Chapter 44
Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.
As always, I continue to hope that I am doing justice to the spirit of Star Wars as well the respective authors and characters from which I borrow. Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.
Mandalorian (Mando'a) words
Aru'ela (AH-roo-AY-la): hostile, enemy (adj)
Buy'ce (BOO-chay, BOO-shay): helmet; Colloquially: pint, bucket
Dadita (dah-DEE-tah): code used by Mandalorians, like Morse
Ika (EE-kah): diminutive suffix written as 'ika - also added to a name as a very familiar or childhood form, e.g, Ord'ika - Little Ordo
Koytc (koh-TEESH): strong
Ni kar'taylir darasuum gar (nee kar-TILE garh dah-RAH-soom): Colloquial: "I love you."
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Chapter 44
I'm sorry my first message to you probably isn't what you expected, but we barely had any time before I departed to explain. Because of the nature of my missions, we must be careful in how we communicate so that if my comm. is ever found, your identity remains unknown. First, we must never use our names. These messages will only be between you and me so it would be unnecessary anyway. Second, I cannot go into detail about where I am assigned. Much of what I do is classified, but I will try to share with you what I am permitted. Third, I will teach you more Mando'a so that we can build our own dadita, our own code. Lastly, I have to ask that you please delete this message after you read it. Perhaps I am being overly cautious, but I would just feel safer if you did. Also, before I forget, I realize that you didn't understand 'Ni kar'taylir darasuum gar' means 'I love you.' Stay kotyc.
Private comm. message from RC-1147 "Jas" to Princess Arlesse Psach of Tochin
Tochin Moon III, 38 Days after Order 66
Arlesse nestled herself in her usual place in the garden, under the orchid willow tree and buried herself in the sweet blossoms that hung from the branches. The lavender flowers cascaded down the yellow vine-like branches seeming to cover her in an umbrella of natural yellow and lavender.
She brought forth the special text-only comlink that Mouse had given her over eight months ago, the one that would link her directly to Jas. Her fingers began touching on the small keys, never thinking of writing him as any kind of labor. It was always a gift to be sending him a message because that meant she had received one prior, and it meant Jas was still alive. A couple of weeks ago, Jas' message had told her that he and his brothers were going to a planet he was certain she would find beautiful. He couldn't tell her where exactly he was, though, because of the nature of his missions. This way if anyone did intercept the message, there was no way to pinpoint exactly which planet he was describing because it could very easily be any number of planets in the galaxy. Jas had also told her how much he continued to miss her and that he wanted to be there with her. After that, his messages had grown extremely inconsistent, almost to the point that they had stopped, and even though Arlesse's heart broke every moment they were apart, she needed to write him once more in the hopes that this time he would be able to answer her.
Arlesse let her fingers continue to gently touch the keys, feeling her fear for Jas begin rising again as she thought about how a couple of weeks ago she and Tarj were discussing some of the pranks that he and Crimson had pulled on each other while on Kamino. As Tarj was laughing in his memories of capturing Gath in the net he had made from discarded bodysuits, a message came across his communicator. Arlesse remembered the eerie vision of the man in the black robes, and how his gravelly voice simply uttered three words: "Execute Order 66."
Tarj had told the image, "Yes sir." Then, his confused irises looked to hers, and she could clearly see that he didn't understand the order the robed man had just given him.
Arlesse had gently prodded Tarj for information about what "Order 66" meant while their eyes were locked between the ignorance of a civilian and the loyalty of a trained soldier. Keeping his eyes on Arlesse as though she could help him make sense of the command, Tarj had honestly told her that it meant the Jedi had acted as traitors to the Republic Government and that the Clone Army were to execute all Jedi on sight.
Arlesse knew that there were no Jedi on Tochin as Paxa Tanner had been recalled to the Temple within the same time that Crimson had departed. However, Arlesse couldn't help but wonder now if her estranged mother had been amongst the executed Jedi. She didn't know how to approach Tarj for information on Darian Psach, and she feared that if she gave too much away, it would turn suspicions on her, even though she carried no Force sensitivity. Instead, Arlesse had asked Tarj if he would have killed any Jedi without proof of their involvement in the conspiracy to overturn the Republic.
