chapter 24-- unwanted?
Kanan's POV
I called the crew into the common room to plan a mission. Sabine came in and sat down. Zeb and ezra came in and they where nudging each other playfully. I explained the plan...... Then I explained it about 14 more times. "Ok, love, we should all get some sleep." Hera said before I could say got it? Again....
"Alright fine" I sighed and we all depart to our cabins. "Ezra, you okay?"I asked I was trying to protect him. I know the inquisitor still wants him dead.
"I'm fine" I shrugged. Even though this is the 7th time he's asked today. I wanted to scream, 'no I'm dying on the inside, my father is a freakin sith and I'm fighting him.' But i keep my cool. "Are you sure your okay." He worried, I'm okay with that but I don't like this feeling of loss. "Ya," I paused I heard his door close and I was the one left in the hall. "No..." I said quietly to myself.
Time skip tomarrow morning
I woke up, the crew was up already. I walked passed them. "Hey ezra what are you doing?" Kanan asked. "I'm just taking a walk." I told them. "Do you want me to come?" Sabine asked. "I rather go...alone..." I gulped snd ran away. I saw a fields. No body saw them. "I am not okay!"I yelled. I sat down and put my head between my knees then I heard a crunch on a leaf. I whipped around. "H-hello?" I said unsurely. "Ezra?" Sabine said. Of course I just gotten myself into so much trouble. She sat next to me. "You should tell kanan, he could help. Why aren't you okay?" She asked. "I'm not wanted, my father left me to become a sith" I lyed down on the ground and sighed. "Ezra, we want you, we really do.." she said. "Well I have to go back. Think about what I said." She smiled and went back to the ghost. I decided to go back myself. Maybe I was wrong...
as I got back to the ship, I saw kanan and sabine talking. I decided to listen...but they didn't see me, thank yoda.
"He's not okay" sabine said."he said he was." Kanan argued. "But I heard him, he said that he's not okay." Sabime said and then I tryed to get up into the vent. Before I could go in the closet in the common room she stopped me. She gestured for me to tell kanan. "Ya your right I'm just going to go in my room." I said even though that's not what she said or wanted me to do.
I passed kanan. "Hey ezra, you okay?" He asked again. "Ya for the 1000th time I am fine" I said and he grabbed my hand. "No tell me the truth. I try to help but you think you have to be independent all the time." He squeezed my wrist. "Kanan let me go! I'm fine! I don't need anyone to help me!" I yelled running into my room. I slide my back against the door into a sitting position. "I'm unwanted...."I said to myself.
He wasn't okay... please talk to me ezra. Open up. "Ezra open the door, you need to come out." He didn't open it. He didn't even awnser me. I walked to the cockpit and the group was all there. "He's not coming out." I told them. "Hey! It's my room too!" Zeb shouted. "Calm down I'm sure he'll let you in before dinner" I reassured him. He groaned. "I'll make him come out " then he put his fist in his hand. "No, he already feels bad don't make him feel unwanted even more!" Sabine told the crew. "What do you mean unwanted." Hera asked."I mean he said that he felt unwanted." She sighed.
Hera called us all in for dinner. I knew ezra was going to come out he would never miss dinner. To my surprise he wasn't sitting at the table. "Where's ezra?" I asked. "Still hogging my room" zeb grunted. "He should miss dinner, I'll go leave this at his door." Hera left some food near ezra's cabin. Then I heard her knock. "Ezra, I made you a tray, it's out here" she told him. I came next to her to hear the response of the young crew member. "Thanks hera but no thanks" he said he exchanged concerned looks. Then the crew all went to their rooms. Zeb was left pounding the door. "Zeb, zeb," he turned around. "I'll try to make ezra open up" I reassured him. "I guess we could trade rooms for tonight." I said he walked into his room and I knocked on the door for ezra. "Ezra, it's kanan, you can talk to me. I won't tell anyone." The door slide open and it was dark he pulled me in with a hurry. "Ezra are you--" he cut me off. "No." He said silently. "Kanan, i've seen visions." He admitted. "What do they look like?" I asked hoping to calm him down, he was breathing heavily just thinking of his visions. "Ezra?" I asked he nodded. "Oh um I just can't say." He gulped. "Well I'll stay right here by you, incase you a have a nightmere i will wake you. I can help." I reassured him. "Wait, where's zeb?" He asked "he's in my room." I told him. "Ok" he smiled.
Ezra hasn't seen anything for tonight, after a hour I decided that he would be fine. I was wrong. Just after a few minutes he jumped up. I heard the bed thump. "Ezra?" I asked. He jumped off his bed. "What are you seeing?" I asked him. "Stop it!" He screamed. "Get away! Stop!" He yelled. Then he back out of the room, like some thing or someone was going on that he didn't want to see. The crew gathered as He held his head and squezzed his eyes shut. "This isn't real" he said then he opened his eyes and stumbled back wards. H tryed to rub out of the ghost but as he ran down the ramp he fell. I knelt next to him. He opened his eyes, as he stared into the blue lothal sky. "Was it a vision or a dream?"He asked as the crew looked down at him. "Diffrence?" Sabine asked in a questionable tone. "A vision is when I see things when I'm awake and a dream is when I'm asleep." She nodded. "Definitely a vision." She said. "That's strange I have never had see one that realistic" he said and I helped him up. Everyone left. "How bad was it?" I asked him.
"Worst then any other and I have a feeling there gonna get a lot more intense." He told me."You have to pretend there not there like they don't hurt you."I explained
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