nikko. In this moment, surrounded by the simple joys of teaching and learning, I wish this peaceful scene would never end. Just the three of us, in our little cave in the forest, enjoying each other's company and finding solace in our small victories.
Nikko performs a series of moves, mimicking the stances and techniques I have taught her. "This is how you parry," she says, moving her small arms in a defensive maneuver. "And this is how you strike back," she continues, demonstrating a quick, precise thrust.
Ryu nods approvingly. "Very good, Nikko. You've improved a lot."
Nikko beams with pride, her tail swishing happily. "Talia is a great teacher!"
My heart warms at the compliment, feeling a sense of accomplishment. I look at Ryu, who meets my gaze with a look of gratitude and admiration. The connection between us feels stronger than ever, forged through our shared experiences and the quiet moments of teaching and learning.
As we finish our meal and clean up, the sense of anticipation for the journey ahead mingles with the bittersweet feeling of leaving behind the safety and comfort of the cave. We prepare for our departure, each of us lost in our thoughts, but united by our shared purpose and the bonds we have formed.
The cave is bustling with activity. I'm busy packing supplies—food, water pouches, and cooking tools—while Nikko assists me. Apollo is gathering Ryu's tools and materials, and Ryu himself is collecting all the weapons we might need. Suddenly, the serene environment is disrupted by the erratic beeping from Ryu's glove. The sound echoes in the cave, causing both Nikko and me to rush over, concern etched on our faces.
Ryu's fingers dance over the gauntlet, and a holographic image springs to life, displaying a bird's-eye view of the cave and the surrounding forest. A cluster of white dots represents us, with one yellow dot indicating DP-7. But what catches our attention are the red dots moving swiftly towards our location. Ryu zooms in, revealing a young woman clutching a satchel, running desperately through the forest, pursued by a group of soldiers.
The woman's appearance is striking: her long auburn hair is braided neatly, and she wears a practical yet stylish outfit consisting of a wide-brimmed hat, a white shirt, a leather vest, and trousers tucked into sturdy boots. Her face is framed by loose strands of hair, and her eyes, filled with fear and determination, dart around as she runs.
Rebecca is out of breath. She has been running for what feels like hours. She thought she had lost the soldiers, but they found her again when she took a brief rest by a creek. Clutching her satchel tightly, she knows she can't let them get what she's carrying. Suddenly, she trips and falls face-first into the dirt. She turns over and sees the culprit: a tree root protruding from the ground. The soldiers catch up, surrounding her.
The soldiers surrounding Rebecca are grim-faced, their dark armor bearing a striking resemblance to that of the soldiers of Eldoria, though it's clear to Rebecca they are something else entirely. The metal of their armor, though well-crafted, has a sinister gleam, a darker hue than the typical silver of Eldorian armor—almost black, yet with a strange, dull shine that catches the dim light in eerie ways. Their helmets are sleek and faceless, obscuring all emotion, save for the narrow slits for their eyes that gleam like predators in the night.
But it's the emblem emblazoned on their chest plates and shields that catches Rebecca's attention. Instead of the proud griffin of Eldoria, these soldiers bear the twisted emblem of a coiling serpent-like figure, its form wrapped around a broken blade, dripping with inky blackness. The symbol exudes menace, as if it were alive, pulsating with dark energy.
Their boots thud against the ground as they surround Rebecca, and she can see the slight reflections of the dark emblem in the blades of their weapons—swords curved in a cruel fashion, meant not just to kill but to cause suffering. Even their cloaks, a dark, tattered fabric, seem to flow unnaturally, adding to the air of dread surrounding them.
Everything about them—their stance, their cold, mocking voices, the way they move—reeks of something far worse than the standard soldiers of Eldoria. These are no mere soldiers. These serve a far darker being, and Rebecca is right to be terrified.
"Did you really think you could get away with this, Rebecca?" one of the soldiers snarls.
"Stealing from the Great Shadow? Tsk tsk tsk, Rebecca," another chimes in mockingly. Rebecca remains silent, clutching her satchel in terror. She has not once given them her name. How do they know her name? One soldier grabs it, but she holds on tightly until another places a sword to her neck, forcing her to release her grip.
"Normally, for a crime like this, you'd spend some time in the mines, maybe lose a hand," the soldier with the satchel says, tossing it to another behind her. "But the Great One doesn't appreciate his own books and manuscripts being stolen, so the penalty will be death."
Two soldiers pick her up roughly, holding her tightly by the arms and neck. They force her to kneel, pressing her head against a tree stump. One soldier raises his sword, preparing to strike. Rebecca begins to cry, pleading for someone—anyone—to save her. "No one can hear you," one of the soldiers cackles. "No one's coming to save you."
