Keeping A Promise Pt 1
Stahl: Sabine Leia and Bail have been captured, looks like Thrawn took them to a mining facility on Hoth.
Sabine: were only going to have one shot to grab the Senator before Bail gives up our base and Thrawn wipes the rebellion from existence. Once we get boots on the ground it's going to get explosive.
Stahl: hopefully you and your family can keep up art girl.
Sabine: I know you and Ezra like to take all the credit, so my family and I'll will keep our friends in check while we roll hard to secure the hostages.
Stahl: you heard her everyone weapons tight people don't like dead hostigases.
Tristan: whats the score Sabine.
Sabine: everyone's hostile.
Ursa: isn't that the kriffing truth.
Inside the mines.
Tristen punched the last guard on the elevator in the face then swinging over his shoulder. After the Imperial hit the ground Tristan pulled out his pistol ending the Imperials life. The elevator then started going down, as it did Ezra kept saying to himself "we can do this we can do this". Sabine had heard what Ezra was saying and put her hand on his shoulder saying "relaxe Ezra, it will be fine" making him calm down at the fact that they were in a very secure mine rescuing 2 rebels, on hoth. The two then heard Tristan say annoyed "can this thing go any faster" followed by a "easy Tristan" from Stahl. Then they heard Ursa say "soldiers ready your blasters" to the other 3 mandalorians as they approached the next floor. When Sabine and Ezra felt the elevator slowing down they both took their weapons out. The elevator soon reached the floor but the room was dark so the Imperials couldn't see them. This gave the rebels an advantage so Ursa held her left arm up with her fist clenched saying wait. As the troopers waited for the door to open to see who was coming out the door didn't open and this started making the others curious. Two troopers then walked forward towards the elevator with 23 other more behind them. When the troopers came too close for comfort Ursa yelled "open fire" shooting at the Imperials followed by Sabine, Tristan, and the other mando soldiers shooting the Imperials. Stahl and Ezra pulled out their lightsabers deflecting the bolts from reaching any of their comerads. However as good as they tried two of the 3 mandos were killed from a blaster shot. Then suddendly the elevator dropped down a tiny bit shaking all of them. The elevator then dropped down making Stahl yell "hold on" as it crashed on the bottom floor. As the others managed to stand on their feet Ezra noticed the only other mando who didn't get shot just lying there. Ezra first looked over to see if Sabine was alright and lucky he was. Ezra then stumbled over to the soldier shaking him saying "soldier are you ok" getting nothing. Ezra shook the soldier some more and still recieved nothing. After a few more times Ezra checked the mandos pulce getting no beating. Ezra lowered his head at the lost of another soldier saying "he's gone" hearing a "theres nothing we can do about now" from Stahl as he managed to stand up and walk over to the doors.
Ezras P.O.V
I Couldn't believe what I had just heard Stahl, he had been working with the Mandalorians for months and he just brushed their deaths off like nothing. I looked over at Sabine who was still breathing heavily from the fall we had just survived. Truth be told I was half scared to death myself from that fall. I got from my knees and walked over to Sabine to make sure she was ok. As I crouched beside her I said "Sabine are you ok", she looked at me saying "yeah I'll live, wish I could say that about the others" shifting her attention to the dead troopers. Even though I couldn't see the look on Sabines face I could sense that she was a bit wounded emotionally from the lost, I even heard Ursa and Tristan say something in Mandalorian while they took the soldiers identity tags. Then suddenly the elevator doors shifted open revealing a light making me cover my eyes until they were used to the brightness. Once they were I could see we were still in the mines so I grabbed my lightsaber and blaster ready for whatever layed ahead. Everyone got up too with Tristan running over to Stahl to help him with the door and once it was open we got out of the elevator and continued our mission.
