chapter 26--- force is back
I yawned as I stretched when I woke up. I walked passed and he had his face in his pillow. I smiled and joined hera in the common room once again. After a couple minutes zeb and sabine joined. "Is ezra up yet?" I asked zeb. "Ya I think" he told us. I walked into zeb and ezra's room. "Hey ezra" I smiled. "Your going to join us in the common room whether you like it or not." I said and he sat up. I helped him out of the room. I walked behind him puting my hands on his sholders. Luckily there where no sharp turns only around the ladder. He eventally got there and sat down. "Hey ezra" sabine smiled. He waved weekly showing that he didn't want to be there. "Atleast talk to us. You can't see but you can talk ya' know" zeb said. "I know that." Ezra talked. "See know your talking." Hera smiled. "Ya so." Ezra said trying to not talk. "Well that's a good thing." She replied. "I have to put the ship on auto correct, want to come ezra?" Hera asked ezra. "sure whatever." He replied. She leads ezra up to the cockpit. "We have a opp." I tell the rest of the crew. "Since ezra can't see he won't notice that were gone." I explained the plan, then we left.
I heard the beeping of the Phantom leaving, "whose leaving?" I asked hera. "No one that was chopper messing up the buttons" she said. Chopper beeped angerly. I knew she was Covering something..... all I did was get into my room by myself!!!!! Ns then I lyed down. My head flopped into my pillow
Me and zeb all grabbed a crate and ran to the landing platform where sabine was ready to take off in the phanton. The ghost wasn't far away. We loaded into the ship and then took off. Three TIEs where after us. I saw the ghost geting closer as shots fit of the Phantoms shield. We all came down the ladder. I took the top gun, sabine took the side canon, and zeb took the rear shot.
I was just sleeping and all of a sudden the ghost shock wildly. I tryed to stay on my bunk and the ghost lost its power. The lights flickered on, off, on, off. Suddenly the last jerk pulled me out of bed and I went flying against the door. Then everything went quiet. Finally it was over.
I had taken out one tie. Someone else took out another. The one left shot the ghost breaking it's shields. I heard a huge thud. I let that go it was probly zeb running through the ship. I joined the crew at the cockpit. "Hey, where's ezra?" I asked. "Ezra went back to his room, sabine went to check on him." Then sabine came rushing in. "Ezra's down!" She yelled from half way down the hall. Ezra stood with the help of a counter in his room. I ran over to assist him. He wrapped a arm around my next. He rubbed his head. "What happened I thought you said this was a routine opp?" Hera said helping me to get ezra into med bay again. "H ed didn't slam hard but his concouision made it worst." I said looking through the cabanits in the medbay. Then I turned when I saw the scratch on his face from the creature that attacked him earlier was bleeding due to the scab wiping open. Ezra groaned and tryed to get up. He used the wall and anything he could reach to help him. "Ezra, you need help!" Sabine said lying ezra back down. "I do not! I just want to go back to bed." He said whiningly when he was tired all the time he's usally just covering up. "Fine zeb help him to your guys room." I told him. Zeb put his hands on ezra's sholder but ezra pushed them off. "I don't need help." He said and walked long the ghosts walls. Zeb and I followed him to make sure he was alright. He ran into the bunk and reach out for the ladder. He dragged him self up and plopped onto his pillow. He let out a huge sigh of agravation. "Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he mufulled. Me and zeb walk out.
"Where you sucseessful In finding the boy?" I asked agent kallus. "The boy wasn't on the mission, sir." The ISB agent gulped. "Get out!" I yelled at him. He did as he was told. I must have injuried him if he wasn't with his master.
Hera came into my room. "Yoy should get out of bed and move. Let me know." She said and left. I got up but wanted to cry and scream but I know couldn't or I shouldn't after all My head hurt I hit it multiple times now. I my way into the common room. Kanan stopped me bye catching me by my arm, it made Mr scared for a sec. "Ezra! What are you doing?!" He asked."hera said to take a walk!" I was still very soar. So I decided to lye back down. My knees felt like they would collapsed soon. So as soon as I got in my room I put my back to my ladder and slide down. I was so tired and weak.