But a strange sound stops them. It sounds like heavy, whining thuds. The soldiers all turn to the direction where those thuds are coming from, letting go of Rebecca. Rebecca's breath catches in her throat as the source of the strange, thudding steps out of the dense forest. The figure is towering and menacing, standing well over six feet tall. Its thin body is a patchwork of metal and strange components, with an elongated, cylindrical head adorned with multiple glowing red eyes that seem to scan the area with an eerie precision. The torso is a series of interlocking metal plates, giving it a skeletal appearance, and its limbs are thin yet powerfully built, constructed with a combination of strange joints and metal coverings. The metallic sheen of its exterior catches the dim light, casting an almost sinister glow as it moves.
The being's arms and legs are covered in intricate mechanisms, with pistons and gears that whir softly as it walks. Strapped across its chest is a series of bandoliers, each holding various tools and components. Its hands are large and claw-like, designed for both fine manipulation and crushing strength. The legs are sturdy, with wide, articulated feet that grip the ground with each step, ensuring balance and stability. Two sheaths attached to its back house strange weapons, each one sleek and metallic.
"You are to immediately leave this area at once," the being says, its voice hollow and lifeless. It continues to move forward, holding strange objects in either hand. The soldiers surround it, ignoring its warning. "This will be your final warning." it says, but the soldiers don't move.
Rebecca's eyes widen in terror as she takes in the details of the metal being. The multiple glowing red eyes give it an almost insect-like appearance, scanning the surroundings with cold, mechanical efficiency. The way it moves is unnervingly smooth, each motion fluid yet precise, like a predator stalking its prey. Despite its mechanical nature, there is an air of authority and menace about it that makes her blood run cold. She has never seen anything like this before and can't comprehend what it is or why it's here. The fact that it speaks, issuing commands in a hollow, lifeless voice, only adds to the surreal horror of the situation.
One soldier charges in, but the being catches his sword arm mid-swing with its own hand, stopping the blade effortlessly. The soldier cries out in pain as his arm is twisted in an unnatural direction, startling his comrades and Rebecca. Two more soldiers charge in simultaneously. The being moves quickly, dodging one sword strike and grabbing the other soldier by the neck. He gasps for air as he is lifted into the air and used as a weapon, smashing into the other soldier.
The remaining soldiers hesitate but then charge. The being retrieves the strange weapons from sheaths on its legs and fires beams of red light, hitting each soldier in the chest. They collapse to the ground, dead, smoke rising from their chest plates. One of the being's red eyes turns to Rebecca, and panic takes over. She turns and tries to run but trips over another tree root. She turns onto her back and tries to crawl away as the menacing figure steps closer.
"Are you unharmed?" it asks, but Rebecca is too terrified to comply. She cries out for the being to stay back. It raises one of its weapons and aims it at her. Before she can react, a blue ring of light hits her, and everything goes black.
I slowly come to, my vision blurry at first. As it clears, I realize I'm in a cave. A large curtain blocks my view of whatever lies beyond. The floor is rough and cold. I try to move but find my arms bound by rope. I struggle, but the bindings hold fast. Leaning against the cave wall, I breathe heavily, panic setting in. I hear faint voices from behind the curtain, one of them hollow and monotone—the creature that 'rescued' me, and the other male.
I strain to listen, trying to make sense of the conversation. It starts with a frustrated shout from the man.
"Dammit, IG-22!" His voice is sharp, filled with irritation. "You weren't supposed to stun her like that!"
"She was panicking and fled," IG-22 responds, the same hollow monotone sending chills through me. "I simply acted quicker."
"You don't get it," the man says, pacing. I hear the sound of his boots scuffing against the cave floor. "We don't need her to fear us or consider us a threat. We need her calm, compliant—not scared out of her mind."
IG-22 is silent for a moment before it responds. "There was a 94% probability she would continue fleeing without intervention. Stunning her minimized further complications."
The man groans. "That's not the point. You can't just act like everyone's a damn data point. She's not a target you can just neutralize. If she thinks we're the enemy, we're done for."
"I disagree," IG-22 replies calmly. "She is, in fact, a target of importance. My primary objective was to secure her, which I did with optimal efficiency."
The man lets out a heavy sigh, clearly exasperated. "We're not trying to secure her. We're trying to get her to cooperate. If she thinks we're dangerous, she'll never trust us. We need her to trust us, not fear us."
"I could render her more compliant through other means," IG-22 suggests coldly.
"No," the man snaps. "No more of your methods. Just... step back and let me handle this. We'll talk to her, convince her we're not the enemy."
There's a brief pause before IG-22 responds, "Understood. I will await further instructions."
The man sighs again, quieter this time, his voice muttering something as their conversation fades. "Of all the droids to be stuck with on this..."
I hear footsteps approach me. Thinking quickly, I pretend to be asleep, one eye half-open, as the curtain moves. Instead of that being or that man, I see a little girl peeking out with cat ears and a cat tail.
The cat girl has long blond hair, bright blue eyes and wears a practical adventurer's outfit: a brown tunic, matching pants, sturdy boots, and I notice a knife sheathed by her hip. Her tail, blonde with a white tip, swishes behind her, and her ears are perked up with curiosity. She doesn't look like a prisoner, nor is she wearing a slave collar. What is a beast person doing all the way out here? I wonder. Maybe she can help me.