Arlesse thought back to how Tarj had simply shaken his head, and offered an honest, "I don't know." He said he didn't have many opportunities to work with the Jedi, except Paxa Tenner during the timeframe of Arlesse's abduction, and in that short time, he had no belief that the Jedi even wanted to take over the Republic. He said that Paxa was merely concerned with the well being of King Vollan. He explained how Paxa had feared for King Vollan's emotional health, as it seemed more and more that Arlesse's abduction had lead to her death. Paxa had merely continued trying to maintain Vollan's faith in the Republic and in the galaxy. She feared his impending emotional breakdown and had continued to do what she could to keep him focused on the accomplishments he had achieved in his life.
Arlesse pulled from her ruminations about that moment of Order 66 and paused in her message to Jas long enough to look up and enjoy the orchids that hung on the vine-like branches, thinking about how one day she would share this hiding place with him and take pleasure in a summer afternoon together, like the one she was currently enjoying.
A few seconds later, she turned her attention back down to the communicator and continued writing her message as her thoughts spun about her head, hoping this time he would reply while hoping that somehow her mother had remained safe.
Suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps broke her thoughts and she looked out between the branches to see the white and green armor that belonged to Tarj. Arlesse remembered how Jas had told her before he left that Tarj was going to take care of her until his return, but what she didn't know until a couple of months ago was that Jas had instrumented Tarj's transfer from the beginning. For as much as Tarj and Crimson were adversaries during their training together, they were also protective of each other. Tarj was one of the few people who knew about her ongoing romance with Jas, and Tarj had remained her loyal defender. Over the course of their time together, Tarj became a close friend to Arlesse, very much like the brother she never had, and he had finally told her about his vow that he would keep her safe for Jas.
Right now it seemed that Tarj's simple promise had turned into something of a challenge after Tochin had become all but taken over by members of the newly formed Empire. Moff Gillard Harkin had taken it upon himself to split up Tarj's men, despite Tarj's protests. Harkin had separated the squad and dispersed them throughout the towns on Tochin Moon II as well as send some of Tarj's men to the mining complex on Moon III. The Tochin Guards had been disbanded, and a new squadron of stormtrooper soldiers had been assigned in their palace. The new soldiers were from the new batches of clones, and Tarj told Arlesse that he instantly knew that they were different, their mannerisms not personable but bred strictly to obey orders. He had told her that although those men thought for themselves, they were quick to follow every command that the Imperial government issued but gave little acknowledgment to the orders or requests from the Tochin royals.
Arlesse pushed aside her history with Tarj as she brought her eyes forward to see him parting the hanging branches with an arm and ducking beneath them as he removed his helmet.
Tarj took off his buy'ce as he approached her and realized it was something he always did when addressing Jas' girl. It was nothing but a small gesture to return the kindness she had always shown him, but he could see that it mattered a great deal to her. And, Tarj understood why it meant so much to see his face. It allowed him to be unhidden in their conversations, showing that he was still a human and there was something comforting in the vulnerability they both shared. Tarj thought it somehow made him stronger to be revealed so often because it was something he had never seen any of the new clones do for any of the civilians.
Stepping close to the princess, Tarj lowered his voice. "They're coming for you."
Arlesse looked to him puzzled, entirely not understanding why he seemed so troubled. "Who is..."
"Moff Harkin has issued an arrest on all the nobles, starting with the royal family. Your father and cousin have already been taken."
Tarj saw the sudden panic in her eyes and then looked down to the small comlink in her hands. He knew exactly to whom she was writing, and he had to make sure that a message got to Jas that would warn him that Tochin was no longer safe and that the woman he loved was in trouble. Tarj turned his voice into a bare whisper, offering gentle instructions for how to end her communication and send Jas the message he needed. "Write nothing more. Just tell him aru'ela and end the transmission."
Arlesse saw the concern in Tarj's dark eyes, and she did as instructed, trusting Tarj just as she would have if Jas had been with her. She worked her fingers as quickly as they would go on the small device, typing the single word she remembered Jas teaching her a few months ago.
"Now hide the comlink," Tarj told her softly. He watched as the princess reached upwards into branches, finding a small niche where the trunk split apart, and she placed the comlink there.
"Why are they doing this?" she asked, looking to Tarj for answers and trying to keep her fear contained.
"The moff found evidence of a conspiracy against the Empire," Tarj explained, bringing his helmet towards his head now.
"Will you continue to protect me?"