Time skip 3 hours later 7:00
I walked passed ezra's room to talk to him about him meditating, the day he couldn't use the force. It has been a week since his eyes quit. Little did I know that ezra would be lying there on the floor up agaisnt the ladder. "What happened?" I aksed myself. "Hera! Get in here!" I yelled as I I tryed to wake ezra. "What is it-" then she saw ezra and automatically knows what's going on. She rolls up his pant leg and his knees where red. "Ya just what I thought." She said. "What is it?" I asked impatiently. "He collapsed from week knees. Has he ran anywhere or did he walk a long distance?"she asked me. "He walked to the rec room." I said after I thought for a minute. "Ya g hat did it. He'll be fine just needs to stay off his feet." She said and I lift him into my room so he can sleep on the bottom bunk. I wanted to inform zeb of the kid in my room. I come to the rec room (?¿?) Seeing zeb doing nothing but kicking chopper in the back of the orange part. "Hey, zeb." I had his attention. "The kid is going to be in my room because he's not doing well." I explained.
I woke up in Kanan's room. I decided to get up be spite all the pain in my head and knees. Once I was finally up I came into the common room feeling My way. I was much better at feeling and using my or . The crew usally gathers there for some reason. "Ezra!" Kanan yelled. "What?!" I asked. "You need to lye down. Now! Last time you collapsed." He said concrened. "Ya but I feel better." I lied. I just want to stop doing nothing. "Then atleast sit down." Hera said. I groaned and sat down. "How was the opp?" I asked him.
I knew he was lieing about him feeling better. He's feeling bad. I can tell. When he walks his knees shake a bit. Not very noticeable. "How was the opp?" He asked and I snapped out of my thinking coma. "what? Oh it was good." I smiled he was looking right passed me. he got up. "Need help?" I asked him. "N-nò" he said and leaned on the wall. I ran up to him and he put his put his arm around me. His head was down and his hair covered it. "What's happing?" I asked him and put him in my bottom bunk. "Ezra tell me what's hurt?" I asked him hoping he will be calm enough to tell me. "I'm so dizzy and m-my head hurts ." He said quietly. "This might hurt a bit" I said and put a needle into his arm. Hera walked by as soon as I put it In him. "What's that?" She asked."tranquilizer, he started to get really dizzy and his head hurt. He'll be up in a hour." I told her, the crew had gathered around ezra.
Ezra was waking up. We all looked over him.
I senced the crew. I senced the crew. I can tell them that I could see! Finally I'm going in opps. "Kanan?" I smiled. "Ya I'm here kid." He said. "I know that" I laughed. "What? Can you see me?" He asked me. "As clear as sabine, zeb, hera, and chopper." I lied I really could only sence them. They'll probably find out the truth but I don't care I just want to go on missions again! "How do you feel?" Kanan asked. "I feel good... why do you ask? Why am I in your room?" I asked even though I knew I just didn't want them to think I remember all that. "I can't understand how he healed so fast?" He told them. "What do you mean heal?" I really remember everything and everything was still soar. "It's best you don't knso" he said and i felt his happyness. we all walked to the cargo hold.
"Hey hera when's our next mission?" I asked like I always do. "Are you sure you'll be able to go?" Hera asked. "Yeah why wouldn't I?"
"Yeah why wouldn't I?" Ezra asked hera. I gave hera a look that said Shhh. She smiled and said, "I don't know just asking." She said and came by me. "When is the next opp?" I asked. "Tommarow." She smiled and told me the plan. We told the crew over and over. I was scared for ezra. It was his first mission in 2 weeks. Which seemed like forever.
I'm finally going on a mission! Once kanan was done explaining the plan 24 times, we all went to bed. I walked up to the ladder and lyed down. I felt safe now that I can 'see' again. Even of it was just senceing atleast I can go on missions. I smiled. Zeb came in and he sorta scared me because I was deep in thought. "Hey kid" he yelled. "Ah! Geesh! I was thinking." I said and pulled my blanket over me. "Good night" I said to zeb he started to snore.
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