chapter 22 --payback
Its been a while since the freezing my butt off in the vents incedent....I woke up to the normal rotuine. I walked into the common room and kanan, hera and sabine where all up. They where all into there own conversations. Then I heard heavy foot steps. Obviously zeb. "Hey, kid where you cold last night?" He asked and joked. I shot him the certain death look. "Oh sorry to offend you sleeping beauty!" He laughed harder. His playful smile was revoked, when I ran toward him in a mad tone. "Grrr" I said as I chased him. He ran by the cockpit and stopped. "Kid...don't you dare!"he said. "Your gonna pay!" I said."you? Hurt me!" He said and started to Laugh. I squat down and took my leg and swept it under him. "Woah!" He said and fell. "That's just the first..." I said and walked away. I walked to kanan. "Hey you wanna go to my tower? I need help." I winked. He thought "oh, I mean um sure" he said with a quick recover. I walked out and he followed, as we got closer he looked confused. "Instead your tower burned down?" He asked. "Yup, but they don't know that" I smirked. "So zeb is going to try to prank me, I tripped him. You are going to help." I told him. "Fine" he sighed. "He bought some plastic wrap" I said and he was still confused. "Take your time."I said pretending to check my watxh. "Oh I get it!" He yelled. "Fine you pretend like I've been meditating when I 'fall' you have to say that I'm light headed. Like I'm hurt" he nodded. We went back to the ship. As I planed, zeb had set up plastic wrap. Kanan followed me to my cabin. He laughed a bit and I 'triped' onto the wrap. I fell down and I closed my eyes.
"Kid, get up it was just clear wrap" he rolled his eyes. "Ezra!" I acted concerned. "You don't understand, he was heavily meditating. He's light headed and in a trance." I explaided. Zeb smiled sheepishly. "Take him to his room" £I commanded. Zeb picked him up and swung him over his shoulder. I watch him slightly open his eyes and squirting pink sparkly glue, on zeb's back. Zeb placed ezra in his bed and he shot up. "I'm okay!" He yelled. "What?!" Kanan said--" ezra cut him off. "Kanan lied, we got you!" Ezra laughed and zeb walked into the common room I placed a wet paint sign. He sat down. "Hey zeb can you go and get me a few things." I handed him a List "Alright" he grabbed the list alright d tryed to get up. "Hey what is this!" He yelled. Ezra popped out of the vent and held and tube of pink sparkly super glue. "Super glue" he smiled and waved the tube. "How do I get off?" He asked prying off. Finally he broke free. He went into their cabin and changed. When he came out the whole crew laughed. "Awe shut your mouths!" Zeb rolled his eyes. "So hera what's the mission?" Sabine asked "we need to stop an empire shipment of a nuclear shipment" she explained. "If the empire gets these we might not make it to the next mission." She said. "They will be a star destroyer we attack tomarrow" we all nodded ad spit to our cabins. "Ezra, make sure to sleep" I told him and he rolled his eyes.
Time skip tomarrow
"Get up kid! Time to get ready the mission remeber?" I hear kanan ask. "I have been up!" I said "I just didn't feel like getting up!" I shouted and he laughed. "get up!" He left and I rejoined the group. "we are going to be landing in 10 minutes!" Hera warned.
Kanan's POV
Went in for a landing and me and ezra where parntners then and sabine and zeb where partners. Me and ezra walked to the center of the distroyer. "Where are these exploders" he asked. "Right....." I turned the corner holding the words. "Here" I turned on a elevation on a crate. "Ok let's get these crates back to the ghost. Sabine and zeb are still covering us." Ezra said. "Ok boss what ever you wish..." I said Sarcasticlly now that he was older he was more of a leader. "Yeah yeah" he laughed a bit, wow I forgot what he laughed like...I looked shocked a bit. "What?! Did I do something?" He asked and raised an eyebrow. "No its just I forgot..." I didn't know I'd I should finish the sentence.... "what? What did you forget?" He asked, I know he would of pryed it from me. "I just forgot that you could laugh." He stayed quiet. "Sorry..." I heard him mumbled. Then a ton of storm troopers came before I could tell him I didn't mean to offend him. They fired, very poorly fired at us. ((Author- seriously there shots are never on point ))
We got on the ship. Ezra was panting heavely. "Everyone okay?" Hera asked as she walked in. "Ya" ezra said between breaths. "That ship was huge!"he said finally catching his breath. "Ya that's the emporors ship..." everyone looked at sabine like she was crazy. "Did I forget to mention?" She laughed sheepishly. "Um ya!" Everyone said. "Well I don't know about you but I'm bushed I'm gonna go rest up." Ezra said fastly
Just to get out of the room. "Ya long day of nothing planed for tomarrow" zeb said Sarcasticlly walking into their room. Ezra glared and I followed zeb. "Come on ezra zeb's the one who sleeps all day!" Everyone laughed except zeb and ezra. "What's your problem that joke had everything you like? Making fun of zeb!" Sabine said cheering him up. "It wasn't that funny" he said and shut the door in their faces. "Must not be a good day." Hera said hesitatly.
Tomarrow is the day. The empire ruined my life. My parents where taken. I think I'm going to go and sleep in my--. I forgot my tower was burned down. I couldn't stay here anymore. I'm just going to tell them that I'm Leaving for the night. They'll let me go. I know exactly where I'm going. The one place I feel at home. I picked up a few things and shoved then in my bag. I walked to the group. "Hey ezra, why are you carring your bag?" Hera asked. "Well I was going out to my tower for tonight." I replied. "Why?" Sabine asked. "Because I Want to. Is that a crime" she giggled and waved. "Ok bye." The crew waved and I walked to my parents house. As I arrived I came in and lied down. I knew I was safe. Thus is the last place they'd think to look.
"How does the kid all of a sudden miss being a street rat?" Zeb asked. "Maybe he's just gathering some things." Hera Said postitivly. "We all know he would never lie...right?" Sabine said and the whole crew looked at me. "Wait.." I jumped up. "I got a find him!" I yelled and zeb held me back "Woah Woah! Why are you going to look for him?" hera asked. I pulled free. "The empire burned his tower down!"I yelled and ran. "Stay here!" I told them and bolted toward his parents house. I could sence him there.
I just felt a comfort feeling , then I got a headach.
Kanan is looking for me. I forgot he knew my tower was burned. I'll just tell him the truth. My eyes where stained with tears. 'Is it normal for a jedi to be upset?' I asked kanan using the force. 'Even siths get upset, usally when they lose some one they had in there heart.' He explained through the force. I didn't awnser.i knew he was going to ask if I wanted to talk. Truth is I did want to tell him. I just don't know how...
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