"Psst," I whisper, trying to get the cat girl's attention. She looks over as I open one eye. "Little girl," I whisper again.
This gets the cat girl's attention, but instead of approaching, she turns and shouts, "Papa! The pretty lady is awake."
Pretty lady? But I panic as I hear footsteps approaching. A deep male voice says, "Step away from her Nikko. For now, she can't be trusted."
"Can't be trusted?" I mutter to myself. "I'm the one that's bound."
The cat girl looks sad, her ears drooping and tail slowing its swishing. "Sorry, Papa," she says before darting off.
In steps a large man, dressed in a leather tunic with leather gloves, black pants, a hilt dangling from his belt, and a black cloak. The hood is down and his face is hidden completely by shadow, and his presence is imposing. This man's appearance scares me even more.
"Please don't hurt me!" I cry out.
"I'm not going to hurt you," the man says as he flicks his right hand, and a throwing knife appears in his grasp. He kneels before me, and I start to freak out, but he tells me in a calm tone, "I'm just going to cut your bindings." I stop struggling, and as he said, he cuts my bindings. With another flick, the knife disappears.
"You must be hungry," he says, pulling aside the curtain and gesturing to a set-up table with bowls, silverware, a pot of bubbling stew, a large bowl filled with small loaves of bread, and a pitcher of clear water. The aroma of the stew hits me, reminding me of my hunger.
I sit at the table, where the cat girl is already seated, her tail swishing in excitement. Across from her sits a beautiful elven woman with platinum hair, dressed in elegant yet practical adventurer's attire. The elf's presence is serene and welcoming.
I take in the cave, spotting several metal tables near the entrance with various objects on them. A large object in the center of the cave is covered by a cloth. By the entrance stands the being that knocked me out, its small red eyes turning towards me, observing me. It gives me the shivers.
"Please, have a seat," the elven woman says, a warm smile on her face.
I sit down, not far from the cat girl, who gives me a welcoming smile. "My name is Ryu," the man says. "This is my daughter, Nikko," he adds, gesturing to the cat girl, who waves at me with a warm smile on her face. "And this is my partner, Talia," he continues, gesturing to the elven woman. I notice Talia's cheeks turn a bit rosy when he introduces her. "You've already met IG-22," Ryu says, gesturing to the strange being observing me. "I apologize for his behavior. He was instructed to help you, not stun you and tie you up," Ryu says as he begins dipping a ladle into the pot of stew and handing out bowls full of stew for everyone, including me.
"I'm Rebecca," I say hesitantly. I look down at the stew, unsure, while Nikko and Talia dig in. Nikko looks over at me, noticing my uncertainty. She reaches over, dips her spoon into my bowl, and eats some of my stew.
I watch Nikko, who grins at me, tail swishing happily. Ryu sits down next to Talia and grabs a loaf of bread. Overwhelmed by my hunger, I begin to dig in. The stew is fantastic, and despite trying to hide my enjoyment, I feel Nikko poking my arm.
"Pretty good, right? Papa is a great chef," Nikko says.
I smile and nod. Despite the circumstances, I feel a bit grateful. "Am I your prisoner?" I ask, dropping my spoon into the empty bowl.
"No," Ryu replies. "You are not. But I do have some questions if you don't mind."
"Given that you saved my life and fed me, I suppose I can answer some questions," I say, though still feeling nervous. I slowly reach my left hand to my hip and feel the handle of my knife, a small comfort that my weapon wasn't confiscated.
"Why were those soldiers chasing you? They accused you of robbing from a Great One. What exactly did you steal?" Ryu asks.
"How did you know I stole something?" I ask.
"I have eyes and ears around this forest. It's how I saw you were in trouble," Ryu says, now dropping his spoon into his empty bowl.
Nikko holds out her empty bowl, asking, "Papa, can I have more?"
"Of course," Ryu says warmly and fills her bowl with more stew. Her tail swishes faster as she continues eating.
I think about what to tell them, unsure if they can be trusted, when I realize my satchel is missing. "My satchel!" I cry out. "Where is it?"
Ryu points behind me, where my satchel rests against the cave wall. I rush over and grab it, relief washing over me. Talia, Ryu, and Nikko watch me and I feel a bit embarrassed. I sit back down at the table, hugging my satchel tightly.
"My name is Rebecca Lockhart," I begin. "And I am an archaeologist."
"Archaeologist?" Ryu asks. "You study ancient ruins?"
I nod. "Ruins, castles, relics, stories—I study them all. I became heavily invested in the dungeons recently. They've been here for thousands of years with little to no information on them. I dedicated many months, scouring every library I came across."
"And let me guess," Ryu interrupts. "You found nothing."
I shake my head. "Not at all. I've found all sorts of great journals left by archaeologists and explorers from all over Aranthia. It's what inspired me to find these ruins myself. But it's the dungeons that intrigue me the most. They're so well-known and popular with adventurers, yet there's so little actual information on them. It didn't sit right with me."
Ryu listens intently, his expression focused. I can see his curiosity matching mine, and for a moment, I feel like I'm not alone in this. There's something deeply unsettling about the dungeons, and I'm not the only one who feels it.
