Han Solo- Crash Landing (a)
"I don't think they know where we landed." Han wiped the sweat from his brow and stared and the Millennium Falcon, whose once proud body now served as one large exhaust port for plumes of bellowing smoke.
"I think landed is a but of a push." You gestured to the mile long trenches in the ground and the valley of trees that the crash landing had created on it's entrance to the mysterious planet. "Never mind landed, I think the word crash is a bit more useful here." Han rolled his eyes and scanned around the dense, jungle like climate in search of something that could be used to identify your whereabouts. "What exactly are you hoping to find here?" You asked, your panic led you to merely walking up and down the lengths of the Falcon, you knew it was less useful than what Han was doing but give then he was spending his time staring at trees that wasn't much of a competition.
"I'm trying to identify what kind of tree this it." He leant against the rigid bark and pulled his hand away instantly, with it came a long, drooping string of clear and sticky goo. Furiously he rubbed his hands against the ground to do what he could to get rid of the mysterious substance. "Where's C3-PO when you need him? A tree that secretes thick layers of goo... marvellous. I guess I should just be lucky it didn't burn my hand off."
"If you get pregnant with weird alien tree babies I promise you I'm not being your birthing partner." Your attempt to lighten the mood did not seem to go well.
"What a comedian, I wouldn't be surprised if you were the funniest guy on the planet right now. That wouldn't be too hard given I didn't see a single sign of a building whilst we were plummeting into here."
"Can you cut the sarcasm for two minutes Han? One moment were flying somewhere that you wouldn't even tell me 'it's a surprise' you said 'you'll love your anniversary present' the next moment the Empire's on our ass and we get shot down."
"You love my sarcasm." Han shrugged, almost making the same mistake with another tree.
"Han get a grip, in situations like this I hate your sarcasm, you can't be serious for two seconds!"
"I can't date this guy." Han scoffed, pointing at you with his thumb as he turned the other way. "He hates sarcasm. That's like my second language! What do you suggest then boy genius? We can't radio anyone, we don't have any emergency things, they're all in the Falcon and if I know what I'm smelling, which I'm pretty sure I do, the Falcon stands a decent chance of exploding any minute now." You already had retrieved anything that might be urgently needed, something to sleep on, some food and drink.
"Well hopefully when it does, you'll be inside." Han mocked a chuckle as he made his way to the hole that had formed on the side of the Falcon thanks to the well-placed blaster cannon shot.
"I thought all of a sudden you hated sarcasm?" He crawled inside as you looked around.
"It wasn't sarcasm."
Written by Aaron.
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