Apparently the empire didn't think we were K.I.A because after we walked 43 feet into the tunnel we can under fire. I took cover behind a crate with Ursa and Sabine right next to me. All three of us shot at the approaching troopers. There were so many, 5 to our right, 3 ahead of us, and 6 to our left. This made us havs to switch our aiming directions multiple times. I managed to shoot 3 troopers on the left and Ursa and Sabine killed the ones in front of us, but suddenly I heard Tristan yell "Rocket get down" with an explosion. Lucky the explosion wasn't close enough to send us flying, only thing that went flying was debris. I looked up over my cover to see 2 rocket troopers with a single one, he was probably there to protect them. He didn't do his job very well because I heard three blaster shots and their bodies dropped to the ground. We weren't out of the fire yet, more troopers were approaching our position but began falling back after Stahl and I gtabbed our lightsabers and began blocking the blaster shots towards us. We ran after the troopers with me and Sabine go I g down the left tunnel to see the stormtroopers numbers dropping. Soon it only came to 3 troopers that were soon surrounded by all 5 of us since the 2 tunnels were connected. I was about to tell them to drop their weapons when Stahl just shot the 3 where they stood. This caught me off guard since he was taught to be merciful. However that didn't apply to Ursa because she smacked him on the head saying "what the kriff were you doing. They surrendered" getting a "coming from a mando who's code is take no prisoners, your really acting all offended" from Stahl starting a yelling match between the two. Sabine and I would have stopped them but it was quite funny to see the 2 yell at each other so we just walked on ahead with me whispering in her ear "bet you Stahl wins this time". Sabine just laughed and said "I don't think you will win on that bet Ezra, my mother can be persistent". I just looked at her with a smile saying "so what do you want to bet?" to which she took of her helmet saying "if I win I get to paint all of your cloths" making me look at my orange cloths and grab them defensively earning a chuckle out of her. If that was how Sabine wanted to play then so be it, I then told her "and if I win your armor has to lose its color for a month". I knew when I said this she turned pale because she looked at her armors color as if seeing it for the first time then doing what I did with my cloths. I just gave an evil smile at her waiting for her response soon getting "fine" as she put out her hand to which I shook it. I was sure that I was going to win the bet but Stahl just came over putting his arms over our shoulders saying "you lost Ezra" already getting the evil smile from Sabine making me gulp in fear. Stahl then started walking to the door to the next room with Sabine leaning over saying into my ear "enjoy those while they last" then walking to the door. I decided to just continue the mission with them even though this would be the last I would see my beautiful orange cloths. Stahl put his hand up counting down with all of us ready. Once Stahl got to zero he kicked open the door with us all aiming our blasters expecting to see more troopers. Ironically we just came across a bigger door that we all could tell lead to the outside. All 5 of us went over to the door with Stahl getting on his comm saying "fighter 2 this is spectre 7 were at the bottom of the mine and going to need air support". Through the other end we heard "copy that spectre 7 all fighters on root" then followed by static. Before Ursa and Stahl opened the door Ursa said "you ready" getting a "try to keep up old woman" from Stahl as they kicked open the door. It took a while for my eye sight to adapt to the light, but once it did we saw troopers on the balcony with us so we shot them down. Ursa ran over to the edge seeing more troopers firing at us. Sabine, Ursa, and Tristan began shooting back at them with Stahl and I blocking shots that came our way. Once the buckets were thinned out Stahl and I jumped over the rail running at the remaining troops. While we were doing that Sabine and the others jumped over the rail and slid down the slide that was there. Once I reached the troops I began cutting their blasters followed by knocking them out. Stahl however....did what he always does. As we finished off what troops were in front of us we saw more in the work space. Luckily more of clan Wren joined the fight. We took cover behind some concrete walls and began firing at the troops. As we kept firing I heard Tristan say "ship st-66 requesting bombing support" knowing that they were going to do their tipical blast their way in. I couldn't hear what came out on the other end but after 23 seconds a huge wave of explosions hit the area where the Imperials were. The blasts didn't take out all of them but it did thin them out greatly. Once Ursa felt like it was clear everyone began advancing forward. We approached the door to the container where it led further into the mines. However as we were climbing out of the small trench we were in multiple vehicles came in gunning at us. 5 of clan Wren fell to the vehicles ambush with 8 more wounded. We all kept our heads down as some mandalorians checked the wounded. Through all the commotion I heard Ursa yell "damn it st-66 were getting pummeled by the container, fire on them" soon feeling multiple explosions happen near us. The dust clouded my vision heavily and entered my mouth making me have to cough it back out. I stood up from the cover seeing the massive damaged of the explosion. The container's front door was blown wide open, around and through it I could see many stormtroopers either wounded or dead. I didn't have much more time to observe the damage because Stahl followed by Ursa, Tristan, and other troops ran into the container finishing off any wounded