"I decided to travel to Curville to study the dungeon there," I continue, "but passing through Eldoria, seeing the calamity... it stopped me in my tracks." I pause, the scenes of the kingdom's despair flashing in my mind. The hunger, the desperation—my heart aches all over again.
Talia watches me, sympathy in her eyes, but I quickly push the memories away. "I finally was able to continue. That's when I came across this encampment—just a small one. But there they were, these soldiers... burning books."
"Burning books?" Ryu repeats, surprise coloring his tone.
I nod, still frustrated by the memory. "I let my curiosity get the better of me, so I snuck in to see what was going on. That's when I overheard them. They were talking about how they needed to hurry up, because the Great One was growing impatient and wants them to leave by sunrise."
Talia tenses at my words. "The Great One?" she asks, her voice wary.
"That's what they called him," I confirm. "Seeing them burn those books—it really bothered me. I couldn't just stand by and do nothing, so I grabbed a few."
Talia lets out a breath, her eyes narrowing slightly. "That was brave of you."
I give a small, self-deprecating smile. "Or reckless," I admit, glancing at Ryu, who muttered something similar a moment ago. "But I couldn't just let them destroy those books. I managed to take one, but... well, I was spotted, and you know the rest."
The three of us fall into silence, the weight of everything hanging in the air. I can see Ryu is thinking hard, his jaw clenched. The pieces are starting to fit together, but there's still so much we don't know.
"You heard them mention the Great One," Ryu says, breaking the silence. His voice is more serious now, and I can tell he's thinking the same thing I am. "That's not a coincidence."
"No," I agree, feeling a shiver run down my spine. "There's something big going on. And I think the dungeons, the calamity in Eldoria—it's all connected. The Great One, whoever or whatever it is, is involved."
"What kind of books were they burning?" Ryu asks.
"I haven't delved too deeply into it yet, but if the date is correct, this book is a journal of one of the adventurers who took down the Shadow Prince over two thousand years ago."
"The same adventurers chosen by each of the kingdoms?" Ryu asks, and I nod.
"That's right. I just realized I haven't really thanked you yet for saving my life, so thank you," I say, feeling my cheeks blush a little out of embarrassment.
"Of course," Ryu says with a nod. "May I see the book?" Ryu asks, his hand extended.
I hesitate for a moment but, seeing Nikko all happy and not terrified of Ryu and Talia, I nod and hand the book over. Ryu begins reading through it.
"Talia, can we do some more training?" Nikko asks, her bowl now empty.
Talia smiles and nods, and they leave the cave. "Training?" I ask. "What kind of training?"
"Survival training," Ryu says, flipping through the book while he talks.
"Isn't it too dangerous out there?" I ask, to which Ryu shakes his head.
"I have eyes and ears out there. I'll be alerted if trouble arrives," Ryu responds. "Rebecca?"
"Yes, Ryu?" I respond hesitantly.
"Have you ever heard of a Shadowfell?"
"A Shadowfell?" I murmur, trying to recall. "I've heard different versions of the story over the years. In some tales, it's a creature parents warn their children about, the kind that lurks under the bed or hides in the shadows to snatch misbehaving kids. Other stories talk about it as a servant of the Shadow Prince, weaving chaos wherever it goes." I pause, my brow furrowing. "The details always seem to change, but the dread in the stories? That always stays the same."
Ryu nods. "Have you wondered why the kingdom of Eldoria is acting so strangely?"
"I have," I say. "The dying crops, the dead livestock, the alarming number of animal attacks, the villagers acting strangely. The king says it's some sort of illness."
"It's not an illness," Ryu says.
"How do you know?" I ask.
Ryu reaches into his cloak and pulls out an old, weathered book, setting it down in front of me. The cover is cracked, the pages yellowed with age. My curiosity piqued, I watch as he flips it open to a specific page, revealing a detailed sketch of a shadowy creature with haunting, white eyes. Below the drawing, a single word catches my attention: The Shadowfell.
I begin to read the words beneath the illustration, my eyes scanning the faded but still legible handwriting.
This creature is not to be trifled with. It slips into the minds of even the strongest and turns them against those they hold dear. Friends become enemies, trust turns to suspicion, and lovers grow to hate each other. The land itself suffers in its presence. Crops wither and die, the water becomes tainted, and the soil grows sick and barren.
A chill runs down my spine as I stop reading and glance at Ryu, my heart pounding.
"This... this sounds exactly like..." I start, my voice trailing off.
"...what's happening in Eldoria," Ryu finishes, his tone grim.
I shake my head, trying to pull myself back to rationality. "Hold on a second. Just because what's happening now resembles what some priest wrote down thousands of years ago doesn't make it real. You need proof, Ryu. Real, tangible proof," I insist, my skepticism creeping back in, even though the eerie similarity gnaws at the back of my mind.
Ryu looks at me with unwavering calm. "You read the journal entry. You've seen what's happening. It's not just a resemblance... it's happening again."
