chapter 21-- tired
I couldn't sleep knowing that I have died from a little night mare. I knew hera wanted zeb to look on me all night.he wasn't snoring, therefore he is awake. I pretended to be asleep. keeping my self was harder than ever before. It felt like I haven't slept in forever. "Kid? You up?"I heard zeb ask. "Now I am." I said petendong I just woke up. "Oh," he chuckled "sorry bout that." He whispered. "It's fine." I said as I rolled around and 'fell back asleep'. After a couple minutes I heard the doors slide open carefully. Hera. It had to be hera kanan never comes In carefully. "Is he asleep?" Hera asked. "Ya kids asleep." Zeb replyed. "No he's not." Kanan said and my eyes widened. "Now I'm not!"I said angry. "okay. Okay calm down and go back to bed." Hera said and zeb, hera, and--- NOT KANAN Left. Why is he just staring at me. "You weren't sleeping." He said and glared. "Yes I was." I said and his glared burned me. "How did you know?" I asked admitting. "I didn't but you just told me. I guess I wouldn't of slept easy either. Good night kid."he said and walked out. I sat agaisnt the wall and pulled my knees up to my chest.
'I'm glad zeb isn't spying and hopefully kanan won't tell. I mean he did say that he under stood. Right? It's only about 3:00 so tht means everyone will be asleep. Zeb is probably sleeping on Kanan's top bunk. So I guess I could get up and take a walk'
I thought to myself. I got up and started walking towards the common road and sat down. "Ezra?" I heard someone say. It was sabine I forgot she always takes night strolls. "Um no?" I said in a shakily tone. "Ezra. Why are you up?"she asked hastfully. "I just thought I would get up and um wait for you." I said off the top of my head. "Well I'm back now and you can go back to sleep." She said following me into my cabin and opening my door. "Fine." I said annoyed. I saw zeb back in his bunk and kanan came out of the shadows. "I told you to go to sleep!"he said madly and I walked up and sat in my bunk. "It was Sabine's fault." I mumbled. "What was that!" Sabine said opening her door and stepping into her room. "Nothing." I said nervously. "Kanan fine I will really go to sleep of you actally go to sleep and not spy on me." I crossed my arms. "Fine kid I'll go to sleep." He walks out. I stare at the celling for about a half hour and then I go peek in Kanan's room to see of he's sleeping. I walk up to his room with the door cracked a tiny only enough to see him sleeping. I went out of the ghost up to my tower. 'Hope they don't miss me' I thought to myself. I climb up the ladder once again. "Ah the good old days." I said and smiled. I chuckled as I got into the one room I had. "I've missed you " I said to my old tower. I touched every thing carefully. Before I knew it the sun was up. I felt a foce sign and my eyes widened. Kanan. "Where have you bren?!"he said and he was mad. "I'm sorry. I couldn't sleep." I told him. "you could of atleast told us." He said and he turned to go back. "You comeing kid?" He asked. "No not yet." He came back up. "You can leave I'll be back in a bit." I informed him. "No way you aren't allowed to leave the ship without some one."I groaned. "But kanan." He laughed and we both walked down the ladder to the ship. "Ezra bridger! Don't ever scare me like that!" Hera shouted. "Hera, I'm 18 old enough to--" kanan intruped. "Go out on your own and into trouble."he said mocking my young voice. I gave him a death glare. The crew laughed. I walked into my room. "I'm going to meditate."I told them. "I'm gonna try." I muttered under my breath. I walked into my room and closed my eyes and everything was black. My eyes were dry so I knew I was opening my eyes.
I walked past ezra's room. Everything was in the air. "Kanan!" Zeb yelled. "Oh no. It's just a simple phase. Promise he won't die every time." I informed him. "Well I'm leaving."he said and walked to the common room. I meditated next to ezra entering his vision. I took out my light saber and I saw the inquisitor about to kill ezra. I run in and stab him from behind. If ezra thought I could protect him he will feel safer and stop having visions and dreams. I woke up and about 5 minutes after ezra woke up. He stode up and then fell down. He was asleep. He was scattered on the ground I put a blanket on him and walked out into the common room. "His visions are gone." I told the crew. "What do you mean by visions?" Sabine asked. "That's what put him in distress." I told them. "Oh" sabine said. "So how is he now?"hera asked. "He's asleep he wouldn't sleep last night." I told her and I was expecting a freak out. "He didn't sleep!" She said and there's the freak out.
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