"I don't know, Vod'ika," Tarj said sadly, addressing her with the nickname of "little sister" that he had for the past few months. He paused before he got the helmet over his face, hating the position he was now in. He had no one he would consider a friend or an ally right now, except for her. All his men were gone, and Tarj could clearly see what he didn't weeks ago. Harkin had phased out the last of the Republic Clone Army that was stationed on Tochin, and that left Tarj with no way to reason with these new clones about these orders. Tarj was merely a bodyguard to her now, a former commander with no one to command because the new clones had not been given instructions to acknowledge his orders. Tarj was certain this arrest was a test of his loyalty, and he had to play the game on both sides in order to keep both the princess and himself safe. Offering the truth as best he could, Tarj told her, "I will only be able to watch over you and make certain no one harms you without reason. Otherwise, they will charge me as a traitor and most likely kill me for insubordination. Then, you would be left with no one."
Arlesse saw the pain in Tarj's eyes, the conflict between the vow he made to his brother and the loyalty of having to follow these new orders. She took a heavy breath, unable to withhold the fear inside her of being arrested. She was scared to death as to what Gillard Harkin would do to her or her family, yet she could find no fault with Tarj for only following the orders he was required to obey. Her voice came out small and soft as her hand touched cautiously upon his elbow. "Jas would understand."
Tarj felt his eyes linger on hers for a moment and saw once again what Jas had found in this princess. Her fight for her life was strong in her eyes but so was forgiveness for him, for being forced into servitude because of orders that demanded his action.
"Harkin will probably start with just questions," he instructed now, trying to push aside the kindness this princess had always shown him. He knew that if there was anyone on this world who was innocent of the traitorous crimes the moff was accusing, it was Arlesse Psach. "Don't lie, Vod'ika. Leave out extra information and keep your responses short."
Arlesse shuddered as she heard the footsteps coming from the distance. Instinctively, she felt herself slide in behind Tarj seeking solace in the protection he had given her for the last eight months.
"I'm sorry," Tarj told her as he sealed the helmet over his head, trying to hide the guilt he knew was on his face for having to betray his brother's request. He only hoped that Jas would understand that in order to protect his princess, Tarj had to ensure he stayed with her, even if that meant arresting her and guarding her in some cell within the palace. "But, I'll stay with you as long as Harkin lets me."
The heavy thud of footsteps filled the garden, and Tarj turned without warning towards Arlesse, grabbing her by the arm as gently as he could, making it appear that he was being rough. The fear in her eyes was very real, and Tarj knew that she would not have to convince anyone of her fright.
Pulling her tiny frame easily, Tarj took Arlesse with him from under the sanctuary of the tree and brought her forth to the group of six stormtroopers, only to find that they were all holding blasters aimed at her.
"She's unarmed and cooperative," Tarj said.
The stormtroopers didn't lower their weapons and gave no indication that they would. Instead of relaxing their guard, two of them began a search of the garden while the other four fell into a prisoner transfer formation. They surrounded Tarj and Arlesse while leading her into the palace.
Arlesse tried to look behind her to see if they found the comlink, but Tarj gently squeezed her arm and pulled her along, silently warning her not to give away anything by reacting to their search.
Once inside the palace, the stormtroopers led Tarj and Arlesse to a deserted hallway where all the doors were locked from the outside as the keypads had been overridden by Harkin's personal codes. One of the troopers entered a code into one of the cells on the far side of the hallway, and Tarj could only imagine that meant the other rooms were already filled with royal prisoners.
Tarj gently pushed Arlesse into the room, wishing the stormtroopers would have backed away so that he could offer her a word of trust, something to let her know that he was going to do whatever he could to keep her safe. Unfortunately, they stayed their guard until Tarj released her and stepped away. Then, one of the stormtroopers simply locked the door and looked to Tarj. "Moff Harkin said you're to shoot her on sight if she escapes."
Tarj nodded silently as he swallowed carefully under the helmet, hiding his concern for the princess. He understood the moff's orders perfectly now, and he knew it was yet another test of his loyalty, to see who exactly he was obeying. If he did anything that Harkin would consider out of line, it would mark him as a traitor. Tarj knew that Arlesse would not dare try to escape because that just wasn't in her nature, but he knew that he was required to stand guard silently, like the soldier he was trained to be. It was the only way to bring his credibility to Harkin, and that was what he needed most right now if he was going to keep his vow to Jas.
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