I frown, pushing the book aside slightly, still unwilling to accept the connection. "Look, Ryu," I say, my voice more forceful, "I get it. The parallels are uncanny. But ancient texts like these—legends—they're meant to scare people. They're myths, exaggerated stories to explain things they couldn't understand back then. What if this is just some disease, a plague? Eldoria could be suffering from something entirely not supernatural."
Ryu listens patiently but I can tell from his posture that he's holding back from interrupting.
"I mean, we're talking about a monster that can turn the land barren, turn friends into enemies, and destroy entire kingdoms? You expect me to believe that something so... so mythical is real? It's ridiculous!"
I glance at the old book, frustration creeping into my voice. "For all we know, this priest who wrote this could've been delusional, or worse, trying to manipulate people through fear. You need more than this... this fairy tale to convince me. You need hard evidence—actual proof, not a bunch of scribbled notes from someone who lived in an age of superstition and fear."
Ryu nods and raises his left arm, fidgeting with his glove. Confused, I watch silently. Suddenly, a part of his leather glove retracts, and blue lights emit from it, creating an image of a creature of shadow hovering over the table. My eyes widen, and I get up quickly as the image begins to move slightly. The shadowy figure, hovering close to the open book, resembles the drawing very well.
"What... what is that?" I stammer, my eyes wide as I try to make sense of the strange figure floating above his gloved arm.
"That," Ryu replies, his tone measured, "is the Shadowfell I personally encountered—and the very thing I believe is tearing Eldoria apart."
I stare at the image, watching as it flickers and moves, a mirror of the drawing displayed before me. They look eerily similar, sending a chill through my spine. "Where did you encounter it?" I ask, my voice shaking.
"In a dragon's den," Ryu says calmly, "feeding off the life force of the alpha and the queen. It nearly had me." He pauses for a beat. "But Talia saved my life." There's something genuine in his voice, something that tells me he's speaking the truth.
I'm skeptical, but something compels me to keep asking questions. "I'm not sure I can fully trust you," I admit, eyeing him warily.
"Likewise," Ryu replies, his tone steady, unreadable beneath the shadow of his hood.
I gesture toward the now fading image of the Shadowfell, still disbelieving. "But let's assume I believe you. If this thing," I point at the now-disappeared image, "is really causing all this chaos, do you plan to stop it?"
Ryu nods, his voice firm. "I do. Before it covers this world in darkness once more."
His words settle in my chest, a heaviness that forces me to consider his intentions more closely. For the first time, I don't just see him as some ominous figure but as someone fighting for a cause, perhaps a noble one.
"Then I want to help," I say, surprising even myself with the declaration.
A hollow, monotone voice suddenly cuts through the tension. "That would be a very bad idea," the voice says from behind me. I whirl around, gasping as IG-22 looms over me. My heart races, and without thinking, I grab my knife, pointing it defensively at the towering droid.
"You lack the capability to fight effectively," IG-22 remarks, taking a step closer. "The probability of your survival is slim."
"That's enough," Ryu orders, his voice sharp.
"The possibility of her dying remains high," IG-22 continues, its tiny red eyes fixed on me. My grip tightens on the knife, my hands trembling as the being advances. I take a shaky step back, every nerve on edge.
"Go," Ryu commands. "You're scaring her. Go patrol the area."
It hesitates for a moment, its eyes flicking between me and Ryu, then it turns, its steps heavy and loud as it leaves the cave. My breath catches in my throat, and as soon as the being is out of sight, I slump onto a nearby bench, my legs too weak to hold me.
"What is that thing?" I shout, my voice quivering with leftover fear.
"Think of IG-22 as a metal golem," Ryu explains, his tone calm but not entirely reassuring.
"A metal golem? And it's under your control?" I ask, still trying to steady my breathing. Ryu nods.
"He won't harm you," Ryu assures me. "Not unless I tell him to."
"That's not exactly comforting," I mutter, my chest still heaving from the encounter.
"He must follow all of my orders. Talia and Nikko can order him around too, but he can't do anything without my permission."
"Then why did he knock me out and tie me up?" I ask.
"Well," Ryu begins, his tone even, "I ordered him to save you. IG-22 has a tendency to take things quite literally, thanks to a little... problem in his creation. He acts on commands with no nuance, and I didn't exactly specify that he shouldn't stun you or tie you up."
I let out a frustrated sigh, running my hands through my hair. "Got anything strong to drink?" I ask, hoping for something to calm my nerves.
Ryu shakes his head. "No, I don't. But I know this is a lot to take in all at once." He picks up a small flask and pours some water into a glass, then offers it to me.
I snatch it from his hand and down the water in a few quick gulps, hoping it'll settle the storm of panic still brewing inside me. But it does nothing to ease my hyperventilation. My heart is still racing, my breaths coming shallow and fast.
"A lot is an understatement," I say as I slam the empty cup down.
"Me and my group are heading to Elaria. If you wish, you may accompany us," Ryu suggests. There's sincerity in his voice but wouldn't be the first time someone sounded sincere only to be lying to me.
