I do hope you guys enjoy this.
A few days later Ezra was sitting on the ramp staring off into space.
"Hey Kid!" Rex called startling him.
"Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you."
"That's okay," Ezra said hugging his knees.
"Something on your mind?" The clone asked noticing the boy's demeanor.
"Sort of," Ezra said looking up.
Rex sat down and waited patiently for him to speak.
"Mom said that her and Dad were gonna talk to Commander Sato about what happened the other day. I'm worried that I'm still gonna be in massive trouble."
"Well from what I heard those boys didn't give you much of a choice. They got you good," Rex said.
"Yeah and pushed my recovery back," Ezra snipped.
"Hey gets you out of your chores for another week," Rex joked hoping to lighten the mood.
Only he received a half-heartened glare causing him to laugh.
"Come on I'm trying to help."
"I know," Ezra whispered looking away. "There is something else though."
"If you want to talk Kid, I'm all ears."
"It's just...sigh... Dad promised he would tell me about my birth family and he has yet to do so. I'm starting to think he's worried that I don't love him anymore. I do love him, I just want to know."
"I don't think it's that Ezra," Rex offered placing a hand on Ezra's shoulder. "For as long as I have known the two of you. There is no doubt in my mind of the love you have for each other. If I remember there has been a couple of times you have bent over backwards to save his hide. That isn't the actions of someone who doesn't love someone else."
Ezra sighed before glancing up. Following his gaze, Rex saw both the pilot and Jedi coming up. Neither one looked very happy.
"Captain Syndulla, Commander Jarrus," he greeted standing to his feet.
"Rex," Hera replied taking the clone by the arm. "We have a mission and we are going to need some help planning it."
Giving her a weird look, he turned his attention to Kanan who nodded. Ezra watched the exchange and shuddered. Oh yeah, he was in trouble.
After the two left Kanan sat next to his son.
"What's the damage? Am I banished?" Ezra blurted out.
"Not banished exactly," Kanan sighed. "Your privileges have been revoked though. You attacked them Ezra, plain and simple."
"They attacked me first!"
"I know, I know," Kanan soothed quickly. "Commander Sato took everything into account, but as it turns out it is still your word against their's. He said that the only fair solution was keep the boys far away from you as possible and you are to have all of your clearances revoked planet side."
"Nope," Kanan smirked looking down at the boy. "He said they are revoked for one week."
Ezra couldn't help but laugh.
"That's how long till I'm healed."
"Yes it is. However several officers are still concerned that you might lose control without being provoked. They wanted to banish you, but Sato wouldn't allow it. So don't be surprised if you get the cold shoulder for a while," Kanan explained.
Ezra felt himself deflate.
"I'm sorry."
"You did what you had to do," Kanan said. "Anyway, I'm gonna go help Hera. I want to you to go mediate in my room."
Ezra nodded, curling in on himself. Kanan got up and went to make his way inside.
The man turned to see his boy staring at him intently.
"What's up?"
"I...(deep breath)...I want to talk to you about what you promised."
Kanan POV
I felt my breath catch for a moment. I wasn't sure why I had promised him that but I did and I haven't made good on it.
"EJ, now's not a good time," I told him.
I felt his guilt briefly before his shields slammed up.
"Ezra," I groaned pinching the bridge of my nose. "It's not because of you..."
"Yes it is!" He cried surprising me. "You think I don't love you anymore."
Before I could respond he was inside and up the ladder. Following, I made my way to the common room.
"Is everything okay?" Hera asked seeing my troubled expression.
"What's wrong?"
"Ezra," I sighed sitting in the booth. "I promised him that I would tell him what I know about his birth family. I haven't done it yet."
"He said he wanted to talk and I told him that now wasn't a good time. He felt guilty for some reason and said that I thought he didn't love me and ran inside."
"Poor kid," Rex whispered.
"Kanan if you weren't ready to tell him, why did you promise to?" Hera asked raising an eyebrow at me.
"Because he was upset from a vision he had. He said he witnessed two people arguing and recognized the man. I don't know who it is and I...sigh...it's a really big step, for both of us. I'm afraid that if he knows he will want to track down his real father and if he does then..."
"He'll do something stupid and get hurt or maybe even killed," Hera finished for me.