troops. I didn't enjoy seeing them do this, wounded men being ended without having any chance to defend themselves. Like how the Empire doed to civilians, but the truth was Mandalorians are taught to kill at a young age. Sabine told me this a while back, but my mind couldn't wrap around it with what Kanan had taught me about the Jedi code. I pushed the thoughts out of my head focusing on what was really important. I ran behind Sabine as we went down into a tunnel. Unlike the surface the tunnel was mostly empty with a stormtrooper trying to help his companion get to safety. Both were shot down quickly by the Mandos as they passed the deceased body. I wanted to puke so bad at what I saw, but there was no time because just farther down the tunnel was a locked door. As we approached it Ursa, Sabine, Tristan, and the other Mandos crouched just 5 feet from the door as Stahl put his right elbow against the wall left of the door. I walked over to where Stahl was as he looked at me saying "Ezra, put a mini-explosive on the door" having his 2 blasters ready. I reached behind my back grabbing the explosive I was given before the mission for these kind of situations off my belt. I pressed the certain code to lower the blast to its minimum. It was kind of funny that explosives had settings to how much damage they could do. I placed the explosive on the door hearing the beeping as I placed my shoulder on the wall opposite to Stahl. I grabbed my blaster ready to defend myself from any troopers that could be on the other side of the wall as the bomb exploded. As the door broke into hundreds of pieces Stahl and I stormed into the room expecting energy currents to come flying at us. However I didn't hear any firing from us or the Empire. Instead I heard Tristan yell "wait, its Leia" seeing Leia on a table. Leia looked horrible, I could see multiple cuts on her arms, she had a black eye with multiple bruises all over her. My heart began sinking at what the Imperials had done to her. That didn't mean however that there was nothing that could be done. Ursa walked over to her checking her pulse. It must have been good because the next thing I saw her do was put her ear to Leia's mouth. Apparently she was listening to her because when Ursa brought her head back up she said "she said The Empire took Bail deeper into the mines" not being much of a surprise. Stahl acknowledged Ursa saying "then that's where we're going. Ursa Tristan escort Leia to the ship up top" confusing me, Ursa, and Tristan. Stahl was never one to take regular soldiers, why would he do this now? Was there something that he wasn't tell us? Ursa must have had the same thoughts because she protested "No Stahl, the Empire will likely have higher security so your going to need the best with you". What happened next surprised all 3 of us even more because Sabine was the next to say "Mother please" getting a confused look by me and Ursa. There was something either were telling me which made me a little hurt since we have shared a lot with each other. Even though Ursa didn't agree with their decision she accepted Sabine's wishes helping Tristan take Leia.
We didn't watch them leave or even have a chance to say goodbye because I suddenly felt a cold wind against me back. It was followed by blaster fire which caught my full attention. I pulled out my lightsaber and blaster deflecting shots and shooting down troops as we all made our way down the tunnel.
We got about 10 feet before I saw sunlight, apparently there was a big hole that was drilled into the planet when mining was started. This was perfect because that meant a ship could hover down the mine in case we need a quick pick up.
As we kept moving forward I noticed a bridge across the huge hole, and I also began noticing a few Imperials running away from us with someone in their arms. I instantly knew that it was Bail so I yelled "there's Bail" hearing Sabine yell "then were not too late" throwing one of her miracles. Her bomb rolled a few feet before it exploded sending most of the stormtroopers. The ones that were injured were left alone because we didn't have time to finish them.
We were halfway across the bridge before we realized that it would take to long to ride the elevator down. Stahl, Sabine, and I looked over the edge thinking that we were 200...roughly 250 feet. The only real problem was neither Sabine or the 2 mandalorians with us had jetpacks because we didn't have any maps on this place so we were going in blind. Nice to see that that backfired. Stahl looked over a little bit more before he said "alright, Ezra and I can only take one person with us so you soldier..." pointing to the one behind us all "....get back to the surface. Ezra take your girl and I'll take him". I blushed at what he said because.....uhhh.....I still might have feelings for her. I could feel Sabine blushing too as we looked at each other looking away shortly. Our moment sadly was interrupted when we both heard the mando that Stahl picked scream seeing that Stahl had thrown him over the edge and quickly followed him. I looked over at Sabine still blushing as I said "well um Sabine, we had better get...." not finishing because she jumped on my back. Sabine wrapped her arms around me feeling her strong grip letting me know that she has got me. I smiled at this before I ran to the edge jumping over the railing.
It didn't take long for me and Sabine to reach the ground since the fall wasn't very high. Once Sabine and I could see Stahl and the mando taking cover behind a crate firing at the troops I force pushed me and Sabine back so we wouldn't break our legs, or more accurately mine. Once I landed I pulled out my lightsaber and began blocking bolts flying at me as Sabine pulled out her blasters gunning down every troop she could see. We both soon took cover behind the crate Stahl and the mando were at hearing all of the blaster fire hitting against the crate.