"And if I don't want to?" I ask, my hand slowly approaching the handle of my knife.
"Then you may leave. Exit is over there," Ryu says pointing at the cave entrance. "But, if I may I would like to study that book of yours," Ryu asks.
I look up at him, uncertain what his facial expression could be under that void of shadow. "Can I think about it?" I ask.
Ryu nods.
"But you may read that book as long as I get it back," I say, setting down the empty glass.
"Of course," Ryu says. He turns and raises his left arm, speaking to it. "Apollo, can you return to the cave? DP-7, you come too," he says.
Confused, I stare at Ryu, wondering if he's insane or if I am, when suddenly a male voice speaks from his glove.
"Affirmative," he says, followed by a series of beeps, baffling me even more.
I watch in awe as a towering knight steps into the cave. He is clad in imposing armor that glints dully in the cave's dim light. His armor is intricately designed with various engravings and embellishments, each piece fitting perfectly into the next, forming a seamless protective layer. His face is obscured by a helm, the eye slits dark and unreadable. A large shield is strapped to his back, and a spear, gleaming with sharp edges, is sheathed alongside it. He exudes an aura of strength and unwavering duty, his every movement precise and deliberate.
Beside him, a small hovering creature enters, emitting a series of beeps and whirrs. It has a spherical body with several appendages protruding from it, each equipped with various tools and features. Its surface is sleek, covered in what looks like metal plating with tiny lights blinking intermittently. The creature hovers effortlessly, its small red eyes scanning the cave with an almost eerie intelligence. It beeps continuously, the sound clockwork yet oddly expressive, as if trying to communicate in its own unique language. The sight of the small flying creature, with its hovering motion and strange sounds, is unnerving.
"What is that thing saying?" I shout as the flying creature circles me, beeping hysterically.
"It's introducing itself to you, Rebecca," Ryu calmly explains. "It's saying it is very nice to meet you."
"And what is that creature's name?" I ask, stepping back and raising my hands in a defensive manner as the red-eyed being stops before me.
"Dee-Pee-Seven," Ryu says slowly, emphasizing every syllable.
"DP-7?" I repeat. "That's an odd name."
"And I am Apollo," the knight introduces himself, holding out his hand. I hesitantly accept it. Apollo's grip is firm as he shakes my hand.
"You are the woman who was fleeing from those soldiers, correct?" Apollo asks, his tone a hint of concern.
I nod, trying to force a smile, but it barely reaches my lips. Everything—those strange soldiers, the Shadowfell, Ryu, this strange crew—it's too much, pressing down on me like an unbearable weight. My heart races, and I can feel my breaths coming faster, the walls of the cave suddenly feeling too close, too confining.
"I... I need some air," I stammer, the words tumbling out before I can stop them. My voice shakes, and I feel a lump forming in my throat. "Is it okay if I step outside for a moment? I just need to breathe."
Ryu, leaning against the cave wall with his arms crossed, looks at me. His face is, as always, obscured by the shadow of his hood, but I can feel his gaze on me, assessing, understanding. After a brief pause, he gives a slow nod. "Go ahead," he says, his voice steady, calm. "Take your time."
I offer him a shaky nod of gratitude, but I can barely muster a response. The moment Ryu gives his approval, I turn on my heel and quickly make my way toward the mouth of the cave. My steps are hurried, desperate, as though the weight of the cave is suffocating me, and I need to escape.
The moment I step outside, the cool air hits my face, and I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. The sky above is dark, the night lit only by the pale light of the moon. The stars are scattered like dust across the inky sky, but I barely register the beauty of it. My legs feel weak, and I collapse to my knees on the rough ground just outside the entrance, gasping as I try to steady myself.
I close my eyes, the world spinning for a moment. Everything—this place, these people, that thing inside the cave—it feels so unreal, so impossible. My heart pounds in my chest, and I press my hand to my forehead, trying to push away the rising panic.
I rummage through my satchel and find a small flask. A symbol of a griffin is on the metal as I twist off the cap and take a big sip. The liquid tastes metallic and burns my throat, but it helps calm me down a bit. I breathe heavily, the prior moments replaying in my mind. The clashing of blades breaks my thought process. I look behind me, seeing Ryu, the knight, and that small floating creature still engaged with my book, so nothing dangerous, I presume. I put away the flask and follow the source of the clashing of blades.
Further into the forest, I step into what appears to be a training ground with wooden puppets and targets everywhere, covered in scorch marks and cuts. In an open area, I see Talia and Nikko sparring. Talia wields a short sword, and Nikko wields a knife. Both move with grace and precision, each strike met with a block or a dodge.
Nikko is holding her own against Talia, who fights with an elegant yet fierce style. Talia's movements are fluid, her strikes precise and controlled. Nikko, despite her smaller stature, is quick and agile, her knife flashing in the fading light as she parries and counters Talia's attacks. Talia feints a strike to the left, then quickly pivots to the right, but Nikko is ready, deflecting the blow and pushing forward with a series of rapid thrusts.