"Yeah," I sighed.
"Love I'm sorry, but this is one time you are gonna have to loosen your grip and let Ezra decide for himself."
"She's right Kanan," Rex spoke up. "I was talking to him earlier and he says he just wants to know."
"Fine, I'll tell him," I relented. "After we plan this mission."
I received dual death glares.
"Okay, I'll talk to him now."
Ezra sighed giving up on meditating. Sitting down on his bed, he tried to get the memory of him yelling at his father out of his head.
"Ugh...why did I say that?" He groaned leaning back. "Now he probably hates me."
On the other side of the door Kanan paused mid knock. He could feel Ezra's distress and wondered if he was doing the right thing. He could make Ezra forget that he promised but even then the kid would go looking for the answers. Possibly getting killed in the process. No, best tell him now and hope that the boy didn't want to go searching.
"Ezra?" He called knocking. "EJ can we talk, please?"
He heard some shuffling before the door opened. Stepping in, Kanan smiled seeing his son failing to mediate. Letting the door close, the man kneeled in front of Ezra.
"Ezra, I know you're faking," he said shaking his shoulder.
The boy didn't respond. Kanan snorted before tickling Ezra under his left ear.
"Papa!" He squealed eyes flying open.
'Hehe works every time," Kanan thought.
"Ezra, about earlier I wanted to..."
"No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you," the boy said looking down.
Kanan pinched the bridge of his nose trying to will the on coming headache away.
"EJ, I love you, and because I I love you so much it makes this subject hard to talk about. I knew that someday you would want to know about your family and I have been preparing myself for it but..."
"Papa," Ezra whispered feeling tears starting to form. "I love you too. After everything that has happened, I feel like I don't belong. You and Mama have done so much for me that I..."
"Ezra," Kanan soothed running a hand over his son's hair. "No matter what happens or what anyone says you belong. Now I know I promised you umm but ummm..."
Ezra POV
I smiled before throwing myself into his arms. Honestly I don't think I will ever get tired of doing it.
"Look if it's hard for you maybe you can start with something easy. You know maybe what were their names?"
He nodded before getting up.
"I can do one better."
I followed him into his room where he walked over to the closet and pulled a box off the shelf.
"When you first came along Damian suggested I start a baby box for you. After the bombing I was afraid it was lost but I found it and brought it with us when we moved to Lothal."
"What's in it?" I asked curiously.
"Small odd and ends that I thought was important. In fact, one of the things I saved was a letter I found you with."
He sat the box on his bed and pulled out a piece of paper. He hesitated for a moment but sighed and handed the letter to me.
"Dear Whoever,
This is Ezra and he was born on Empire Day. He cries a lot and is a mistake.
He's your problem now.
Signed Mira."
I didn't even realize I was shaking until I felt a warm hand take a hold of my hand and another one grab my chin. Turning my head I looked up to see my dad smiling comforting.
"I know it's not what you thought it would say but I promise you, that is what I found you with."
Sitting back against the bunk frame, my mind was in turmoil. I always use to think that my birth family had no choice but to give me up. Now I learn that they didn't even love me and just dumped me off to die. I tried to hold back the tears because this is what I wanted. I wanted to know what happened. I could handle the pain.
"Why? Why wasn't I good enough?"
Curse these teenage emotions. Against my will, tears started make their way down my face. I felt Dad wrap an arm around my shoulders and lean his head against mine.
"Is that her name, Mira?" I asked a few minutes later.
"It was," Dad whispered scooting closer. "I don't have a picture of your father but I know that his name was Ephiram."
"So they just abandoned me," I spat. "They didn't want me, so they just left me to die."
"No," came his reply. "Like I said before, I don't have all of it but thanks to Tseebo I was able to piece most of the story together."
"'Didn't he pass a few months ago?" I asked rubbing my eyes.
"Yes, because of that implant in his brain. He had so much information, his brain overloaded and shut down," Dad explained.
Now I feel bad for asking.
"Don't worry, he didn't suffer at all," he quickly reassured me.
"How did Tseebo know so about me?" I asked.
"Well," he chuckled. "Ezra that was thing. Tseebo knew your mother."
Wait what?
I hope you enjoyed and please let me know what you thought. Have an awesome day!!!!!
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