chapter 6 -- apologies
I was meditating. Well...I wasn't really meditating. I was just ignoring kanan. But he thinks I'm meditating so he knows I can hear him and I won't awnser. "Ezra please talk to me. I know it was wrong. How many times can I apologize?" Kanan said sitting in front of me. "Ezra can you please quit meditating enough for me to talk."
I knew ezra. He only stops meditating when he wants to. He can hear me I know that much. "Come on." I rolled my eyes and he refused to open his eyes. "No" he mumbled. "You just talked your not meditating!" He wanted to laugh but I guess he was to mad. "No I wasn't. I was purposely ignoring you." He told me and went back to meditating or ignoring me.
I heard kanan. It was a bit echoed but I understood. "Ezra, you have to forgive me it's part of being a jedi. You have to understand I make mistakes." I felt so much rage. My face was probly red. "Then I don't want to be a jedi.!" I opened my eyes and screamed. "you don't mean that." Kanan said. "No I don't. I just can't handle the lies and all the mistakes you have done in the passed few days. You hit me then you lied. People only get mad when it's something they care about. I care. Your my master. Yet you act like I am just a street rat like everyone else." I confessed.
Kanan looks with shook. "Is that what you think? Ezra you mean alot. Why else would I teach you?" He told me. I still didn't trust him. "Maybe that's a question you have to ask yourself." I ran away from him before long I broke out in tears. I could barley breath I was crying so hard. I ran into my cabin and locked the door before the crew could see me. "No this isn't happening." I sniffed and herd zeb knocking. "Hey let me in kid." Zeb pounder the door. I had a pounding headache and he wasn't helping. "Hera! He won't let me in" I heard him shout. "Ezra let him in." Hera Said not really caring. "Fine," I unlocked the door and ran up to my bed and wiped my tears. I hurried and shut the light off so he wouldn't see the tears. "You ok? Why's the light off?" He asked. "I have a headache wasn't lieing I really did. "Should I tell hera?" He asked me and I panicked. "No its ok!" I shouted. "Ok calm down" he said and left. He probably thought I had a freak attack. 'Great go tell kanan' I thought. Then I heard a knock. "Who is it," I mumbled. "Zeb." He answered in a grouchy voice and opened the door. "I'm just guessing I shouldn't tell kanan based on the last time." I nodded in response.
I was first to be up and then hera, sabine, and zeb. "Hey is ezra up yet?" I asked zeb as he walked in. "I don't think so. II can wake him?" He told me. "Ya we don't want him sleeping all day like last time no one woke him." They all laughed. Zeb and I walked into there room. "Kid get up all ready." Zeb said and shook ezra's arm. He woke up. "Ugh" he walked down the ladder and whispered to me."I forgive you." then He casually walked out. As he stepped Into the light, his skin appeared, Pale and his mood was horrible. "Want some breakfast?" Hera asked.he ezra and he nodded. "No thank you," he replied adding to his nod. "Ezra? Not eating? That's not you." Hera Said concerned. "No I just don't feel well" He said.
I lied I feel horrible, awful. My head was beating and my stomach was in knots. "Ezra your pale, you should lie down." Hera suggested. I refused. "How bad do you feel exactly?" Sabine asked. "If you look worse than you feel we have a problem." She giggled. "If he feel worse them he looked he'd be dead." Zeb said in between laughs. "I feel horrible. I look better then I feel. Atleast I think. My head is about to explode and my stomach won't keep anything down, not even water." I said and put my head down on. The table. "Ezra you need to get right back in bed or so help me I will smack you so hard you won't ever get rid of that headache." Hera Said and pointed to my cabin. "Okay." I mumbled and groaned "ugh." I put my back up against the wall and slid down before I could go into the bedroom. "I can't make it." I groaned and watched kanan help me. "Do you mind switching beds?" Kanan ask "he doesn't have the strength to get up into his." I looked at zeb. "As long as he doesn't get me sick." Kanan put me in zeb's bed and I heard him talking to hera. "He might not be able to do anything for weeks." I tried not to sleep but my eyes forced shut and I feel asleep. Again no dream.
"Ezra's waking up" I yelled to the crew. "He doesn't look that good." Sabine implyed. "He must be starving and dehydrated." Hera Said.
"Hello?" Ezra said as he woke up. "It feels like the world is crashing down on me." He told the crew.
Was that chapter long enough in your opinion this took me forever XD tell me what you all think. Comment your opinion! Good or bad
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