The two continue their sparring, each movement a testament to their training and skill. I watch in awe, realizing just how formidable this group truly is. I watch intently as Talia expertly disarms Nikko. She grabs Nikko's knife-wielding hand, twists her around, and sweeps her leg out from under her. Nikko loses her balance and falls to the ground, her knife clattering away. Talia quickly pins Nikko down, her knee pressing lightly on Nikko's back.
"I yield," Nikko says, sounding a bit defeated.
I'm impressed. Despite Nikko's young age, she has a remarkable fighting spirit. Nikko's disappointment is evident, but Talia helps her up and gives her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "You're doing great, Nikko. Keep practicing, and you'll be able to beat me in no time."
Talia notices me standing nearby and smirks as she smoothly sheathes her short sword. "Enjoyed the show?" she asks with a flourish, her tone light. Nikko follows suit, carefully sliding her knife away.
Caught off guard, I stumble over my words. "I... I'm sorry. I was just getting some fresh air and heard the commotion. I didn't mean to intrude..."
Talia giggles softly, cutting through my rambling. "It's fine. I understand. Those golems can be unsettling at first. Trust me, they freaked me out too when I first saw them."
Relieved by her response, I let out a sigh. "Aren't you still just a little uncomfortable around them, though?"
She shrugs casually. "It took a while, but I've gotten used to the small one, DP-7. IG-22, though? Yeah, he still creeps me out."
I glance at Nikko, who's been listening closely. "What about you, Nikko? How do you feel about IG-22?"
Nikko's eyes light up with excitement. "I think IG-22 is interesting—and kinda funny! One time, he was watching Papa and Talia while they were lying in bed toge—"
Before Nikko can finish, Talia's face flushes bright red as she quickly covers the girl's mouth. "We were sleeping!" Talia says, her voice filled with embarrassment.
I raise an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Sleeping together, huh?"
Talia's blush deepens, and she scowls in frustration. "Not like that! Ugh, get your mind out of the gutter," she snaps, trying to maintain composure. "And don't talk like that in front of Nikko."
With a soft nudge, she sends Nikko off. "Go see your father," she instructs, and the girl nods, happily running off to find Ryu.
Once Nikko is out of earshot, I lean a little closer, lowering my voice. "So, you and Ryu... are you two together?"
Talia's face turns an even deeper shade of pink. "That—that's none of your business!" she huffs, her tone defensive. She quickly spins around and marches back into the cave, leaving me standing there, more curious than ever.
I chuckle softly to myself, the fear and hysteria from earlier gradually melting away. There's an odd comfort in this strange situation, and I can't help but feel more at ease. She likes him, I think, a small smile playing on my lips. Taking a deep breath, I decide it's time to head back to the cave.
As I step inside, the atmosphere feels quieter, more peaceful. Ryu and Talia are standing by a workbench cluttered with various papers, and my book lies open in the midst of it all. The tension from earlier seems distant now, replaced by a strange sense of calm. I scan the cave but notice that IG-22, DP-7, and Apollo are nowhere to be seen. In the back, I spot Nikko soundly asleep on the bed, her small form shifting occasionally in her dreams.
For the first time since this whirlwind began, I feel like I can breathe. Everything feels quieter, more manageable. Even my earlier panic seems almost laughable in the face of the calm that has settled over the cave.
Ryu turns to me as I step inside, his movements calm and deliberate. "Here," he says, carefully closing my book and handing it back to me. His voice is softer than before, a subtle concern in his tone. "Feeling better?"
I nod slightly, taking the book from him. "Yeah, a bit," I admit, feeling the weight of the earlier tension lifting even more.
"You've already read the entire book?" I ask, confused as I put the book back into my satchel.
Ryu nods. "Thanks to you, Rebecca, I learned much about the Shadowfell."
I approach the workbench, intrigued. "What did you learn?"
Ryu begins to explain. "That there isn't just one Shadowfell, but in fact seven of them."
"Seven?" Talia exclaims. "One is causing so much chaos. I can't imagine what seven can do." She looks worried, and I share her concern.
Ryu continues, "The notes didn't specify how, but the Shadowfell were put to rest and bound by a powerful binding spell. Their tombs? The dungeons."
I step up. "The dungeons? That can't be. They are great labyrinths filled with challenging monsters and obstacles to test adventurers, built by the Shadow Prince to hide his greatest treasures..." My voice trails off as the realization hits me. The dungeons are the tombs. "Crap!"
Ryu nods. "I believe the Shadowfell is going to revive its slumbering brethren, causing all this chaos as a distraction."
He pushes one of the papers to the center of the table for Talia and me to see. The paper has a detailed drawing of the continents of Aranthia with various markings. "I marked the locations of the kingdoms and the dungeons. Notice anything similar?" Ryu asks.
Talia and I move closer to the map. "All I see are the seven kingdoms and the seven dungeons," Talia says. Then her eyes widen, and she turns to Ryu. I realize it too and look at him.
He nods. "Seven dungeons, seven kingdoms, seven Shadowfell. If the Shadowfell are revived, every kingdom will fall."