"Howd the party going" I asked trying to lighten our situation. Stahl didn't laugh since he was in his serious mode. Instead he said "Bail was taken to the far side of the room where that safe is, we have about 7 troops on the level ground with us and about another 5 more on the two balconies" looking over to make sure they weren't advancing on us. I stood up too to see where the Imperials were, Stahl was right about where the bucket heads were. Once we both got the general idea where they were we both took cover again as Sabine and the mando looked over from the side firing at the ground troops.
As the battle let on I could tell that Stahl was thinking about how to deal with the troops on the balconies. I began to think that myself since Kanan and Ahsoka have always taught me that having the high ground is the best advantage in a fight. However the situation was opposite now, neither of them jad ever taught us how to steal the high ground or neutralize it from an enemy. Suddenly I felt a push on my shoulder followed by Stahl saying "Ezra I have an idea" getting my attention. Stahl looked over the crate again to see the two balconies. Appearently he found a weakness or flaw in them because he said "when I count to 3 throw your lightsaber over to the edge of the balcony". I instantly understood his idea so I told him "got it" crouching behind the crate as I readied my saber.
Stahl began counting "one....two....Three" with both of us standing up and throwing our lightsabers at the edge of the balconies. I watch our sabers cut through the first balcony making it lose its grip sending the Imperials falling about 20 feet hitting the ground. Our sabers soon cut through the second balcony doing the same thing as the first one did. I concentrated on bringing my lightsaber back which came right into my hands.
With the two balconies down all 4 of us charged at the vault quickly killing any troopers that were in our way. As we got closer to the vault Sabine, the soldier, and I stopped a few feet from it as Stahl kicked the front door yelling "dang it. Its reinforced alloy Ezra and I can't cut through this". Greaaat this is exactly what we needed. A door that's basically impossible to cut through and to make things worse we only have a few charges with us so we can't blast the door down. Hoping someone had an idea I asked "any bright ideas" hearing Sabine say "yeah I've got one, up top" as she ran up the stairs in which we followed her.
When Sabine was up the stairs she ran farther back to the wall at the opposite end stopping about half way. Once we had caught up to her she said while pointing "get charges here, here, and here" in a semi-circle formation. This was a really smart idea since we all were right on top of the vault and we were standing on hard concrete which we would just blow right through. Sabine and Stahl placed their charges on the left and right side as I placed my charges at the front. The charges didn't have that much of a kick in them so we were ok to stand near them. Once we all placed our charges Sabine pressed the button making the charges do their job. When all the charges exploded the concrete became very weak and soon gave in too our weight.
As we fell down in the vault the stormtroopers that were in there were unprepared for us. Apparently they didn't think we would figure out another way into the vault. Which goes to show what happens when you underestimate us. The 3 of us shot down the stormtroopers with little trouble. Bail was on his knees so we didn't have to worry about hitting him by accident.
Once we were certain we were all clear Sabine and I ran over to the senator asking "Senator are you good" getting a groan followed by "I'm fine. Where's Leia" from him. Sabine reassured Bail that Leia was in safe hands, but we were far from being safe. The ground suddenly started shacking followed by a distant explosion. I looked over at Sabine worried about what I just heard. She looked at me too saying "this place is coming down we have to move" grabbing Bail helping him up and taking him out of the vault.
When we came out we could see Stahl and the mando shooting at a huge number of Stormtroopers. We escorted Bail behind a crate as Sabine grabbed her blaster and began firing at the Imperials. I grabbed my saber and began deflecting shots at me and redirecting them back at any incoming Imperials. During the commotion I heard Stahl activate his twin lightsabers saying "nice of you to finally join us" deflecting a energy shot at a trooper. Sabine told him "sorry we were busy, you hear the explosion" crouching behind some concrete still firing at Imperials. Stahl answered her question with "yeah I heard it, we have 10 minutes tops. Ezra contact Ursa. Tell her we need the ship to come to us" still deflecting energy currents. I did as he ordered and crouched down behind the crate Bail was at activating my comm saying "Spectre 6 to Ursa Wren, the tunnel is collapsing we need you to come to us" grabbing my blaster killing 3 troops that tried to advance on us. Suddenly I heard through my comm "copy that Ezra, eta 30 seconds". 30 seconds, more like 30 hours, we just kept feeling wave after wave of Imperials attacking us. My gun was about to overheat which would leave me with my lightsaber.
