chapter 23-- is it cold in here or what?
I didn't see anything when I fell asleep. Nothingness, it was kinda peaceful. Last king I remeber from my last dream was kanan killing the inquisitor. I don't think it was real but it sure seemed like it! I saw some light as I opened my eyes. I blinked a few times and propped myself up on my elbows. I sighed and got up. It was morning. "I see your up so early" kanan said as I walked into the common room. "Ya," I smiled. "How long--" he cut me off "you went to bed around six last night." He took a sip of his coffee. "Woah that explains why I got so much sleep and woke so early." I smiled. "Sleeping beauty's up this early?!."I heard zeb ask from behind me. "You can't call me that!" I yelled and chased his. His face dropped as I ran toward him he started to run and I chased him. "Get back here you slinky lassat!" I yelled. "Your still just a kid." He said taking my light Saber and lifting it so I couldn't reach. "Hey! This is serious don't make me hurt you." I warned. "You! Hurt me? Oh please!" He said Sarcasticlly. I squat down and took my foot and knock him off his feet. I used the force to take my light Saber back. "You will never learn." I said walking snottish. He grunted and got up he was still in shock. "Hera! Tell ezra to stop tripping me!" Zeb whined to hera. Hera rolled her eyes.
"Well zeb I was thinking of pulling a prank, but now that you and me are rivals...."I smirked. Everyone's eyes widened and they exchanged looks. "Sabine, would you like to help?" I ask and
Ignore everyone's facial expressions. "I would love to kind sir" she said like she was in the mid - evil times. "Let's go plan my mam' " me and sabine walk out. "So you know what I'm thinkin?" She obviously does as she pulled out the paint can. " good, good." I evilly laugh.
Me and hera where taking caution. Looking everywhere. We where back to back walking I'm into the common room. "Watch my back. I'll watch yours. There are three entrences, kitchen, top gun, and loading room." She nodded and we went around and we sat down and looked around. "You guys look like lil' prarie dogs." Zeb laughed. "Aren't you the least bit scared of ezra, king of pranks, he could be anywhere in the ship." Hera remarked. "He could be in the vents, he could be around any coner." I said in attempted to freak him out. "No kids gonna scare me, a fomer guard of --" he got cut off as he heard a huge bang in the vents. We all went into a huddle. "Cover all the ways out of the vents." I whispered. They all split and started. I started in zeb and ezra's room. I covered it with tape. I covered the one in the kitchen too. "All covered?" I asked as we regrouped. "Hi guys." I saw sabine walk in. I nodded and zeb took her to her room and locked the door "Hey!" She yelled. "Zeb, only turn the A.C on the medium setting." Hera scolded. "In got it, I got It" zeb said quite annoyed.
Zeb walked into the phanton where the A.C was located. He turned it on the first setting and he was about to walk out as he heard chopper beep. "What do you want you bucket of bolts!" He said as he was still annoyed. He beeped agaun. " I guess turning it down a bit wouldn't do much...." he said, "fine chopper, turn it up a bit." Zeb demanded. Chopper plugged in and spun it down to low. He beeped happily.
They blocked off all the vents with tape. Now all I need to know Is there plans....then I relized how cold it was getting. At first it wasn't bad. But it grew colder and colder. My teeth started to chatter. "Having fun?" Kanan asked. "Ya s-sure
c-can you t-turn it off?" I asked. It was freezing. My chest was shivering and I pulled my knees up to my chest. "No kid you have ta learn your lesson" zeb said laughin. "This isn't funny anymore guys!" I yelled. "Don't be sore!" Zeb said. I groaned. I can't belive how cold it felt like I was on hoth....with shorts and a tank top on. After about 20 minutes I was really shivering. "S-s-stop i-i-it guys" I couldn't help my stutter. "Ezra?" Hera asked concerned. "Zeb! How cold is it?" She asked. "I told chop to turn it down a little." Zeb replyed. "CHOPPER!" Kanan and hera both said and I heard them running to the phanton I assume. I heard the clanging of the ladder and o saw a light. I climbed to the open vent. My teeth where chattering, while my whole body shook. I dived out of the vent and hera helped me get into the chair as kanan let sabine out. Hera covered me with a blanket. "Z-zeb" I said still shivering. "I couldn't help it! It was chops fault!" Zeb laughed. "Ezra, woah! zeb what did you do?" Sabime looked at zeb. "It was chopper!" He yelled again. She just rolled her eyes snd zeb grunted. "Ezra Are You cold?" Hera asked. No I'm not cold, sarcasm. "It feel like I'm on hoth with summer clothes on." Hera shrugged sorta embassedly. "No more pranks."kanan said and me, zeb, and sabine awed. Me and zeb walked toward our cabin and the crew fell asleep. Like I wouldn't seek revange. I want to evily laugh but can't zeb's sleeping. want to but can't.
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