"Did the book say anything about how to rebind them?" I ask.
Ryu shakes his head. "No. The letters have faded and are illegible. But that won't matter," he says.
"How come?" I ask.
"Because we possess weapons that can harm the Shadowfell," Ryu says, gathering the scattered papers on the workbench and carefully slipping them into his pouch of holding.
I look to Talia, hoping for a more straightforward answer, but she simply gives me an encouraging nod before stepping away to sit by the fire. Realizing I won't get much more than that, I sigh and turn back to Ryu, though his face remains concealed in the shadows of his hood. "I've made up my mind," I say, attempting a smile. "I still want to help."
"You will be a burden," comes a cold, hollow voice from behind me. I startle, letting out a small yelp, and spin around to find IG-22 standing uncomfortably close, its glowing photoreceptors fixed on me.
"Dammit!" I cry, clutching my chest, still trying to catch my breath. "Do you have to sneak up on people like that?"
IG-22's eyes move slightly, almost as if it's appraising me. "In your current state, you will likely hinder this mission or fail to withstand the dangers we face," it says, its tone flat yet sharp, as though it's merely stating a fact. "The Shadowfell does not leave weaknesses unexploited."
I feel a knot tighten in my stomach, but before I can respond, Ryu steps between us, facing IG-22. "That's enough, IG-22," he says, his voice firm. "She's here because she wants to help, not because she's a warrior."
IG-22 tilts its head slightly, its eyes whirring as if in thought. "Understood. The probability of her survival though still remains low," it replies, backing away before Ryu gestures for it to leave.
As IG-22 moves to the entrance, I let out a shaky breath, glancing at Ryu. "Thanks," I murmur, my voice barely above a whisper. The golem's words still sting, yet Ryu's presence feels unexpectedly grounding.
Ryu gives me an apologetic nod. "I'll have a word with him. He's... not exactly tactful."
I nod and settle by the fire, where Talia sits, her warmth inviting. Behind her, Nikko has drifted back to sleep, curled up in peaceful oblivion. Talia notices my expression and leans forward slightly, her smile gentle. "Are you okay?" she asks, concern in her eyes.
I try to smile back, though the knot in my stomach twists uncomfortably. "He's right, you know," I admit, my voice catching. "I'm not much of a fighter... never was."
Talia reaches out, taking my hand in hers, her touch soft and steady. "You don't need to be," she reassures me. "Ryu doesn't care about that. None of us do." She glances over to where Ryu leans against the wall, a faint tendril of smoke curling from a pipe he's lit.
Her words calm me, easing some of the doubt gnawing at me. I pull out my flask, an idea surfacing. "Thanks, Talia. So... how about a drink?" I offer, managing a grin as I unscrew the flask's cap.
"Oh, I'm not much of a drinker," Talia says with a slight shrug.
I take a swig, feeling the familiar burn travel down my throat, and offer her the flask. "Neither am I. But a little after a day like this—it can work wonders."
Talia looks at it skeptically before taking a tentative sip, only to pull back instantly, coughing hard. I can't help but laugh. "Lightweight!"
"Shut up!" she splutters, her face scrunching up. "What... what is that?"
"It's called Snaps," I reply with a grin. "Got it from a miner in Varum. I have no idea what's in it, but it works."
Ryu, overhearing, comes over with a curious look. "Mind if I try?" He reaches for the flask, lifts it towards his shadowed face, and takes a sip before jerking his head back, coughing. "That's... vile," he says, his voice hoarse, and Talia dissolves into giggles as she snatches the flask back.
She takes another quick drink, but her face contorts in an instant, and she's coughing just as hard as Ryu did. I reach for the flask. "Hey, don't drink it all!"
"Just one more!" Talia protests, giggling, but Ryu smoothly takes the flask from her hand and passes it back to me.
I laugh and slip it back into my bag. "You're terrible, Talia."
"And Talia likes Ryu!" she slurs, pointing a finger at him, her words thick with tipsiness.
Ryu raises an eyebrow, then chuckles softly. "That's enough for you, Talia." Without another word, he bends down, sweeping her up in his arms. She shrieks in surprise, her arms looping around his neck as he carries her towards the bedding.
"Good night!" she calls out, her voice bright with laughter, and I watch, smiling.
Ryu lays her down beside Nikko, brushing a few stray strands of hair from her face before standing up. "There's a bedroll over there if you need it," he says, nodding towards a satchel propped against the wall.
"Wait," I ask, pausing, "aren't you taking watch?"
Ryu gives a slight shake of his head. "Apollo and IG-22 are already keeping guard. Get some sleep; we'll move out at sunrise."
As Ryu lies down near the others, I sit alone by the fire, watching the flames dance and crackle. Despite the exhaustion, I can't shake the thought that maybe I'm out of my depth. But something about the way they all look out for each other, the way Talia and Ryu care for Nikko... it brings a strange sense of comfort. Maybe, just maybe, I have a place here. Wrapping my cloak around myself, I stare into the fire, wondering what lies ahead for me.
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