Luckily after a few more seconds we began hearing engines to a Mandalorian ship. I felt a little bit more relieved that it was almost over, appearently Sabine did too because she said "our rides here, Ezra Stahl cover Bail" running from her cover and at the Imperials pulling out the darksaber cutting down close Imperials along with shooting troops that were far away. The Mandalorian soldier did the same advancing toward the ship. Without looking directly at Bail I said "Senator its time to go" hearing him say "Indeed it is" standing up. Stahl ran over to me standing behind Bail with his sabers ready. We began running towards the ship with Sabine and the other soldier right behind us. There were still many Imperials between us and the ship, but as we ran Stahl and I protected the Senator with Sabine shooting down the Imperials. We were about 10 feet from the ship. I ran up ahead to make sure we were ok, but suddenly there was an explosion and my vision went black.
I could feel immense pain all over my body as my blood started pouring from my body. Through it all I could hear Sabine's voice yelling "Ezra! EZRA!" making me open my eyes thinking that she would be right above me. Disappointingly I didn't see her, instead I saw the mandalorian ship landing with the pilot saying through the comms "get the Senator on board we gotta get the heck outta here". My vision became black again, but I could still hear everything that was happening. I managed to open my eyes even though they felt heavy with all the pain seeing Ursa and Tristan getting the Senator on the ship. I then heard Tristan yell "Senator's secure" while another soldier ran over to me saying "Hang in there I got you" picking me up. The soldier turned me around dragging me toward the ship as Sabine and Stahl were standing in front of me shooting at any Imperials that tried to come closer. During that Stahl said to Sabine "Sabine you got to go, make sure the senator gets out" making her say "don't even think about it Stahl we're in this together" as she kept shooting. Suddenly a rocket came flying by causing both of them to duck from it as someone said "Rocket down". Stahl then decided to tell the soldier dragging me "soldier cover the right side" pointing to where Stahl wanted him. Sabine knew or at least she must have known it was the one dragging me because she turned towards Stahl saying "you better be right behind me" putting her blasters in her holster grabbing me how the other soldier did still dragging me.
As Sabine dragged me I could see everything, surprisingly. Stahl and the two mandos that were with him kept their focus on the battlefield shooting at stromtroopers all over. Most of them took cover behind the wrecked balcony trying to shoot us down. Some of them tried to get close but were immediately shot down. The Imperials tried to us smoke but that backfired since Stahl was able to sense him and quickly slice his throat. After Stahl did that he shot another Imperial that began approaching us. However after Stahl did he got shot making him stumble backwards almost falling on my line of blood that had escaped my body. The last thing I ended up seeing was Sabine's helmet as she put on the ship before I blacked out.
Sabine's P.O.V
I placed Ezra on the ramp of the ship, he had lost a lot of blood from the explosion. I was beginning to get really worried about him. I began feeling something inside of me, but there wasn't time for that. Tristan helped me place Ezra in the seat next to Bail as I turned around to see Stahl with two other Wren troops still fighting. I started feeling more rumbling and I knew instantly that the tunnel wouldn't hold much longer. I grabbed a part of the ship hanging my head and part of my body out yelling "Spectre 7 its time to go come on" waving towards the ship. I thought he was coming on like we originally planned, but he just said "just go get out of here" as a rocket came towards us. It almost hit the ship, but the explosion did cause the ship to fly back and forward for a few seconds with the pilot yelling "hang on"
When the pilot regained balance of the ship Stahl faced us saying "just go go" trying to wave us off. That little...stupid....I'm already past it with him. I was about to jump out of the ship and throw him on the ship before I heard the pilot say "we can't stay here anymore we gotta leave". He wasn't serious....Stahl is still down there, w-we weren't gonna leave him.
I was wrong, the ship started flying out the tunnel as it began collapsing. I screamed "no" over the side of the ship, lot of good that did. I heard my mother yell at the pilot "get us back down there now". I hoped he would but with the tunnel collapsing too quickly there wasn't any hope of it.
I was right to believe so when the pilot yelled "its too hot, we go back, we all die". However this didn't take all my hope out, I activated my comm link in my helmet yelling "Spectre 7 do you read me" getting nothing as we barely escaped the exploding tunnel. I tried again saying "Spectre 7 come in" still hearing nothing. I still had hope, well small hope because I said with my voice sounding defeated "Spectre 7 do you copy....Stahl are you still there". I hoped and hoped that something aould come through as I looked down the tunnel. Nothing happened, he was gone. The shock hit my body so much, it felt like I was being crushed. However there wasn't anytime to morn the dead, I had to worry about Ezra first.
Spectre 7 out
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