♢chapter 1♢
Kanan woke up in the middle of the night. It was about 12:30.
He had a little strick of fear. It certainly wasn't his. He jumped up and ran to ezra.
Zeb was sleeping until kanan rushed into the cabin. He shook ezra.
The kid screamed in terror. Then he woke up.
"Kid! Ezra!" Kanan countined shaking him. Ezra rubbed his eyes in disbelief.
"Oh just a dream." He said blinking a few times to make sure. The ghost rocked. Then the 3 boys (kanan, zeb and ezra." Saw hera run to the cockpit.They followed her. Sabine tagged along after being disturbed.
"What's going on?" Kanan asked.
"I don't know. The ghost just out of nowhere flew into planets atrophere. It's a bit damaged we'll have to land here to make the repairs..." the pilot said, guiding the plane to Landing.
"Well what planet are we on?" Sabine asked sassily.
"Tatinoo." Her eyes widened.
"What's wrong with this planet?" Ezra asked spinning around in his seat.
"Kanan? A talk."
"Sure thing hera." Hera and kanan walked out. Sabine was about to explain but hera signaled her to shut up.
"This planets bad. They are recent kidnapps, suprised attacks, and terrible wars." Hera explained.
"I know. Ezra will be a easy target for kidnapping. They woul d kidnappe him in a heart beat." The jedi said concerened.
"Well just have to stay down low." Hera informed.
The crew leaves the ghost to tanitino. Kanan was basicly watch I ng ezra like a
"stay close." The leader informed.
"I know, I know." Ezra replied. It was are very dry, desertish, and Sandy planet. Ezra occasionly coughed and had to rub his watery eyes.
"Maybe we should head back to the ghost." Kanan mention noting his padawan watery eyes. Ezra nodded then coughed.
"You okay kid?" Kanan asked the boy.
"Yeah." His voice strained and he coughed. Then he tenced.
"There's something wrong..." ezra warned but it was too late. A blaster Shot was heading right to his face. He quickly moved but not enough, his forearm was hit. He screamed and fell to the ground. Kanan shot the man back. He fell down, dead or unconscious. It was hard to tell....
"Come on ezra, you have to get up." Kanan said and kneeled next to ezra. He groaned.
Kanan picked him up and ran to the ship. He was panting but he wouldn't stop.
As soon as he got on the ship it started ranning. He put ezra on the ground he had his hand on his srm. He was bleeding. Hera walked in and as soon as she saw kanan she ran to him, not seeing ezra yet.
"Kanan! Your bleeding!" She informed.
"No I was holding ezra, he's bleeding." Kanan replied. Ezra was On the floor still he was tightly holding his sholder. Kanan was still breathing heavily. Sabine and zeb ran in. Sabine ran to medbay and grabbed the suppy.
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