Han Solo- Cargo (a)
"It isn't really hard, if you don't get caught, the Empire can't send you to prison. Got it?" You nodded, admittedly very cautiously as the last of Han's plan spun through your head. "They will come aboard to look around the Falcon, there's absolutely no way of getting on the planet without going through the Empire checkpoint, trust me, Chewy and I have looked over the maps countless times." You nodded along as Han ran his fingers along the solar projection. "When they come aboard, there's no way we can possibly hide this cargo, right? So, they come aboard, you wait and knock them out and then we just speed away and land in the jungle where the buyer wanted us to go." The cocky grin plastered across Han's face was enough to tell you that it was more than a terrible idea.
"And you really trust this guy? He's given you some random co-ordinates on an Empire infested planet, and you're just going to run along and drop a payload of this size and value in the jungle?" Han grinned, made sure his blaster was strapped to his waist and closed the doors of the Falcon.
"You don't get far in this business without contacts, and I've got 'em by the bucketload. Just trust me, I work only with reliable, trustworthy individuals. More importantly this is enough credits to set both of us up for life. Wouldn't it be nice to never have to run a smuggle ever again? I mean, I will, but the thought of being able to settle down somewhere without the Empire up my ass is nice."
After preliminary checks to the Falcon, Han asked if you were ready to go and before you knew it the junkyard of a ship was hurtling towards what could easily be a horrible death at the hands of either the Empire or whoever had set up this contract with Han.
"Only reliable contracts? Is that how you got Jabba's bounty hunter goons on your tail? Is that why every time one of us get's into trouble, it's always because that slimy bastard has paid someone to come and get you?" With a warning from Han and the flick of a switch the jump to hyperspace had been made and the superiorly guarded checkpoint and all of the Stormtroopers guarding it were in very clear view.
"You make some enemies, so what? It would be boring if every run was easy."
Written by Aaron.
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